Getting paid for the right opinion

03. März 2024

(The dis­cus­sion was held nine mon­ths ago.)

I don’t see how any of what we did is causing this now!”

- you know, I was a Moscow core­spon­dent from ’92 to ’95!”

Inclu­ding, but not limi­ted to:

- Mul­ti­ple fal­se ver­bal pro­mi­ses of non enlar­ge­ment of Nato
- Fake “rus­sia could join Nato” pro­mi­ses that led nowhe­re, and pro­bab­ly whe­re desi­gned go mis­lead a coun­tries government in the first place
- offers that once we expan­ded for the ele­venth time, rus­sia could at least send wea­pon inspec­tors once in a while, to ensu­re that the “rocket shield” we instal­led wasnt sto­cked with offen­si­ve wea­pon­ry - they were secu­re­ly stored in a “clo­sed for inspec­tion” clo­set in the same facility.
[edit: Remo­ved a point whe­re I was pan­de­ring fake infor­ma­ti­on con­cer­ning Nato bun­kers in Ukrai­ne, pro­bab­ly my worst mista­ke in more than two years covering the situa­ti­on. Here is a full cor­rec­tion pos­ting inclu­ding infor­ma­ti­on of what went through my head, while pos­ting this: click]
- deli­vering about 300 mil­li­on USD worth of Jave­lins and Stin­gers to Ukraine
- then 6 mon­ths later white­lis­ting them “for their defen­se efforts” in the Don­bas becau­se - and I mean, who could argue with us good guys on doing that
- fab­ri­ca­ting Minsk 2 as a fake pro­cess meant to “ensu­re, that the Ukrai­ne had time to “arm up” against russia”
- hel­ping with, inclu­ding finan­cial life­li­nes topp­ling the demo­cra­ti­cal­ly elec­ted, well lets call it regime any­how in Ukrai­ne in 2014
- meddling with that coun­tries inter­nal poli­tics doing “demo­cra­cy - but more wes­tern style” pro­mo­ti­on tours on the Mai­dan fea­turing US Sena­tors, and self baked coo­kies by Vic­to­ria Nuland
- Get­ting peop­le of the far right into Ukrai­nes tran­si­tio­nal government.
- Pre­ven­ting Klitsch­ko from get­ting any signi­fi­cant role in the tran­si­ti­on government, becau­se “Fuck the EU”.
- Down­play­ing the role of Sevas­to­pol in Rus­si­as for­eign poli­cy “enact­ment” schemes.
- Lying to peop­le about the natu­re of Natos “open door poli­cy” and the impor­t­ance of kee­ping it very open door, but at the same time requi­re a unani­mous decisi­on by all of its mem­bers to get in.
- Lying to Ukrai­ne about the pro­spects (size) of its future as a green ener­gy Power­house on the eas­ter pre­mi­ses of Europe.
- Tel­ling rus­sia, the Nato dog wont bite at its bor­ders, it just wants to play. And defend. Like it always did. Except for that one time, …

And thats all befo­re the lies in the war nar­ra­ti­ves set in!

But now - you see all of that real­ly qua­li­fies for:

I don’t see how any of what we did is causing this now!”

As a par­ti­al argu­ment, not a cau­sal one - so that you are par­ti­al­ly to bla­me, not ent­i­re­ly but you didnt even want to put on that shoe, becau­se nega­ting it out­right is always what the US does in for­eign rela­ti­ons, who are we kid­ding here.

You are the moral ones. The shi­ning city on a hill. Good guys in army spanks.

Oh and by the way - you abso­lute­ly know this to be true, because -

YOU HAVE GIVEN PUTIN EVERY CHANCE NOT TO INVADE, Selen­sky for about a week was even open to neu­tra­li­ty, befo­re the right sec­tor (and later BoJo, or Butscha) was­hed his head for it!

Oh and about Butscha.

BUTSCHA IS NOT IMPORTANT, right - we all in Ger­ma­ny agree, that BUTSCHA IS NOT IMPORTANT, right?

We said it in this Spie­gel Inter­view, when Gisi repor­ted some­thing he shouldnt have!

And we for­got to talk about the 1000 rus­si­an Sol­di­ers that were kil­led the­re by Himars in all of ger­man media… For two years.

You see -

and becau­se you know what Putin thinks, you just intui­tively under­stand, that he not only wan­ted to take over the Ukrai­ne with too few mili­ta­ry units (man­power) for the job, no - he also wan­ted to ree­sta­b­lish the sov­jet uni­on, some­thing he has never said, or allu­ded to, much less put into writing.

And you unders­tood, that he wan­ted to topp­le the Ukrai­ni­an government, becau­se he atta­cked Kiew, and tal­ked about “De-Nazification”.

Some­thing Net­an­ya­hu also did (ideo­lo­gi­cal clean­sing, demi­li­ta­riz­a­ti­on, take over of all rele­vant government depart­ments, take over of the mili­ta­ry and secu­ri­ty infra­st­ruc­tu­re), about three weeks ago, so you know he’s just on an Anti-Terror mis­si­on, in his frontyard…

Oh by the way - and that 

- war against the Nazis, is rus­si­as “enemy nar­ra­ti­ve” for inter­nal use (fight the sub­hu­man, as a pre­re­qui­si­te, to get peop­le to shoot at others),
which alrea­dy was down­gra­ded in the Anka­ra pre-treaty con­tracts to mean ANYTHING BUT “for­ced regime chan­ge in the ent­i­re­ty of Ukraine”


- Putin didnt attack Kiew to “end this one quick­ly” (ok, take over of the government was a tar­get per­spec­ti­ve, that one has been pret­ty much vali­da­ted by now, alt­hough Putin - after that fai­led made con­ces­si­ons pret­ty ear­ly on, not to kill Selen­skyj, and reco­gni­ze them as the valid repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of Ukrai­ne, but then who can trust Putin -- well Selen­skyj apper­ent­ly, when repor­ted­ly he came out of hiding the same day and star­ted publicly blog­ging on Ins­ta like a mad­man, star­ting the same day… But of cour­se thats just hear­say and conjecture.)

you just know are both not the case, becau­se you have ulti­ma­te foresight.

Also Ukrai­ne has to win because…

… losing is not an option!

Well - even in the MAIN NARRATIVE LINE of all of ger­man news­me­dia throughout the war, star­ting from day 1-90, depen­ding on when the media out­let fold­ed, and star­ted repor­ting clea­red messaging, which is frea­king obvious, when about 20 media out­lets in ger­ma­ny hold back on repor­ting about the Tau­rus leaks, for 2-5 hours until the government gui­de­li­nes arrive…

But luck­i­ly enough you know what Putin is thin­king, and that hes a real son of a bitch, so that gui­des your actions from now on…

Weeeeeell.… Except when it comes to finan­cing, and expan­ding liquid gas exports, becau­se… well you didnt look into the Methan emis­si­on num­bers short term, when you gave euro­pe all tho­se sweet, sweet poli­ti­cal pro­mi­ses, didnt you.

Just to ram that down your throats once and for all:

Fuck you, fuck you and fuck you.

Regard­less of if the sup­ple­men­tal aid gets clea­red this March or not.

Und Grü­ße an Alp­bach bitte.

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