Lets play a little game. Are you dumb enough to swallow this?
Then the head commentator role at “Der Standard” is open to you. Potentially. Well, after the current one goes into retirement.
edit: One more, one more, … - Do you know this one? Eric Frey, a leading member of the Neos party, a polish sociologist who is also an active member in the ECFR, a US based russian author who is ‘an outspoken voice against “autocrats” (*cough* *cough*)’, and an austrian/german historian (Habilitation and later researcher at the Free University, Berlin) --
The Free University was founded in West Berlin in 1948 with American support during the early Cold War period as a de facto western continuation of the Frederick William University, which was in East Berlin and faced strong communist repression; its name refers to West Berlin’s status as part of the Western Free World, in contrast to the communist-controlled university in East Berlin.
src: click
-- go into a bar. I mean the Burgtheater.
Oh, what opinions might they hold? How could one ever presume to know their positions prior to watching the panel itself?
Comment after watching it: It is outright infuriating to see that gaggle of ‘experts’ by their own and their friends admissions and definitions, without any realist (realpolitic) or geopolitcs based notion, or any idea what “the US withdrawing” would mean conceptually, or any idea about what it takes in terms of global military investments to secure trading routes, or any idea on why germany put up a 100 billion investment fund for defense purposes within the first week, just to get vested interests on board (money that was literally snapped into existence based on a notion of “it needs to exist”, and special state powers to increase publis sector lending for such an occasion), and without any knowledge in the matter on a process level, invent freaking effbomb motivational storys for the intellectually challenged, and call that “perspecive hunting”. While you fail to bring “high levels of corruption” and “Selenkyjs leather clad jokes on TV is the new populism we might need so dearly” (Not my interpretation, mind you.) onto the same plane of existence…
If you want to purely and simply stultify society these days - why book an effbomb Burgtheater panel and have them talk about if “post heroic societies” are still possible in the future. Eff this till its gone.
I can not bash my head against a wall strong enough not to solely recognize this for what it is, namely the cheapest, lousiest, most idiotic form of propaganda imaginable. Conjured up by uninformed idiots, whose job it is to simply and purely have an impact on public perception, with the most benign bullsh*t they can dream up in one and a half hours, from a basis of “they’ve read something in a newspaper” and then copied their transatlantic friendship cycles in terms of orientation within a good/bad argumentative spectrum, that they themselves fumble arguments in, all the freaking time. (Now, the effing Burgtheater featuring the intellectual dandruff from Alpbach crowd is into insisting, that they are for a short war as well - by supplying more and more modern weapons even though the US is not, and they are copying all their official statements -- but more offensive weapons double speed, now also ensures, that the conflict will be over sooner, by enabling the good guys, to take back more territory. Tose F-wards, dont even realize that the first people to pronounce this to ideally become a long war of attrition, were all US agencies and thinktanks. All of them. Not one among the voices that saw the need for that, that wasnt. They dont even effing realize, that for Biden “beating Russia” has more importance, measured in terms of funds having been made available by congress, than the entire second covid financial relieve package for the entirety of the US. What a wonderful way, I might add, to have no one talk about abortion being criminalized again, once more, by the US supreme court. What was that old chicago school concept again? Where would we be without a public enemy, that has the innate potential to unify the country in populism?) Not to mention the outright insanity, to publicly demand energy import bans (Gas. Now.), based on not even slightly understanding the fallout they would cause. And then demanding them more short term, rather than later, because of ‘maybe Trump’. And then not realizing the insanity of that argument made on a public stage. And then not realizing that US foreign policy is a bipartisan manner. Always has been. That and then add storytelling so bad, it pains me to listen to it. Why does it still hurt, when I’m constantly hitting myself, by monitoring these developments in Austria?
Playacting intellectualism at the bottom end of the so dumb, doesnt even realize that they didnt come up with what they think is their opinion spectrum.
This is what hell is like. Full of people being paid to hold insane positions, talking to the public, like it would be even dumber then they are, which on an open ended scale open towards the bottom isnt possible anymore, acting in roles of “explainers in chief” and “imagineers” of potential futures, that are so insanely past any concept of what matters in reality, a viewpoint, they’ll never have to face in their lives… (“I myself hope, that military heroism as a public motive is more like a phase…” I mean thanks, do you want your Wittgenstein award now or later!? One question though, who the fuck gives out 1.5 Mio. in research grants for that nonsense. You had me at “heroicism”. And “public storytelling”. Hell, stop inventing new synonyms for propaganda, and we have an understanding here. Shitty, crony science. Sorry, “historical research” across friendship initiatives?)
If you dindt realize - I frrrrrrrrACKING hate this society.
GETTING PAYED FOR LYING TO PEOPLE -- MAKING NARRATIVES UP ON THE SPOT, COZYING UP TO JOURNALISTS - WHO THEN IN RETURN STOP TO REPORT ON THE ACTUAL STUFF HAPPENING, AND ONLY PUSH OUT THE FUCKING DREAM NARRATIVE VERSION OF EVERY frigging STORY - BY CHANGING THE ENTIRE ESSENCE OF IT -- thats then never reported on, thats then burried, and just doesnt become part of the public narrative anymore -- because you fucking coopted journalism, and made some lowly payed fuckers afraid of printing any diverting conjecture, far from it being critical, or true to the source material.
I’m done.
When f*cking Snyder himself -- the utter asshole whose entire job description is to come up with crazy emotional narratives, not scientific enough for his own trade, but very “compatible” with getting quickly disseminated in public, tries to argue Democracy Now into the f*cking acceptance of an entire concept (an episteme), an entire “view on things”, that by his own admission, he invented (as a f*cking episteme), and that oddly enough has no conceptual compatibility with the reality of this becoming more and more of a US sponsored proxy war - trys to *fucking* convince journalists of the interpretation, he admittedly constructed all by himself using “imagination” and “not knowing” but “historical concepts” -- I mean, do those people have no shame?
Journalists and no professional integrity I get. But what the f*ck drives you to have to try to sell that position to one of the only media outlets left that still features investigative journalism - once in a while, as well as the context building stuff on the far end of news stories no one in the US mainstream media has any interest in anyhow, usually six months after the popular news cicle, and maybe a debriefing book by some government official. What drives you, as a person, as a human being, to try to flog your utter bullsh*t on that outlet as well. Ten seconds! Well, better get an emotional hook in there at the end as well, then…
How. Why? Whyy?
More people without a clue to sell your updated audiobook to? Whyyy?
edit: Ich glaube wir haben noch nicht genug PR Wichserei für die Woche - können sich nicht Veit Dengler, Irmgard Griss, Walter Feichtinger, Franz-Stefan Gady, Johannes Kopf, Menasse und Misik per offenem Brief gegen die Neutralität Österreichs einsetzen? Am Europatag? Sogar einen Vertreter eines Wirtschaftsforschungsinstituts hat man gefunden! click und was für eine Freude, Mitglied im wissenschaftlichen Beirat des Klimarats der Bürgerinnen und Bürger ist sie auch noch! Na da kann sie ja gleich Wirtschafsrückbau, mit einer permanenten Verknüpfung von Energieträgern mit mehr Umwandlungsverlust mit Mehrausgaben für Friedenssicherung in Einklang bringen. Was für eine unendliche Freude.
Der Friedhelm ist auch schon Feuer und Flamme und unterzeichnet gleich mit. Endlich bei den Guten!
Warnruf an die Welt! Nato, oder Tot!
src: click
edit: Mitglieder des US Congress bezeichnen den Krieg jetzt offiziell als Proxy-war.
Jetzt wird der Sneyder das Episteme das er erfunden hat nicht mehr los. Es ist so dermaßen traurig…