src: click (
See also:
But thats not the kicker.
Since the begining of 2024, Valerii Zaluzhniy consistantly polled 10-22 [!] percentage points higher in the politicians ratings, until the LLI poll of March 2024, where suddently he was gone. Not listed as an option anymore.
Well you say, thats only one person, that couldnt possibly represent the Zaluzhniy partys potential polling results!
Glad you mentioned that…
src: click (Wikipedia)
Have fun as the new ukrainian ambassador to the UK, I’d say.
Yes, of course you say - but thats one person - I mean Selenskyjs popularity ratings couldnt possibly represent the parties potential polling results.
Glad you mentioned that…
src: click (
Gut, das müssen die deutschsprachigen Nachrichtenmedien bei ihrer “warum liefern die US denn nicht” Berichterstattung und natürlich auch generell nicht bringen, ich meine das würde die Bevölkerung überfordern.
Propaganda hat aber wieder niemand entdeckt.
Wait, wait - when was the Davyd Arakhamiia Interview broadcast that showed images of the head of the SN party with children and a bride and a groom, while telling the ukrainien audience “of course we cant hold elections this year”? You know this one:
Ah, 24. November 2023, where the nearest polling data point was this part in the curve:
Go, go war! Go, go war! We can win it.
Why this enthusiasm you ask?
Well I just read the disclaimer on of course:
edit: Es gibt aber natürlich auch wieder gute Neuigkeiten:
Türkei stellt Handel mit Israel ein
Die Beziehungen zwischen Israel und der Türkei sind wegen des Kriegs in Gaza angespannt. Nun will Ankara Im- und Exporte zwischen den Ländern stoppen. Israels Außenminister Katz reagiert harsch.
src: click (Spiegel)