How arguing is done in the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute (HURI)

18. Oktober 2024

Best most intel­li­gen­tist lawy­er of world, and for­mer ukrai­ni­an minis­ter of defen­se (2021–2023) and ukrai­ni­an minis­ter for reinte­gra­ti­on of the tem­pora­ri­ly occu­p­ied ter­ri­to­ries of Ukrai­ne (2020–2021) Olek­sii Rez­ni­kov, will give you stron­gest intel­lect ans­wer to lifes questions.

In gre­at intel­lec­tu­al sti­mu­la­ti­on of Huri mee­ting from octo­ber 16th 2024.

Like (1:20:00 min in):

Olek­sii Rez­ni­kov Quo­te: “So I think the BRICs its a reac­tion and like some coun­tries, small coun­tries try­ing to be in a good com­pa­ny. So they need Oxy­to­zin hor­mon also, we are human bein­gs! We need hug! Some­bo­dy who have to hug us and pro­tect us. Its nor­mal. Its a ques­ti­on of sur­vi­ving for them.”

Also dont miss his two gre­at uni­ver­sal­ly unders­tood cul­tu­ral refe­ren­ces the famous ame­ri­can come­dy movie “Pla­nes, Trains and Auto­mo­bi­les” by gre­at thin­ker, direc­tor Jon Huges with grea­test actor John Can­dy, and of cour­se famous film “Back to the Future”. Haha, if I would be ask to be back to the future, like in your ques­ti­on, my wife also ask me, …

[The aut­hor of this blog pos­ting is not mar­ried. You be bra­ve enough to attri­bu­te that quo­te to the main head­liner in the room… In Har­vard. At Huri.]

Also dont miss the part in the begin­ning, whe­re grea­test defen­se Minis­ter of all Time and excep­tio­nal lay­wer Olek­sii Rez­ni­kov open­ly admits, that the Ukrai­ni­an plan inclu­des a regime chan­ge ope­ra­ti­on, becau­se no one wants rus­sia to “dis­in­te­gra­te in cha­os”, so “we have to make sure to make chan­ge proactively”.

And dont miss excep­tio­nal­ly gre­at moment when most intel­li­gen­tist lawy­er of world, and for­mer ukrai­ni­an minis­ter of defen­se (2021–2023) and ukrai­ni­an minis­ter for reinte­gra­ti­on of the tem­pora­ri­ly occu­p­ied ter­ri­to­ries of Ukrai­ne (2020–2021) Olek­sii Rez­ni­kov just tells it like it is -- you give us 1000 more tanks, you give us 300 more F16, you give us ATACAMS, much more, and then may­be this will be enough for us to “sol­ve the rus­sia pro­blem, not live with it”.

Also, every nego­tia­ti­on attempt has to lead to con­cre­te out­co­mes - like “Ukrai­ne in NATO now”, or “So many wea­pons into Ukrai­ne that rus­sia is deter­red”, other­wi­se Ukrai­ne will not be wil­ling to negotiate.

Becau­se Ukrai­ne doesnt trust secu­ri­ty gua­ran­tees. Neit­her by Rus­sia, nor by the UK, nor by Ger­ma­ny, … which is why the istan­bul peace nego­tia­ton track is impos­si­ble to resur­rect, says Olek­sii Rez­ni­kov - you know the one whe­re Ukrai­nes Head Nego­tia­tor alrea­dy told the world Ukrai­ne used nego­tia­ti­ons as a smo­ke­s­creen.

Also dont miss grea­test moment, whe­re most intel­li­gen­tist lawy­er of world, and for­mer ukrai­ni­an minis­ter of defen­se (2021–2023) and ukrai­ni­an minis­ter for reinte­gra­ti­on of the tem­pora­ri­ly occu­p­ied ter­ri­to­ries of Ukrai­ne (2020–2021) Olek­sii Rez­ni­kov uses Buda­pest memo­ran­dum to tell audi­ence, that Ukrai­ne will now des­troy rus­sia, its a must, real­ly - becau­se when the world com­mu­ni­ty took away Ukrai­nes atom bombs, the secu­ri­ty gua­ran­ties it got in exchan­ge werent worth the paper they were writ­ten on. Well, and Ukrai­ne never was in con­trol of tho­se nuclear wea­pons of cour­se. And never knew how to use them. And never knew how to manu­fac­tu­re or ser­vice them, so of cour­se tho­se are all the parts of the argu­ment that we skip over, becau­se gre­at glo­rious Nati­on of Ukrai­ne was chea­ted once, and NEVER AGAIN. Rus­sia must be defea­ted, and its government repla­ced - this is path to vic­to­ry! Which is why we named gre­at lea­ders for­mu­la on how to get Rus­sia to the nego­tia­ti­on table “Zelen­skyys Vic­to­ry plan”. Alt­hough its not a plan. Its a wish­list on what has to hap­pen tomor­row, if not sooner!

Also dont miss the part, whe­re the two women orga­ni­zing the panel poo­led 8 ques­ti­ons after the first three alrea­dy had been asked, so grea­test lay­wer of all time could pick four of them and igno­re the first three…

Har­vard, what else!

H is for my alma mater, Harvard
C is Cen­tral, next stop on the line
K is for the cozy Kendall station
C is Charles that over­loo­ks the brine
P is Park Str- Pahk Street, busy Bos­ton center
W is Washing­ton, you see
Put them all tog­e­ther, they spell:
Which is just about what Bos­ton means to me!

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