Now, here is the weather.

17. Oktober 2023

So first you do this:

The repor­ting comes after U.S. Secreta­ry of Sta­te Ant­o­ny Blin­ken came under fire ear­lier this week for dele­ting a Sunday post on X, form­er­ly Twit­ter, in which he said that during a con­ver­sa­ti­on with Tur­kish For­eign Minis­ter Hakan Fidan, “I encou­ra­ged Turkey’s advo­cacy for a cease-fire and the release of all hos­ta­ges held by Hamas immediately.”

src: click (

Then of cour­se you do this:

[US] Sta­te Depart­ment offi­cials war­ned not to use terms “de-escalation/cease-fire” about Gaza

Diplo­mats told not to say “end to violence/bloodshed” and “res­to­ring calm”


Accord­ing to Huff­Post, which review­ed offi­cial emails, “Sta­te Depart­ment staff wro­te that high-level offi­cials do not want press mate­ri­als to inclu­de three spe­ci­fic phra­ses: ‘de-escalation/cease-fire,’ ‘end to violence/bloodshed,’ and ‘res­to­ring calm.’ ”

Huff­Post noted that “when reached for com­ment on the direc­ti­ve, a Sta­te Depart­ment offi­cial said they would not com­ment on inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons.” Howe­ver, others were quick to blast the poli­cy as “dis­gus­ting,” “mad­de­ning,” and “pret­ty shocking.”

Guar­di­an colum­nist Moi­ra Done­gan cal­led it “a hor­ror and a moral abdi­ca­ti­on that we, Ame­ri­cans, can never ato­ne for.”

src: click (

Then this:

Then of cour­se this:

US Pre­si­dent Joe Biden said he saw “con­fir­med pic­tures of ter­ro­rists behea­ding child­ren”, appearing to cor­rob­ora­te reports of a dead­ly ons­laught alle­ged­ly by Hamas mili­tants who devas­ta­ted Israel’s Kib­butz Kfar Aza, loca­ted clo­se to Gaza. 

It is important for Ame­ri­cans to see what is hap­pe­ning. I have been doing this for a long time. I never thought that I would see… have con­fir­med pic­tures of ter­ro­rists behea­ding child­ren,” Biden said during remarks to US Jewish com­mu­ni­ty lea­ders at a White House roundtable.

Down­play­ing Hamas’s atro­ci­ties and bla­ming the Jewish peop­le is unt­hin­ka­ble,” Biden said further.

src: click (source not vet­ted, ever­yo­ne else has retrac­ted it by now - so I nee­ded at least some source that refe­ren­ced the ori­gi­nal statement)

Fol­lo­wed of cour­se by this:

White House walks back Biden’s claim he saw child­ren behea­ded by Hamas

US pre­si­dent spo­kes­per­son says comments were based on news reports and claims of Israe­li officials.

src: click (Al Jazeera)

Fol­lo­wed by this:

Then its time for the offi­cial speech tran­script refe­ren­cing Hamas raping women:

Net­an­ya­hu says Hamas mili­tants behea­ded sol­di­ers, raped women in their attack on Israel

src: click (PBS)

Fol­lo­wed by this:

Mean­while, the Los Ange­les Times remo­ved refe­ren­ces to rape from a column publis­hed Mon­day, adding a note that said “such reports have not been sub­stan­tia­ted.” And when NBC News pos­ted a video of Net­an­ya­hu sta­ting that women had been raped, it super­im­po­sed a dis­c­lai­mer sta­ting that it had not con­fir­med his assertion.

src: click (secon­da­ry source, pri­ma­ry source lin­ked in there)

And then we get into the announ­ced actu­al inter­na­tio­nal huma­ni­ta­ri­an law vio­la­ti­ons - in the government spee­ches so far --

Defen­se Minis­ter Yoav Gallant: “I have orde­red a com­ple­te sie­ge on the Gaza Strip. The­re will be no electri­ci­ty, no food, no fuel, ever­ything is clo­sed. We are figh­t­ing human ani­mals and we act accordingly.”

src: click (Times of Israel)

Fol­lo­wed by this:

and then of cour­se fol­lo­wed by this:

New Delhi: Israel’s pre­si­dent Isaac Her­zog clai­med in a press con­fe­rence that the­re are no inno­cent civi­li­ans in Gaza, while thousands of Pales­ti­ni­ans strug­gled to flee nort­hern Gaza after Israel’s mili­ta­ry told some 1.1 mil­li­on of them to evacua­te south ahead of an anti­ci­pa­ted mili­ta­ry operation.

It is an ent­i­re nati­on out the­re that is respon­si­ble,” Her­zog said at a press con­fe­rence on Fri­day, Octo­ber 13, the Huff­Post repor­ted on.

It is not true this rhe­to­ric about civi­li­ans not being awa­re, not invol­ved. It’s abso­lute­ly not true. They could have risen up. They could have fought against that evil regime which took over Gaza in a coup d’etat.”

Inter­na­tio­nal law is clear that bel­li­ger­ents who fail to dis­tin­guish bet­ween com­ba­tants and civi­li­ans are guil­ty of war crimes.

The report says that when a repor­ter asked Her­zog to cla­ri­fy whe­ther he meant to say that sin­ce Gazans did not remo­ve Hamas from power “that makes them, by impli­ca­ti­on, legi­ti­ma­te tar­gets,” Her­zog said, “No, I didn’t say that.”

Howe­ver, he fol­lo­wed up with a tel­ling ques­ti­on: “When you have a mis­si­le in your god­damn kit­chen and you want to shoot it at me, am I allo­wed to defend myself?”

src: click (The Wire, India)

and only then we get into the actu­al media deplat­forming of unwan­ted voices, that was hap­pe­ning at the same time:

and then…

… at some point today though it would be the good and decent thing, to not at all report on any of that, but ins­tead to post the following:

Uno-Menschenrechtsbüro sieht mög­li­chen Völ­ker­rechts­bruch Israels

Nach Anga­ben des Uno-Menschenrechtsbüros in Genf hat Isra­el mit sei­ner Blo­cka­de des Gaza­strei­fens und der Eva­ku­ie­rungs­an­ord­nung für den Nor­den des Gebiets mög­li­cher­wei­se die Zwangs­ver­trei­bung von Zivi­lis­ten zu ver­ant­wor­ten und damit inter­na­tio­na­les Völ­ker­recht gebrochen.

src: click

NEIN! Der Stan­dard sieht einen mög­li­chen Völ­ker­rechts­bru­ches Isra­els! In einem wört­li­chen Zitat! Das er sich aber nicht zu eigen machen möch­te! Ist das denn die Möglichkeit…

Las­sen sie uns hier bit­te nicht wei­ter spekulieren!

(Golan Heights who?)

Wenn sie ab die­sem Zeit­punkt bit­te nur kurz weg­schau­en könn­ten, viel­leicht 10 Tage - oder so dann ist das natür­lich SELBSTFÜRSORGE, das muss man schon verstehen.

Jetzt zur eigent­li­chen Frage. 

Wozu braucht es noch Redak­tio­nen? Also bis auf den net­ten Umstand dass ein sich argu­men­ta­tiv im Kreis dre­hen­der Blattlinien-Kollumnist dadurch auch noch von der nach­fol­gen­den Genera­ti­on beschäf­ti­gen las­sen kann.


Recher­che kanns wohl nicht sein. 

Infor­ma­ti­on schon mal garnicht.

Vier­te Säu­le der Gesellschaft?

Viel­leicht für die Twitter-Promo durch die Selbst­dar­stel­lung in den Social Media Accounts der Beschäftigten?

Bei denen die Jour­na­lis­ten ange­regt wer­den sie täg­lich zu bespie­len und pfle­gen? Um damit mehr Leser zu lukrieren.

Will­kom­men im Wertewesten.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist wie immer das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst, Allerletzte.


In Vien­na its most­ly clou­dy, tem­pe­ra­tures today ran­ge from 4°C to 14°C.

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