In a panel about “Ukraine: The Road ahead” - you take Trumps “We can do it the easy way, or the hard way - its better for russia to do it the easy way now” -
and extrapolate on it with quote:
at 16:15min in:
“The US have to put pressure on russia, and increase the cost on russia to continue waging this war of aggression. The European partners need to continue to provide them support to enter these negotiations with the strongest possible hand, and to get ready to provide the security guaranties.”
Wait -- where is the “If Putin doesnt want to negotiate” clause in this?
You know the part where the US recognizes, that russia can have this the easy way, and just negotiate?
Why did we skip directly to the part, where the US already has to apply pressure?
Anyone in the room?
Anyone interested, in what happens on the US side in the following 100 days?
Journalist, what did you say - its just important that Trump continues the Military pressure?
Yes - you Ukrainian representative, misrepresenting, that Trump has just announced that - whats your stance on this?
What more weapons, more pressure, more money? Yes, you want to intruduce us to your new concept, that its important, that everyone understands, which is quote “Peace through strength.” Where you get none of the peace, and all the strength gifted.
Now lets hear from the audience.
Yes, you Ukrainian propagandist stating that the EU has to gift all of russias national assets to Ukraine to wage this war -- you get first question.
[Its the first self paying war. Its amazing!]
Gut, das müssen wir natürlich als Medien wieder nicht berichten.…
Medien sind dazu da diese Gesellschaft zu belügen.
Schluss, aus, Ende.
Diese Gesellschaft ist das absolut grotesk und abartigst Allerletzte.
edit: When I started watching the panel video it had gained 10 likes with 850 views. (Average for youtube would be 4% - or 34.)
Now the panel video has 9 likes. With 851 views.
Matsola said agile twice. That has to be worth at least three likes with the WEF crowd.