Ok, you say - but at least there is the international peace summit every six months

11. Juli 2024

Nato sum­mit panel from the 10th of Juli 2024, at about 1 hour 13min in:

Fox Mode­ra­tor: “Is the goal still to take back all of Ukrai­ne, to the 1991 bor­ders. Is that still the goal today, or could you see a nego­tia­ted sett­le­ment that ends this war for you and your people?”

Selen­skyj: “The best way the best way of cour­se uh after the first Peace Sum­mit to orga­ni­ze and pre­pa­re the plan and to orga­ni­ze during some mon­ths the second Sum­mit and have this docu­ment and to put in by majo­ri­ty of the world to put him and to push him to stop the war this -- is the best way and when we speak about ter­ri­to­ries you have to to know that first of all, of cour­se we need to save peop­le, Nati­ons and and that’s fine and and of cour­se we are not -- need mem­bers we don’t have such you know umbrel­la and that’s why we need Putin to lose, we don’t want him to be on our ter­ri­to­ry, becau­se any­way it’s a fro­zen con­flict and it will depends on years when he will pre­pa­re and come back, come back again with Inva­si­on. He will do it to you.”

Mode­ra­tor: “So yeah of cour­se, the the Munich agree­ment did­n’t work, uh 1938 -- a poten­ti­al agree­ment you’­re say­ing with Putin may not work”

Selen­skyj: “The docu­ment with Hit­ler did­n’t work why it has to work second time? I don’t know. I think he loves the pro­cess but the pro­blem he loves the pro­cess it does­n’t mat­ter what occu­py he love the pro­cess and pro­cess and this is his his his histo­ry and he will do it to one coun­try or ano­t­her to uh occup­a­ti­on with mili­ta­ry occup­a­ti­on or poli­ti­cal occup­a­ti­on of Bela­rus like he did it alrea­dy to divi­de Geor­gia and for today to begin and he real­ly began to chan­ge their Direc­tion from EU direc­tion again back to Rus­sia. Now he’s doing we love Geor­gia peop­le very much and I hope that it will not be this way it will not finish this way but he he loves this pro­cess. So it does­n’t mat­ter when when the the ques­ti­on is who can stop him.”

So here you have it.

Selen­skyj lets Switz­er­land and short­ly “some coun­try in the glo­bal south” orga­ni­ze his peace sum­mits to:

The best way the best way of cour­se uh after the first Peace Sum­mit to orga­ni­ze and pre­pa­re the plan and to orga­ni­ze during some mon­ths the second Sum­mit and have this docu­ment and to put in by majo­ri­ty of the world to put him and to push him to stop the war this -- is the best way.”

But so sad Selen­skyj only got 78 signa­tures (out of 193 UN mem­ber sta­tes) under the end comu­ni­quee in Bür­gen­stock, after chan­ging it to repre­sent the Selen­skyj peace for­mu­la more bet­ter, on the NINETH of June 2024 (final day of Bür­gen­stock was the 16th of June 2024, first draft by Switz­er­land was sent out on May 28), striking out every and all advan­ces toward a real peace con­fe­rence that Switz­er­land had made (as well as making sure that food secu­ri­ty now also inclu­ded metals), see: 

Food secu­ri­ty now also inclu­des metals

Which Selen­skyj in the video abo­ve actual­ly recognizes:

of cour­se we need to save peop­le, nati­ons and - and that’s fine and and of cour­se we are not -- need mem­bers we don’t have such you know umbrel­la and that’s why we need Putin to lose, we don’t want him to be on our territory”

Becau­se, accord­ing to Selen­skyj, Putin will do it to you:

becau­se any­way it’s a fro­zen con­flict and it will depends on years when he will pre­pa­re and come back, come back again with Inva­si­on. He will do it to you.”

Gre­at achie­ve­ments to be reached at the next Selen­skyj glo­bal peace summit!

Es wird kein ein­zi­ges deutsch­spra­chi­ges Medi­um dar­über berichten.

Sie wer­den die Bevöl­ke­rung alle wei­ter verarschen.

Als Teil der gro­tes­kes­ten aller mög­li­chen Gesell­schaf­ten, die das abso­lut abgrund­tief Abar­tigs­te ist was man sich nur aus­den­ken kann.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

edit: Es gibt aber natür­lich auch wie­der gute Nachrichten -

Head­lineer Arti­kel gera­de eben bei der NZZ:

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src: click

Ok, you say - but donor class, thats a bit harsh…

11. Juli 2024

Einem Bericht zufol­ge soll sich unter­des­sen der demo­kra­ti­sche Mehr­heits­füh­rer im US-Senat, Chuck Schu­mer, gegen­über Spen­dern offen gezeigt haben, Biden aus­zu­tau­schen. Das berich­te­te das Por­tal Axi­os unter Beru­fung auf zwei nicht nament­lich genann­te Quel­len. In einer Stel­lung­nah­me nach der Ver­öf­fent­li­chung des Axios-Berichts bekräf­tig­te Schu­mer jedoch sei­ne Unter­stüt­zung für Biden. “Wie ich wie­der­holt öffent­lich und pri­vat erklärt habe, unter­stüt­ze ich Prä­si­dent Biden und set­ze mich wei­ter­hin dafür ein, dass Donald Trump im Novem­ber besiegt wird”, sag­te Schu­mer in einer von sei­nem Büro ver­öf­fent­lich­ten Erklärung.

src: click

Aus­tau­schen? Na sicher, geht doch - immer offen für sowas, mei­ne Her­ren. Wie aus­tau­schen, nein - also Biden sicher nicht, der hat mei­ne volls­te Unterstützung.

Gut, aber was wis­sen die schon frü­her als die Pres­se, ich meine…

Ein ein­fluss­rei­cher Par­tei­spen­der berich­te­te von Plä­nen füh­ren­der Demo­kra­ten, nach dem Nato-Gipfel besorg­te Erklä­run­gen abzu­ge­ben, ohne Schu­mer direkt zu erwäh­nen. “Es wird ein Blut­bad geben”, warn­te der Insi­der ange­sichts des wach­sen­den Drucks auf Kan­di­da­ten selbst in US-Staaten, die bis­her als sicher gal­ten. Die Abge­ord­ne­ten und Sena­to­ren, die zur Wie­der­wahl ste­hen, befürch­ten, dass Bidens Pro­ble­me auch ihre eige­nen Wahl­chan­cen nega­tiv beein­flus­sen könnten.

Sie mer­ken sich: Donor class.

Sind natür­lich nicht die Plä­ne der Donors, neiiin.

Shi­ning city on the hill.

All the news thats fit to print.

France 24 Moderator risks a double take on “Orban is peace trolling”

10. Juli 2024

Is that what he is doing?!”

As soon as he does, expert goes babb­ling. For three minutes.


Narendra Modi hat gegenüber Putin erwähnt, dass er kleine Kinder nicht gerne sterben sieht -

09. Juli 2024

da hat ihm der Stan­dard einen öffent­li­chen Ver­eh­rungs­brief geschrie­ben.

Dies­mal muss ich nicht mal mehr kom­men­tie­ren - die Gro­tes­ke wur­de auch von Ande­ren erkannt.

Bildschirmfoto 2024 07 09 um 18 36 12

See also: India invo­kes emer­gen­cy laws to ban BBC Modi documentary

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

When your election system gaming works too well - Part 2

09. Juli 2024

Amb. Gérard Araud: In the French sys­tem par­ties are allo­wed to run for the second round, if the can­di­da­tes are -- real­ly allo­wed to run for the second round if they got more than 12.5% of the votes in the first round. Which means that usual­ly in our second rounds we have three at the very maxi­mum four can­di­da­tes, but we usual­ly three can­di­da­tes - and in the­se cases on the basis of the first round you we could expect hund­reds of what the French cal­led tri­an­gu­la­res which means real­ly a second rounds with three can­di­da­tes. A Cen­trist, a far right and a lef­tist and the basis of the - of the first round, the con­se­quence was clear­ly that the far right was going to win a lot of con­sti­tu­en­ci­es and what hap­pen­ed was real­ly, that a lot of actual­ly of can­di­da­tes - lef­tist or Cen­trist deci­ded to step out uh from the race and to call their voters to vote for eit­her the cen­trist or the lef­tist, to pre­vent uh the far right from win­ning the con­sti­tu­en­cy. And it was real­ly a a gene­ral move­ment, a very gene­ral move­ment so we went from with some­thing like near­ly 400 tri­an­gu­la­re second rounds to uh more or less only more or less 95-100 and in the­se cases of this 100 actual­ly uh the cen­trists and the lef­tists remai­ned in the race most of the time, becau­se the­re was no dan­ger of a vic­to­ry of the far right.


Fran­ce is divi­ded into 577 con­sti­tu­en­ci­es (cir­con­scrip­ti­ons) for the elec­tion of depu­ties to the lower legis­la­ti­ve House

src: click

Thats effec­ti­ve elec­tion fixing in 53% of french elec­tion districts.

Fuck me…

Oh, and btw here is how this works in the US. So - at the demo­cra­tic can­di­da­te selec­tion, you as the donor class buy out the elec­to­ral cam­pai­gns of four or five, les­ser via­ble can­di­da­tes, making sure they all cam­pai­gn like cra­zy (real per­cen­ta­ge of cam­pai­gn money inves­ted) in the most loo­ked at “indi­ca­tor” sta­te (Iowa), then if that doesnt grant you your actu­al hor­se in the race (the second most popu­lar can­di­da­te - you actual­ly prep­ped up as the one with a real chan­ce) to win the trend deci­ding Iowa - which to your chag­rin Ber­nie San­ders won, then - in the same week, while your other can­di­da­tes still have media pull (ever­y­bo­dy knows them due to the insa­ne amount of cam­pai­gn money spent around Iowa), but not much else is going on - you let three les­ser via­ble can­di­da­tes drop out from the race, coor­di­na­te­ly, in exact­ly the same week and pledge their sup­port to the desi­gna­ted can­di­da­te of the donor class.

Then you get pro­ba­bi­li­ty dis­tri­bu­ti­ons like these:

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Back, when I actual­ly rea­li­zed how that works - I actual­ly still ope­ned deba­te threads with the tit­le “So ame­ri­cas poli­tics are fixed by let­ting can­di­da­tes drop out at spe­ci­fic spots?”, but then was cal­med down by the noti­on, that in Euro­pe can­di­da­tes are actual­ly most­ly “desi­gna­ted” into their num­ber one posi­ti­on of their respec­ti­ve par­ties by a much less trans­pa­rent decisi­on pro­cess -- so I was wil­ling to let it slide.

Now, in 2024 - the actu­al frech elec­tion got “fixed” this way…


Again - com­pa­re and contrast:

Num­ber of votes in the 2024 french elections:
1st round > 2nd round

Natio­nal Ral­ly Alli­an­ce (RN): 33.3% > 37.1%
New Popu­lar Front (NFP): 28.6% > 26.3%
Esem­ble (ENS): 20.9% > 24.7%
Other: 10.6% > 5.6%
Les Répu­blic­cains (LR): 6.6% > 6.2%

src: click

So you know, that the public vote wont play out in your favor, so you start the elec­tion fixing process.

And that pro­cess is so effec­ti­ve, that the second place can­di­da­te (based on votes) now “wins” the elec­tion, and the first place can­di­da­te comes in third. Sim­ply becau­se you fixed 53% of voting districts, by let­ting the “unli­kely win­ners” drop out in a coor­di­na­ted fashion.

Lets look at this more clo­ses­ly why dont we. So this was the Pro­ject FiveThir­ty­Eight (FiveThir­ty­Eight, is an Ame­ri­can web­site that focu­sed on opi­ni­on poll ana­ly­sis, poli­tics, eco­no­mics, and sports blog­ging in the United States.[2] Foun­der Nate Sil­ver left in April 2023. On Sep­tem­ber 18, 2023, the ori­gi­nal web­site domain at fivethirtyeight.com was clo­sed, and web traf­fic beca­me redi­rec­ted to ABC News pages.[2]) “Chan­ces of win­ning a plu­ra­li­ty of pled­ged dele­ga­tes” fore­cast for the 2020 US pri­ma­ries, on the day mid febru­a­ry - short­ly after IOWA - when the three can­di­da­tes with less hope to attain the necessa­ry dele­ga­tes drop­ped out of the race in the same week - coor­di­na­te­ly - ALL OF THEM endor­sing Biden:

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This ladies and gen­tle­men is what you call elec­tion fixing.