Pope just turned whistleblower

15. Juni 2022

Not­hing that wes­tern Media would report on of cour­se, its just the cra­zy lef­tist pope.…

We do not see the who­le dra­ma unfol­ding behind this war, which was perhaps somehow eit­her pro­vo­ked or not pre­ven­ted.” [and he cau­tio­ned against over­sim­pli­fy­ing the conflict.]

Pope Fran­cis

Bet­ter not publish anything of that sort either…

Jesuits to the res­cue. 😉

In an inter­view publis­hed Tues­day in the Jesu­it publi­ca­ti­on “La Civil­ta’ Cat­to­li­ca,” the pope said that in Russia’s war on Ukrai­ne, “the­re are no meta­phy­si­cal good guys and bad guys, in an abs­tract sense.” 

He said that mon­ths befo­re the war, a head of sta­te war­ned him that NATO was “bar­king at the gates of Rus­sia,” and that Rus­sia would not tole­ra­te it, which could lead to war.

We recall, that was exact­ly the nar­ra­ti­ve point the Hoo­ver insti­tu­ti­on (part of the usu­al estee­med con­ser­va­ti­ve US think­tanks that jump into action in such a case) alrea­dy tried to ridi­cu­le and put down EIGHT days after the war had star­ted. Thats part of the public pri­ming pro­cess, whe­re you set up which opi­ni­ons are still allo­wed to be tal­ked about. This is how epis­te­mes work as a framing device in pro­pa­gan­da. Worked won­der­ful­ly with wes­tern media. Not one out­let ques­tio­ned it, or even as much as had one repor­ter open their mouth to sta­te that this was going on.

Ah… Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abgrund­tief Letzte.

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