Solitary confinement, very bad.

10. September 2023

You couldnt take it for more than two weeks. Its against the law.

Now back to the important ques­ti­ons at hand. 

How has the US film­crew that worked on a docu­men­ta­ry about lovers who died in a vul­ca­nic errup­ti­on, which was in aus­tria by acci­dent, whe­re they were just finis­hing ano­t­her pro­ject, mana­ged to get into the Schwarz­wald and talk to Naval­ny (whos behind secu­ri­ty detail­ing at that point), and con­vin­ce him that - and I quo­te “the docu­men­ta­ry will be your insuran­ce poli­cy”, to sub­se­quent­ly par­ti­ci­pa­te in the sundance film fes­ti­val (AGAIN?! Die “gewon­ne­nen Awards” von 20 Days in Mariu­pol wur­den in den letz­ten Mona­ten auf­ge­hübscht. Die bes­te Doku des Jah­res! Sagt das Sundance Film Fes­ti­val. Und die Docu­days UA (Ukrai­ne), und das DocA­viv Fes­ti­val in Isra­el. Und das Fes­ti­val der Cine­ma for Peace Foun­da­ti­on in Ber­lin. Und CPH:DOX (Jury­preis! Aber ernst­zu­neh­men­des Film­fes­ti­val) und natür­lich das Cleve­land Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val mit sei­nem berühm­ten Greg Gund Memo­ri­al Stan­ding UP Award!) - and only short­ly after the docu­men­ta­ry pre­mie­red at sundance -- hundred-thousands, if not mil­li­ons of peop­le alrea­dy saw it online. And from social media moni­to­ring we even know, that it drew trac­tion in russia.

Which is obvious­ly the ans­wer to the mode­ra­tor of the Insti­tu­te of Poli­tics at Har­vard Ken­ne­dy School asking the panel twice - how that docu­men­ta­ry has been recei­ved in rus­sia, how wide spread its reco­gni­ti­on was, and what its impact has been.

You know fol­lowing the usu­al publi­shing sche­du­le of “we release it for free in the second week after it pre­mie­res at sundance”, and then have peop­le at a Ken­ne­dy school panel pro­noun­ce proud­ly, that as soon as one ser­ver in rus­sia was taken down, ano­t­her one pop­ped up, becau­se this was so crowd sourced.

The Sundance Pre­mie­re was on Janu­a­ry 25th 2022, the first tor­rents released 8 days later on Febru­a­ry the 3rd. (see: click)

Format/Info : Advan­ced Video Codec
For­mat pro­fi­le : High@L4.1
Bit rate mode : Variable
Bit rate : 2 042 kb/s
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Width : 960 pixels
Height : 480 pixels

Which was befo­re the imdb page of the film was even craw­led by goog­le, which hap­pen­ed on the 29th of Febru­a­ry 2022.

Spe­ci­fied as a Web­rip. So not as a scree­ner. Which is rather odd, becau­se the Wiki­pe­dia page of the movie doesnt men­ti­on any web­re­lease back then…

In fact the first docu­men­ted sce­ne release (with an actu­al .nfo file) hap­pen­ed three mon­ths later on the 29th of May 2022, the source then was being indi­ca­ted as HBO Max. Which fun­ni­ly enough had released the film for strea­ming on 26th of May 2022, with the only pri­or airing being on CNN on the 28th of April 2022, accord­ing to the films wiki­pe­dia page.

Also, Medu­za repor­ted this in March 2023:

Anti-Corruption Foun­da­ti­on employees share free pira­ted ver­si­on of ‘Naval­ny’ documentary
11:33 am, March 14, 2023Source: Meduza
Several top employees of Ale­xey Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foun­da­ti­on (FBK) shared links to a free and pres­um­a­b­ly pira­ted online ver­si­on of the film Naval­ny, which won the Aca­de­my Award for best fea­ture docu­men­ta­ry on Sunday, on Twit­ter and Telegram.

The ver­si­on of the film avail­ab­le on the site lin­ked by the acti­vists inclu­des the ori­gi­nal English-language audio with Rus­si­an sub­tit­les. There’s cur­r­ent­ly no legal way to watch the film in Russia.

In the posts whe­re they shared the link to the film, the FBK employees jokin­gly feig­ned frus­tra­ti­on that the film had been “lea­ked” by “pira­tes.” Ale­xey Navalny’s press secreta­ry, Kira Yar­mysh, has not respon­ded to Meduza’s ques­ti­ons about whe­ther the Anti-Corruption Foun­da­ti­on is asso­cia­ted with the site, though she also shared the link on Twitter.

src: click

Which is also gre­at, becau­se the Anti-Corruption Foun­da­ti­on employees coin­ci­dent­al­ly “found” the movie about one year after its initi­al leak online, and then resha­red it, just in time, after it won the Oscar.

Gre­at publis­her, btw, that sees all that and just isnt in it for the money… War­ner Bros. btw.

Of cour­se the film makers were touched and their bus­som swo­le with pri­de, when Naval­ny told them, that he deci­ded to move back to Rus­sia again, whe­re “they arres­ted him befo­re he even got his pass­port back”. [Bad rese­arch on part of the Mode­ra­tor by the way - becau­se the more note­wor­thy aspect was, that they rerou­t­ed his flight to ano­t­her air­port so media and the public wouldnt inter­rupt the arrest too much…], and then they alrea­dy got their second Oscar nomi­na­ti­on, and sub­se­quent win - the next year, so ever­ything worked out well.

Never­mind what hap­pen­ed to Naval­ny. The panel of cour­se indi­ca­tes that his spi­rits are still high and his will is unbro­ken, which can be glea­ned from his “15 the­ses of a Rus­si­an citi­zen who desi­res the best for their coun­try” (see below).

The film pro­du­cer won an Oscar three years pri­or of cour­se, for a docu­men­ta­ry about Bra­sil, a coun­try on the edge of demo­cra­cy.

So it real­ly was good luck, that the Film­crew was alrea­dy in Aus­tria, when Naval­ny was in Schwarzwald.

And who is that in the same panel? Oh, its Chris­to Gro­zev! Who runs bel­ling­cat! Which in Gros­t­evs own words is not the Anti-Wikileaks, its real­ly so much more respon­si­ble (respon­si­ble dis­clo­sure) than Wiki­leaks ever was. 

It alrea­dy stop­ped taking fun­ding from the U.S. government’s Natio­nal Endow­ment for Demo­cra­cy last year.

So any poten­ti­al asso­cia­ti­ons with Wiki­leaks foun­der Assan­ge are just ent­i­re­ly misplaced.

Very bad, that soli­ta­ry con­fi­ne­ment, very bad.

In Rus­sia it nor­mal­ly wouldnt even be legal for more than two weeks in a row. But do you know the trick the rus­si­ans use to get around that?

The Har­vard Ken­ne­dy Cen­ter for Poli­tics will tell you! In this video.

Just stay with it - at least until the moment the filmma­ker exp­lains to you his “con­tai­ner of mea­ning” con­cept of docu­men­ta­ry filmmaking.

edit: Ever­yo­ne on the panel also was not­hing but impres­sed by Navalnys

15 the­ses of a Rus­si­an citi­zen who desi­res the best for their country

- of course:

On the eve of the anni­ver­s­a­ry of the full-scale and unpro­vo­ked inva­si­on of Ukrai­ne by Rus­si­an tro­ops, I have sum­ma­ri­zed the poli­ti­cal plat­form of mine and, hope­ful­ly, of many other decent people.

15 the­ses of a Rus­si­an citi­zen who desi­res the best for their country.

What was all this about and what are we dealing with now?

Pre­si­dent Putin has unleas­hed an unjust war of aggres­si­on against Ukrai­ne under ridi­cu­lous pre­texts. He is desper­ate­ly try­ing to make this a “people’s war,” see­king to turn all Rus­si­an citi­zens into his accom­pli­ces, but his attempts are fai­ling. The­re are almost no vol­un­te­ers for this war, so Putin’s army has to rely on con­victs and for­ci­b­ly mobi­li­zed people.

The real rea­sons for this war are the poli­ti­cal and eco­no­mic pro­blems wit­hin Rus­sia, Putin’s desi­re to hold on to power at any cost, and his obses­si­on with his own his­to­ri­cal lega­cy. He wants to go down in histo­ry as “the con­quer­or tsar” and “the collec­tor of lands.”

Tens of thousands of inno­cent Ukrai­ni­ans have been mur­de­red, and pain and suf­fe­ring has befal­len mil­li­ons more. War cri­mes have been com­mit­ted. Ukrai­ni­an cities and infra­st­ruc­tu­re have been destroyed.

Rus­sia is suf­fe­ring a mili­ta­ry defeat. It was the rea­liz­a­ti­on of this fact that chan­ged the rhe­to­ric of the aut­ho­ri­ties from claims that “Kyiv will fall in three days” to hys­te­ri­cal thre­ats of using nuclear wea­pons should Rus­sia lose. The lives of tens of thousands of Rus­si­an sol­di­ers were need­less­ly rui­ned. The ulti­ma­te mili­ta­ry defeat may be delay­ed at the cost of the lives of hund­reds of thousands more mobi­li­zed sol­di­ers, but it is gene­ral­ly ine­vi­ta­ble. The com­bi­na­ti­on of aggres­si­ve war­fa­re, cor­rup­ti­on, inept gene­rals, weak eco­no­my, and hero­ism and high moti­va­ti­on of the defen­ding for­ces can only result in defeat. The Kremlin’s deceit­ful and hypo­cri­ti­cal calls for nego­tia­ti­ons and cease­fire are not­hing more than a rea­listic assess­ment of the pro­spects of fur­ther mili­ta­ry action.

What are Ukraine’s bor­ders? They are simi­lar to Russia’s - they’re inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed and defi­ned in 1991 [this inclu­des Cri­mea, which is a rever­sal of posi­ti­on by Naval­ny on the day of the release of the 15 the­ses]. Rus­sia also reco­gni­zed the­se bor­ders back then, and it must reco­gni­ze them today as well. The­re is not­hing to dis­cuss here. Almost all bor­ders in the world are more or less acci­den­tal and cau­se someone’s dis­con­tent. But in the twenty-first cen­tu­ry, we can­not start wars just to redraw them. Other­wi­se, the world will sink into chaos.

Rus­sia must lea­ve Ukrai­ne alo­ne and allow it to deve­lop the way its peop­le want. Stop the aggres­si­on, end the war and with­draw all of its tro­ops from Ukrai­ne. Con­ti­nua­tion of this war is just a tan­trum cau­sed by power­less­ness, and put­ting an end to it would be a strong move.

Tog­e­ther with Ukrai­ne, the U.S., the EU and the UK, we must look for accep­ta­ble ways to com­pen­sa­te for the dama­ge done to Ukrai­ne. One way to achie­ve this would be lif­ting the restric­tions impo­sed on our oil and gas, but direc­ting part of the inco­me Rus­sia recei­ves from hydro­car­bon exports towards repa­ra­ti­ons. Of cour­se, this should only be done after the chan­ge of power in Rus­sia and the end of the war.

War cri­mes com­mit­ted during this war must be inves­ti­ga­ted in coope­ra­ti­on with inter­na­tio­nal institutions.

Are all Rus­si­ans inher­ent­ly impe­ria­listic? This is non­sen­se. For examp­le, Bela­rus is also invol­ved in the war against Ukrai­ne. Does this mean that the Bela­ru­si­ans also have an impe­ri­al mind­set? No, they merely also have a dic­ta­tor in power. The­re will always be peop­le with impe­ri­al views in Rus­sia, just like in any other coun­try with his­to­ri­cal pre­con­di­ti­ons for this, but they are far from being the majo­ri­ty. The­re is no rea­son to weep and wail about it. Such peop­le should be defea­ted in elec­tions, just as both right-wing and left-wing radi­cals get defea­ted in deve­lo­ped countries.

Does Rus­sia need new ter­ri­to­ries? Rus­sia is a vast coun­try with a shrin­king popu­la­ti­on and dying out rural are­as. Impe­ria­lism and the urge to sei­ze ter­ri­to­ry is the most harm­ful and dest­ruc­ti­ve path. Once again, the Rus­si­an government is des­troy­ing our future with its own hands just in order to make our coun­try look big­ger on the map. But Rus­sia is big enough as it is. Our objec­ti­ve should be pre­ser­ving our peop­le and deve­lo­ping what we have in abundance.

For Rus­sia, the lega­cy of this war will be a who­le tang­le of com­plex and, at first glance, almost unsolva­ble pro­blems. It is important to estab­lish for our­sel­ves that we real­ly want to sol­ve them, and then begin to do so honest­ly and open­ly. The key to suc­cess lies in under­stan­ding that ending the war as soon as pos­si­ble will not only be good for Rus­sia and its peop­le, but also very pro­fi­ta­ble. This is the only way to start pro­gres­sing toward remo­val of sanc­tions, return of tho­se who left, res­to­ra­ti­on of busi­ness con­fi­dence, and eco­no­mic growth.

Let me re-emphasize that after the war, we will have to reim­bur­se Ukrai­ne for all the dama­ge cau­sed by Putin’s aggres­si­on. Howe­ver, the res­to­ra­ti­on of nor­mal eco­no­mic rela­ti­ons with the civi­li­zed world and the return of eco­no­mic growth will allow us to do so without inter­fe­ring with the deve­lo­p­ment of our coun­try. We have hit rock bot­tom, and in order to resur­face, we need to boun­ce back from it. This would be both ethi­cal­ly cor­rect, ratio­nal, and profitable.

We need to dis­mant­le the Putin regime and its dic­ta­tor­s­hip. Ide­al­ly, through con­duc­ting gene­ral free elec­tions and con­vo­ca­ting the Con­sti­tu­tio­nal Assembly.

We need to estab­lish a par­lia­men­ta­ry repu­blic based on the alter­na­ti­on of power through fair elec­tions, inde­pen­dent courts, federa­lism, local self-governance, com­ple­te eco­no­mic free­dom and social justice.

Reco­gni­zing our histo­ry and tra­di­ti­ons, we must be part of Euro­pe and fol­low the Euro­pean path of deve­lo­p­ment. We have no other choice, nor do we need any.

src: click

Now go and watch the documentary.

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