Sort of neo imperialism

11. Oktober 2022

French “free thin­ker but in an insti­tu­tio­na­li­zed think tank con­text” posi­ti­on on Ukrai­ne, against US deter­mi­nistic one by Fio­na Hill.

Worth the watch.

Short com­ment. If Hill gets her way, mid-/longterm, I’ll for­get myself.

Needs detail­ed ana­ly­sis con­tras­ting the two posi­ti­ons (and mine may­be) - might do that tomorrow.

In short -

French posi­ti­on sees the out at regime chan­ge in Rus­sia, then nor­ma­liz­a­ti­on of relations.

French argu­ment for “neo­co­lo­nia­lism of rus­sia” is a poi­son­ed one - as it, its not very strong to begin with (Only inclu­des Rus­sia, Bela­rus, Ukrai­ne and Kazakh­stan as fur­ther tar­gets (asi­de from the north south cor­ri­dor and inter­ven­ti­ons of rus­si­an for­ces in ‘their peri­phe­ry’ in the years pri­or), if thats “the empi­re”, the west actual­ly real­ly never was that worried… (not just “the lef­tist” posi­ti­on on that)), and moves from “neo­co­lo­nia­lism, defi­ni­te­ly”, to “neo­co­lo­nia­lism is what we have to com­mu­ni­ca­te to our afri­can friends and part­ners, to get them to a prop­per under­stan­ding of the situa­ti­on, to ‘a kind of neo­co­lo­nia­lism’ in the very end. That is very under­han­ded. May­be even random.

The core of the dis­pu­te is, if Euro­pe can find peace in the medi­um term - to which Hills posi­ti­on is the one of a cra­zy MOFO as always

Ever­ything (Poli­ti­cal uni­on, out­re­ach initia­ti­ves, peace buil­ding through tra­de initia­ti­ves, …) fai­led, Putin only tri­es to build empi­re, under a pre­text of nuclear war, which allows him to get away with it, Euro­pe cant exist as a non mili­ta­ris­tic enti­ty, may­be it cant exist at all any­mo­re - in its cur­rent form, also real­ly the only way for­ward from the cur­rent posi­ti­on is Nato, we have to con­vin­ce the 2/3 of the world that dont belie­ve a word of this - the key to this is sole­ly “com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on” *cough*, Putin plan­ned this, Putin is the only deci­ding ele­ment here, he is also cra­zy and irra­tio­nal, I know what Putin thinks, I was cal­led to a pre­cur­sor con­flict when (look that up, was inte­res­ting, for­got the pre­mi­se - didnt seem too sta­ged), … War of attri­ti­on until the end.

To which the french coun­ter­point is, are you cray cray? Peace is pos­si­ble, hope­ful­ly in the near future, Nato is not a given - the rest of the world doesnt belie­ve in our nar­ra­ti­ve posi­ti­on (always seen as a working posi­ti­on to orga­ni­ze lar­ger alli­an­ces), but then the con­ces­si­on - Putin must go, befo­re try­ing to inter­con­nect through tra­de and diplo­ma­cy may beco­me a via­ble posi­ti­on again.

Also the­re is a kill off argu­ment against the glo­bal lef­tist posi­ti­on thrown in the­re some­whe­re, need to find that line again as well…

To which our media sys­tem (ORF Euro­pa­stu­dio) has the fol­lowing nuan­ces to add:


Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das LETZTE. Sterbt.

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