Thats actually funny…

18. Februar 2024

So BR24 due to regio­nal pro­xi­mi­ty has ban­ked the con­tract to do the “reli­ve” stuff in this years Munich Secu­ri­ty Conference.

And they are a jour­na­listic enti­ty thats not so ver­sed in PR pam­pe­ring the usu­al panels of idi­ots, glad­hand­ers, and the well­con­nec­ted, so they actual­ly tried to frame the deba­tes by the main tal­king points made during them. And this is the result:

The point being, that yes “lea­ders” on average real­ly are that dumb. And yes, they only have their one spiel of “lets all give our best and fol­low me and we can do it!”, and yes - they almost never know anything about the sub­ject at hand they are tal­king about - but you arent usual­ly sup­po­sed to pre­sent that in the thumb­nail titles.. 😉

The­re are more of tho­se on BR24s cur­rent you­tube vide­os page, but they are more nuan­ced, the ones here are the fun­nier ones, becau­se they are just so drop dead stupid…

So what you usual­ly do is you clue in into the inspi­ra­tio­nal natu­re of it all and then you are sup­po­sed to text an aspi­ra­tio­nal thumb­nail tit­le, that makes them seem like tho­se peop­le make a dif­fe­rence, not quo­te their actu­al speech lines, which they reu­sed for the 20th time, becau­se as “lea­ders” they only ever memo­ri­zed that one speech… 😉

edit: Oh, and a bonus Selen­skyj speech:

Pre­dic­ting WW3, as usu­al. Wea­po­niz­a­ti­on of food. Wea­po­niz­ti­on of migra­ti­on. Cha­os in afri­ca. Cha­os in the ame­ri­cas. You know - the usu­al. Cata­stro­phic ever­ything. “The intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty is awa­re of it.”

Uh, look whos the mode­ra­tor for the Selen­skyj inter­view at the MSC 2024! Its Chris­tia­ne “Why arent you cal­ling it a war alrea­dy, Madame von der Ley­en?” Amanpour!


More mili­ta­ry deter­rence would have pre­ven­ted this

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