The aftermath

08. April 2022

You’­ve heard of Bucha? You’­ve heard or see­en not­hing yet!

Situa­ti­on in Boro­dian­ka is “much sca­ri­er” than Bucha, Zelen­sky says

Ukrai­ni­an Pre­si­dent Volo­dym­yr Zelen­sky said work is under­way to clear rub­ble in the town of Boro­dian­ka and the situa­ti­on the­re is “much sca­ri­er” than that in Bucha.

Spea­king at his night­ly address on Thurs­day night, Zelen­sky said, “So far, the Rus­si­an sta­te and the Rus­si­an mili­ta­ry are the grea­test thre­at on the pla­net to free­dom, to human secu­ri­ty, to the con­cept of human rights as such. After Bucha, this is alrea­dy obvious,” he said, adding that work to clear rub­ble in Boro­dian­ka has begun. 

It’s much sca­ri­er the­re. More vic­tims of Rus­si­an inva­ders,” Zelen­sky said.
The Ukrai­ni­an pre­si­dent said simi­lar atro­ci­ties were seen in Mariu­pol as well.

What will hap­pen when the world learns the who­le truth about what the Rus­si­an mili­ta­ry did in Mariu­pol? The­re, on almost every street, is what the world saw in Bucha and other towns in the Kyiv regi­on after the with­dra­wal of Rus­si­an tro­ops. The same cru­el­ty. The same ter­ri­ble cri­mes,” he said.

Zelen­sky sug­gested that the atro­ci­ties com­mit­ted by Rus­si­an for­ces would be used as pro­pa­gan­da. CNN can­not inde­pendent­ly veri­fy the­se claims.

More and more infor­ma­ti­on is com­ing in that Rus­si­an pro­pa­gan­dists are pre­pa­ring, so to speak, a ‘mir­ror respon­se’ to the shock of all nor­mal peop­le from what they saw in Bucha. They are going to show the vic­tims in Mariu­pol as if they were not kil­led by the Rus­si­an mili­ta­ry, but by Ukrai­ni­an defen­ders of the city,” Zelen­sky said, “to do this, the occu­p­iers collect corp­ses on the streets, take them out. And can be used else­whe­re in accordance with the deve­lo­ped pro­pa­gan­da scenarios.”

Zelen­sky said every mur­der in Ukrai­ne will be inves­ti­ga­ted and every loo­ter, rapist and mur­de­rer will be found and that after what the world saw hap­pe­ning in Bucha, it is clear Rus­sia “does not obey” human rights.”

He cal­led the UN Gene­ral Assembly’s decisi­on to sus­pend Rus­sia from the Human Rights Coun­cil “fair and logi­cal” and thank­ed the coun­try that sup­por­ted the UNGA decision.

Perhaps Rus­sia will chan­ge its atti­tu­de to human rights, but at this point in time it’s not hap­pe­ning,” Zelen­sky said.


Inte­res­ting paragraph:

More and more infor­ma­ti­on is com­ing in that Rus­si­an pro­pa­gan­dists are pre­pa­ring, so to speak, a “mir­ror respon­se” to the shock of all nor­mal peop­le from what they saw in Bucha. They are going to show the vic­tims in Mariu­pol as if they were kil­led not by the Rus­si­an mili­ta­ry, but by the Ukrai­ni­an defen­ders of the city. To do this, the occu­p­iers collect corp­ses on the streets, take them out and can use them else­whe­re in accordance with the ela­bo­ra­ted pro­pa­gan­da scenarios.

We are dealing with inva­ders who have not­hing human left. To jus­ti­fy their own kil­lings, they take the mur­de­red peop­le sim­ply as sce­ne­ry, as pro­pa­gan­da props. And this is a sepa­ra­te war crime, for which each of the pro­pa­gan­dists will be held accountable.


Ukrai­ni­an offi­cial: 26 bodies found under rub­ble of two houses in Borodianka
From CNN’s Hira Humayun

In the town of Boro­dian­ka, 26 bodies were found under the rub­ble of two houses accord­ing to Ukraine’s Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral Iry­na Vene­dik­to­va in a tele­vi­sed address on Thursday. 

She said the town was hit by Rus­si­an airstrikes lea­ding to a num­ber of civi­li­an casualties.

Two big houses have been dis­mant­led. Found 26 bodies. And the­se are only two houses. Atro­ci­ties are in fact a legal term that com­bi­nes three cri­mes: war cri­mes, cri­mes against huma­ni­ty and geno­ci­de. I think we need to get used to this term. This is a legal term in inter­na­tio­nal cri­mi­nal law. So Boro­dian­ka is an illus­tra­ti­ve examp­le,” she said.

src: click

Also, it was sug­gested (cant remem­ber by whom any­mo­re, but I’ve read it befo­re), that the fol­lowing was a diver­si­on attempt of the rus­si­an side - to move the news nar­ra­ti­ve off of the atrocities.

Rus­si­an offi­cial accu­ses Ukrai­ne of chan­ging deman­ds sin­ce the 2 sides met in Istanbul
From CNN’s Ulia­na Pavlo­va and Mar­tin Goillandeau

Rus­si­an For­eign Minis­ter Ser­gey Lav­rov speaks during a news con­fe­rence in Moscow on Thursday.
Rus­si­an For­eign Minis­ter Ser­gey Lav­rov speaks during a news con­fe­rence in Moscow on Thurs­day. (Alex­an­der Zemlianichenko/Pool/AP)
On Thurs­day, Rus­si­an For­eign Minis­ter Ser­gey Lav­rov accu­sed Ukrai­ni­an nego­tia­tors of chan­ging the most important pro­vi­si­ons that both sides had agreed upon during Russia-Ukraine talks in Istan­bul last month.

Lav­rov said that a draft agree­ment pre­sen­ted on Wed­nes­day by Ukrai­ni­an nego­tia­tors “show­ed a depar­tu­re from the most important pro­vi­si­ons fixed at the mee­ting in Istan­bul,” adding that the new Ukrai­ni­an draft agree­ment did not inclu­de an ear­lier pro­po­sal by Kyiv to exclu­de Cri­mea and Sebas­to­pol from the future secu­ri­ty gua­ran­tees Ukrai­ne is demanding.

Lav­rov also said Ukrai­ni­ans sug­gested that “the pro­blems of Cri­mea and Don­bas should be brought to the mee­ting of the pre­si­dents of Rus­sia and Ukrai­ne,” a pro­po­sal deemed “unac­cep­ta­ble” by Rus­sia, as Ukrai­ni­an Pre­si­dent Volo­dym­yr Zelen­sky has repeated­ly sta­ted that such a mee­ting is pos­si­ble only after the ces­sa­ti­on of hostilities.

At the next sta­ge, the Ukrai­ni­an side will cer­tain­ly ask for the with­dra­wal of tro­ops and will put for­ward new pre­con­di­ti­ons,” Lav­rov said.

Accord­ing to the Rus­si­an For­eign Minis­ter, the Ukrai­ni­an side has also chan­ged its stance on a pro­vi­si­on that Moscow could oppo­se any future mili­ta­ry maneu­vers invol­ving for­eign for­ces in Ukrai­ni­an territory.

Lav­rov said that the ina­bi­li­ty to find a nego­tia­ted agree­ment with Ukrai­ne “demons­tra­tes the true inten­ti­ons of Kyiv, its line to drag on and even make the nego­tia­ti­ons fail, rejec­ting the agree­ments that had been found.”

We see this as a mani­fes­ta­ti­on of the fact that the Kyiv regime is con­trol­led by Washing­ton and its allies, who are pushing Pre­si­dent Zelen­sky to con­ti­nue hos­ti­li­ties,” he added.
Lav­rov said the Rus­si­an dele­ga­ti­on would “con­ti­nue the nego­tia­ti­on pro­cess,” pro­mo­ting its draft agree­ment, which accord­ing to Lav­rov “clear­ly and in full, sets out all the key posi­ti­ons and demands.”

Lav­rov did not reve­al the details of that draft agreement.

src: click
Regard­less, in its­elf thats worth to be acknowledged.

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