The BBC has not verified this claim

14. Mai 2022

War likely to be over by end of year - Ukrai­ni­an general

The head of Ukraine’s mili­ta­ry intel­li­gence has said the war with Rus­sia will reach a turning-point in mid-August and is likely to be over by the end of the year.

In an inter­view with Sky News, Major Gene­ral Kyry­lo Buda­nov said that “the brea­king point will be in the second part of August” and “most of the acti­ve com­bat actions will have finis­hed by the end of this year.”

As a result, we will renew Ukrai­ni­an power in all our ter­ri­to­ries that we have lost inclu­ding Don­bas and the Crimea.”

He added that Rus­sia losing the war will lead to a coup against Rus­si­an Pre­si­dent Vla­di­mir Putin, which he clai­med was alrea­dy under­way. The BBC has not veri­fied this claim.

Sky News halt. Die auch nicht. 🙂

src: click

In other news: Die Ukrai­ni­sche Armee hat einen Rück­zug Rus­si­scher Trup­pen aus Khar­kiv erreicht.

edit: Times Radio on “a coup is alrea­dy under­way”.

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