Bad US - no F-16, no MLRS

14. Mai 2022

Only self-propelled howitzers - see:

we can’t win this war with Soviet equip­ment becau­se A. Rus­sia has much more Soviet equip­ment, B. we don’t have any­whe­re to get ammu­ni­ti­on for this, and C. Rus­sia sim­ply has more peop­le and more troops.”

Need F-16 and MLRS for win­ning, you see?

Usti­no­va and Kale­ni­uk, who were in Washing­ton this week for mee­tings, said that they belie­ve the­re is a lack of “poli­ti­cal will that is nee­ded” for the admi­nis­tra­ti­on to deci­de to send such kinds of hea­vy wea­pon­ry – and quick­ly — and the fee­ling that the­re is still fear about pro­vo­king Moscow.

They decried the fact that it took so long for the US to deci­de to send the hea­vy wea­pon­ry it is sen­ding now, with Usti­no­va say­ing, “if we had Howitzers two mon­ths ago, Mariu­pol would not hap­pen becau­se they would­n’t be able to sur­round like they did, to sur­round the city and liter­al­ly des­troy it.”

They decried the fact that it took so long for the US to deci­de to send the hea­vy wea­pon­ry it is sen­ding now, with Usti­no­va say­ing, “if we had Howitzers two mon­ths ago, Mariu­pol would not hap­pen becau­se they would­n’t be able to sur­round like they did, to sur­round the city and liter­al­ly des­troy it.”

Bad US, bad US.….….

(No instant logistics, no instant deli­very through an acti­ve war­zo­ne… No instant rub­ber­stam­ping in the House Armed Ser­vices Committee…)

Full arti­cle on CNN.

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