The not at all staged attack on Mariupol maternity ward

23. November 2023

I final­ly could source a 1080p copy of “20 days in Mariupol”.

… fea­turing Vla­di­mir, the hand­ler of the (wait for it) -

Mstys­lav Cher­nov wider­spricht sich erneut

Che­vron shopping!

Wis­sen sie noch in Mariupol!?

- Cher­nov crew.

So lets count spe­cial unit bad­ges and appearan­ces of peop­le with the Donezk regi­on poli­ce head­quar­ters emblem on their jackets, why not?

Nor­mal poli­ce unit guy, and his buff nor­mal poli­ce unit friend (you know, the one with a head­lamp), tel­ling the jour­na­lists were to go to get to the mater­ni­ty ward (they saw smo­ke, so they went. First up a sky­s­cra­per to film the smo­kes source of cour­se, then to the mater­ni­ty hospital).

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First Donezk regi­on poli­ce head­quar­ters badge:
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Beau­ti­ful badge, ori­gin 501st Sepa­ra­te Bat­tali­on of the Mari­ne Infan­try of the Ukrai­ni­an Navy:
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Unknown badge, ori­gin still to be determinded:
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Second unknown badge, ori­gin still to be determined:
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Shoul­der patch of the patrol poli­ce of Mariu­pol:
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Ah, hi, whos that? We know her!
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She feels fine.
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So does this lad next to her with the nor­mal ukrai­ni­an poli­ce emblem on his head:

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Oh, also the lad with the second “Donezk regi­on, poli­ce head­quar­ters” emblem on his shoulder!
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Oh look, its the crater!
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[Below] Third Donezk regi­on, poli­ce head­qua­ters badge at the sce­ne. Its a litt­le hard to see, zoom in if you have to. Tho­se guys are real­ly eager first responders!

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Oh look! Its Vla­di­mir! The Cher­nov Crew hand­ler in Mariu­pol! Who was on the Mater­ni­ty ward bom­bing site!

The guy who will later dri­ve the Cher­nov Crew out of Mariu­pol in his Hyun­dai! The guy that accord­ing to two Cher­nov inter­views they met at the sce­ne “by acci­dent!” The guy that the Cher­nov crew didnt know befo­re then! The guy that pro­bab­ly dro­ve them [on the same day] to whe­re they could find inter­net! To upload the mater­ni­ty ward bom­bing videos!

Look, he has some­thing to say into the came­ra! On the day of the Mater­ni­ty Hos­pi­tal bombing!

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[Coin­ci­dent­ly also, the Mater­ni­ty Ward hos­pi­tal, not exact­ly in the cen­ter of Mariu­pol. But hey what gives. Vla­di­mir then swit­ches to eng­lish, addres­sing what they need from the inter­na­tio­nal com­mu­ni­ty at lar­ge. Vla­di­mir of cour­se only being a ran­dom poli­ce offi­cer with the Poli­ce head­qua­ters, Donezk regi­on badge on his shoulder.]

Rus­si­an tro­ops com­mit warcri­mes. Our Fami­ly. Our women, our child­ren, need help. Our peop­le, need help from inter­na­tio­nal socie­ty. Plea­se, help Mariupol.”

(He has to search for the word warcri­mes during the state­ment, so it doesnt seem excep­tio­nal­ly staged/prepared - may­be just asked for by the jour­na­lists, becau­se he alrea­dy gave a state­ment in ukrainian.)


Look its the Vla­di­mir guy again! With the Donezk regi­on poli­ce head­qua­ters emblem on his jacket!

In a dif­fe­rent hos­pi­tal! Whe­re, accord­ing to Cher­nov in the initi­al Al Jaze­e­ra Inter­view in march of 2022 was just “some poli­ce offi­cer”, pro­tec­ting the inter­net on the seventh floor of the hos­pi­tal the mater­ni­ty ward women were evacua­ted to! Whe­re Cher­nov and Crew found him by acci­dent! Again!

To then film the intro of the 20 Days in Mariu­pol docu­men­ta­ry the­re! Isnt that convenient?!

The same guy who later dro­ve Cher­nov and crew out of Mariu­pol in his Hyundai!

Through 15 rus­si­an check­points! To Freedom!

Which Cher­nov in two inter­views mis­re­pre­sen­ted by say­ing, that they were poin­ted “by a poli­ce offi­cer, in a cel­lar to which they were evacua­ted” towards some cars, that “were about to dri­ve out of the city” whe­re they -at random- found a fami­ly with which they escaped. End­an­ge­ring the fami­ly mem­bers lives! With their mate­ri­al. Which the poli­ce offi­cers never copied. Alt­hough it alrea­dy was a topic of dis­cus­sion in the UN secu­ri­ty coun­cil. Which the edi­tor which Cher­nov was in con­ta­ct with told Cher­nov. Through 15 rus­si­an checkpoints!

Look, he still has got his Poli­ce Head­qua­ters Donezk regi­on badge on!

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Final pro­c­lai­med pro­gres­si­on of the events, after watching all avail­ab­le sources.

- Jour­na­list are in Mariu­pol “alo­ne”, alt­hough every jour­na­list team in Ukrai­ne by that point needs to be accredi­ted by the Ukrai­ni­an Patrol Poli­ce, see click.
- Jour­na­lists see smoke
- Jour­na­lists go up a mul­ti floor buil­ding to film the source of the smo­ke, see - its a hospital.
- Jour­na­lists go there.
- Jour­na­lists first meet Vla­di­mir (their poli­ce hand­ler in Mariu­pol, also the most pro­mi­nent per­son with a Donezk poli­ce head­qua­ters badge on his jacket) the­re “by acci­dent”. Vla­di­mir over­he­ars them talking -

Our bat­te­ries were almost out of juice, and we had no con­nec­tion to send the images. Cur­few was minu­tes away. A poli­ce offi­cer over­he­ard us tal­king about how to get news of the hos­pi­tal bom­bing out.

This will chan­ge the cour­se of the war,” he said. He took us to a power source and an inter­net connection.

src: click
- Vla­di­mir makes a state­ment “what this was, and what we need from the inter­na­tio­nal com­mu­ni­ty now” into the camera.
- Vla­di­mir takes the Jour­na­lists to “the only spot in Mariu­pol whe­re the­re is still internet:

This will chan­ge the cour­se of the war,” he said. He took us to a power source and an inter­net connection.

src: click
- Jour­na­lists lea­ve Vla­di­mir, whom they met by accident:

In the dark, we sent the images by lining up three mobi­le pho­nes with the video file split into three parts to speed the pro­cess up. It took hours, well bey­ond cur­few. The shel­ling con­ti­nued, but the offi­cers assi­gned to escort us through the city wai­ted patiently.

Then our link to the world out­side Mariu­pol was again severed.

We went back to an empty hotel base­ment with an aqua­ri­um now fil­led with dead gold­fi­sh. In our iso­la­ti­on, we knew not­hing about a gro­wing Rus­si­an dis­in­for­ma­ti­on cam­pai­gn to dis­credit our work.

src: click Noti­ce also that by then they “had offi­cers assi­gned to them”.
- On the next day they meet Vla­di­mir again and film the last fire bri­ga­de sta­ti­on bom­bed by rus­si­ans in Mariu­pol. Then they return to the only spot in Mariu­pol with inter­net AGAIN, to upload the foo­ta­ge. The­re in the movie the line “its post the cur­few, so Vla­di­mir had to come with us” is men­tio­ned (see Docu­men­ta­ry (20 Days in Mariupol)).
- On the next day they meet Vla­di­mir again, who now is only with them, becau­se now the hos­pi­tal they want to go to on this day, to catch up with and film the women from the mater­ni­ty ward again - is in “the red zone”, so Vla­di­mir [their ran­dom acquaintance/their hand­ler in mari­pol] has to come. (see Docu­men­ta­ry (20 Days in Mariupol))

On March 11, in a brief call without details, our edi­tor asked if we could find the women who sur­vi­ved the mater­ni­ty hos­pi­tal [attack] to pro­ve their exis­tence. I rea­li­sed the foo­ta­ge must have been power­ful enough to pro­vo­ke a respon­se from the Rus­si­an government.

We found them at a hos­pi­tal on the front line, some with babies and others in labour. We also lear­ned that one woman had lost her baby and then her own life.

src: click

The­re in that hos­pi­tal, they try to find the mater­ni­ty ward - but the­re is no mater­ni­ty ward. They find some of the women having been trans­fe­red from the ori­gi­nal mater­ni­ty ward, and a doc­tor who can con­firm the death of the women (and her child) they filmed being trans­por­ted on the stret­cher, two days before. 

They try to lea­ve, with their escort asking for a way out, also having a Poli­ce Head­quar­ters of Donezk emblem on his jacket - pro­bab­ly Vladimir:
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But they cant lea­ve, becau­se in front of the hos­pi­tal the­re is a sni­per that had been seen, and the­re is an ongo­ing fire­fight, while peop­le are whee­led into the hos­pi­tal on stret­chers, by mili­ta­ry personal.

Then they hear a rum­ble. Tanks?

So now they go to the 7th floor of that hos­pi­tal, to their “obser­va­ti­on point” (see: Docu­men­ta­ry (20 Days in Mariu­pol)) OR - AGAIN “to send the video” (see Al Jaze­e­ra Inter­view from March 2022), from a dif­fe­rent spot, other than the only spot, whe­re they have a inter­net con­nec­tion in Mariu­pol (the spot Vla­di­mir show­ed them befo­re, which wasnt in that hos­pi­tal), whe­re they all of a sud­den have inter­net again, and all of a sud­den are with Vla­di­mir again -- going by this Al Jaze­e­ra interview:

We found them at a hos­pi­tal on the front line, some with babies and others in labour. We also lear­ned that one woman had lost her baby and then her own life.

We went up to the seventh floor to send the video from the tenuous inter­net link. From the­re, I wat­ched as tank after tank rol­led up along­side the hos­pi­tal com­pound, each mar­ked with the let­ter “Z” that had beco­me the Rus­si­an emblem for the war. 

src: click

Pick one of the nar­ra­ti­ves, whiche­ver you like best, really…

Or pick the one from the docu­men­ta­ry, becau­se in the docu­men­ta­ry, the­re is a voice over line “we need to send the foo­ta­ge, the­re is no con­nec­tion the­re, and we cant get to our car”.

Well too bad for the 10 news­out­lets that pushed the actu­al inter­view with Cher­nov that sta­ted other­wi­se (went to the 7th floor to send the video using the inter­net in the hos­pi­tal), in march of 2022.

But that was befo­re the movie released at Sundance, in Novem­ber of 2023, of course.

To then, on the seventh floor - film the intro of 20 days of Mariupol.

Its tanks!

Then the­re is a time­cut in the docu­men­ta­ry - whe­re an insert is pla­ced about night­ma­rish fever­dreams of the past.

At just the moment whe­re in the initi­al Al Jaze­e­ra inter­view Vla­di­mir vanis­hes for a while…

The Ukrai­ni­an sol­di­ers who had been pro­tec­ting the hos­pi­tal had vanis­hed. And the path to our van, with our food, water and equip­ment, was cove­r­ed by a Rus­si­an sni­per who had alrea­dy struck a medic ven­tu­ring outside.

src: click

To see the vanis­hing sol­di­ers, look at the screen­shot befo­re, whe­re you see three soldiers.

The para­graph abo­ve also mis­re­pres­ents that time­li­ne wise, becau­se when they heard about the sni­per, right befo­re they tried to exit, Vla­di­mir was still with them, and so were ukrai­ni­an sol­di­ers (see pre­vious screen cap­tu­re), and Vla­di­mir was still with them later, when they first went to the 7th floor - but no big­gy. Vla­di­mir vanis­hed later that night.

Or actual­ly - in the docu­men­ta­ry, Vla­di­mir didnt vanish. Becau­se in the docu­men­ta­ry - Vla­di­mir used the last of his radi­os bat­te­ry, to con­ta­ct a spe­cial mili­ta­ry task for­ce, which res­cued them from the hospital.

Voice over line at 1:18:00 into the docu­men­ta­ry. (see: Docu­men­ta­ry (20 Days in Mariupol))

Which is inte­res­ting, because…

In ano­t­her Cher­nov inter­view - they were in the area, becau­se they were alrea­dy going through the battle­field, also… 

Has Vla­di­mir cal­led the 12 peop­le taskfor­ce to the hospital?

Well, who can say exact­ly… Not Chernov.
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src: click , well - they alrea­dy were going through the battle­field and took us out. Is how this sen­tence ends.

Again, pick any nar­ra­ti­ve you like…

Becau­se in the Docu­men­ta­ry they - voice over line again, said “we were alrea­dy behind enemy lines” when they ent­e­red the hos­pi­tal -- with a hearty:

Sud­den­ly at dawn, a dozen sol­di­ers burst in, “Whe­re are the jour­na­lists, for f***’s sake?”

I loo­ked at their arm­bands, blue for Ukrai­ne, and tried to cal­cu­la­te the odds that they were Rus­si­ans in dis­gui­se. I step­ped for­ward to iden­ti­fy mys­elf. “We’re here to get you out,” they said.

The walls of the sur­ge­ry shook from artil­le­ry and machine-gun fire out­side, and it see­med safer to stay insi­de. But the Ukrai­ni­an sol­di­ers were under orders to take us with them.

src: click

Becau­se in the Al Jaze­e­ra Inter­view Vla­di­mir by then had vanis­hed, and Cher­nov - in a moment of prac­ti­cal heroi­cism had to iden­ti­fy hims­elf, which is why in the video inter­view lin­ked abo­ve the inter­view­er asked him (befo­re Novem­ber 2023), who had sent the res­cue team.

So pick any nar­ra­ti­ve you like, really.

Becau­se in the Al Jaze­e­ra Inter­view, the res­cue team also HAD THE ORDER to take them with them:

I loo­ked at their arm­bands, blue for Ukrai­ne, and tried to cal­cu­la­te the odds that they were Rus­si­ans in dis­gui­se. I step­ped for­ward to iden­ti­fy mys­elf. “We’re here to get you out,” they said.

The walls of the sur­ge­ry shook from artil­le­ry and machine-gun fire out­side, and it see­med safer to stay insi­de. But the Ukrai­ni­an sol­di­ers were under orders to take us with them.

src: click

So with Vla­di­mir at his side and also vanis­hed, the res­cue team that was alrea­dy in the area, burst into the hos­pi­tal with a “whe­re the fuck are the jour­na­lists”, becau­se they had the order to take them with them, becau­se Vla­di­mir who was with the jour­na­lists had radio­ed them with the last of the bat­te­ry in his radio and also stood right bes­i­de the journalists.

Again, you pick any nar­ra­ti­ve you like.

In the docu­men­ta­ry the­re is a time­cut (remem­ber?) so we see none of it. After the time­cut the­re is 5 minu­te of shaky cam foo­ta­ge of the extrac­tion though, so thats a plus. Which ends when they reach a van.

Then again helicopter/drone shots with poe­tic voice over. “The city is slow­ly dying, like a human being”.

Then in the docu­men­ta­ry they were dri­ven “to an area still under ukrai­ni­an con­trol”, which in the Al Jaze­e­ra inter­view was a dar­ken­ed base­ment, and in the other video inter­view lin­ked abo­ve an area in the city center.

Then the voice over sim­ply cuts to -- “then for days we tried to find a way to get out of the city” -- while in the Al Jaze­e­ra inter­view they meet ano­t­her poli­ce offi­cer! (Poli­ce offi­cer not a mili­ta­ry guy from their res­cue unit, important for later.)

Very likely Vla­di­mir, becau­se its the poli­ce­man that had said to them befo­re “show the world my dying city”, but also very likely not Vla­di­mir, in the Al Jaze­e­ra Inter­view its just “a poli­ce offi­cer” they met in the base­ment, because -

We reached an ent­ry­way, and armou­red cars whis­ked us to a dar­ken­ed base­ment. Only then did we learn from a poli­ce­man why the Ukrai­ni­ans had ris­ked the lives of sol­di­ers to extract us from the hospital.

If they catch you, they will get you on came­ra and they will make you say that ever­ything you filmed is a lie,” he said. “All your efforts and ever­ything you have done in Mariu­pol will be in vain.”

The offi­cer, who had once beg­ged us to show the world his dying city, now plea­ded with us to go. He nud­ged us toward the thousands of bat­te­red cars pre­pa­ring to lea­ve Mariupol.

It was March 15. We had no idea if we would make it out alive.


It didn’t feel like a res­cue. It felt like we were just being moved from one dan­ger to ano­t­her. By this time, nowhe­re in Mariu­pol was safe, and the­re was no reli­ef. You could die at any moment.

I felt ama­zin­gly gra­te­ful to the sol­di­ers, but also numb. And asha­med that I was leaving.

We cram­med into a Hyun­dai with a fami­ly of three and pul­led into a five-kilometre-long (3.1-mile-long) traf­fic jam out of the city. Appro­xi­mate­ly 30,000 peop­le made it out of Mariu­pol that day — so many that Rus­si­an sol­di­ers had no time to look clo­se­ly into cars with win­dows cove­r­ed with flap­ping bits of plastic.

- becau­se Vla­di­mir who was with them all night, accord­ing to the docu­men­ta­ry, appar­ent­ly didnt tell them, why he had radio­ed in a res­cue team befo­re. Which took them in the morning, with orders to take “the Jour­na­lists”, but with Vla­di­mir (Poli­ce head­quar­ters Donezk regi­on) still bes­i­de them, alt­hough he also had vanis­hed (see Al Jaze­e­ra interview).

With the last of his radi­os battery.

Pick any nar­ra­ti­ve you want.

Then in the docu­men­ta­ry, Vla­di­mir still “insis­ted” that they should lea­ve Mariu­pol entirely.

But they go to the last func­tio­n­ing hos­pi­tal in the city first, on yet ano­t­her day, and film some more foo­ta­ge of peop­le in a hospital.

And a doc­tor unwrap­ping a dead baby in the hos­pi­tals basement.

With Vla­di­mir of course -
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- who is STILL with them all­t­hough in the initi­al Al Jaze­e­ra Inter­view, they last spo­ke to him in the base­ment they were evacua­ted to by the spe­cial mili­ta­ry task force:

We reached an ent­ry­way, and armou­red cars whis­ked us to a dar­ken­ed base­ment. Only then did we learn from a poli­ce­man why the Ukrai­ni­ans had ris­ked the lives of sol­di­ers to extract us from the hospital.

If they catch you, they will get you on came­ra and they will make you say that ever­ything you filmed is a lie,” he said. “All your efforts and ever­ything you have done in Mariu­pol will be in vain.”

The offi­cer, who had once beg­ged us to show the world his dying city, now plea­ded with us to go. He nud­ged us toward the thousands of bat­te­red cars pre­pa­ring to lea­ve Mariupol.

It was March 15. We had no idea if we would make it out alive.

src: click
They lear­ned that from a poli­ce­man, not a sol­dier, mind you.

Then they “need to lea­ve” (accord­ing to the voice over).

We need to catch up with a con­voy. Vla­di­mir says, he can try to take us with his car. I tell him, that its dan­ge­rous, but he wants to help to get us and our mate­ri­als out. And he still hopes, that if the world saw ever­ything that hap­pen­ed in Mariu­pol, it would at least give some mea­ning to this horror.”

Then foo­ta­ge of them lea­ving the city through 15 rus­si­an check­points in Vla­di­mirs Hyun­dai, came­ras and hard­dri­ves hid­den under seats.
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Then the­re is ano­t­her voice­over in the documentary:

Yes­ter­day I told one of the offi­cers who extrac­ted us from the hos­pi­tal - “Thank you for saving us.” He said: “Thank you for tel­ling the sto­ry of this city.”

Which is kind of stran­ge, becau­se -- again, in the Al Jaze­e­ra interview:

We reached an ent­ry­way, and armou­red cars whis­ked us to a dar­ken­ed base­ment. Only then did we learn from a poli­ce­man why the Ukrai­ni­ans had ris­ked the lives of sol­di­ers to extract us from the hospital.

If they catch you, they will get you on came­ra and they will make you say that ever­ything you filmed is a lie,” he said. “All your efforts and ever­ything you have done in Mariu­pol will be in vain.”

The offi­cer, who had once beg­ged us to show the world his dying city, now plea­ded with us to go. He nud­ged us toward the thousands of bat­te­red cars pre­pa­ring to lea­ve Mariupol.

That was a poli­ce offi­cer. Not a spe­cial mili­ta­ry task for­ce offi­cer. A poli­ce offi­cer, they see­med to know from befo­re (“who had once beg­ged us to show the world his dying city”), and the fol­lowing points in the CBS Front­li­ne Docu­men­ta­ry are ALL attri­bu­t­ed to Vla­di­mir exclu­si­ve­ly, again, all via voice over:

1. “They will get you on came­ra and they will make you say that ever­ything you filmed is a lie” said Vladimir
2. “All your efforts and ever­ything you have done in Mariu­pol will be in vain.” … you have to lea­ve the city, said Vladimir.
3. “He nud­ged us toward the thousands of bat­te­red cars pre­pa­ring to lea­ve Mariu­pol.” Vla­di­mir did. In the docu­men­ta­ry. More than once.

Oh well, you pick any nar­ra­ti­ve you like.

Which all is so gre­at to begin with, becau­se in this other inter­view, the Cher­nov crew is also dri­ven around Mariu­pol “by the patrol poli­ce”, and also dri­ven to the “patrol poli­ce head­quar­ters” (which the Docu­men­ta­ry never shows):

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src: click

Which only beco­mes excep­tio­nal­ly gre­at, once you know, that the patrol poli­ce is the sec­tion of ukrai­ni­an poli­ce that holds clas­si­cal con­certs in their head­qua­ters around christ­mas, to which they invi­te jour­na­lists to, and also the insti­tu­ti­on that you need to be accredi­ted by, to film in the Ukrai­ne at all. Star­ting two days after the begin­ning of the invasion.


Embed­ded Repor­ting == Front­li­ne Journalism

So in essence, it real­ly is so very gre­at, that they found their Vla­di­mir at the mater­ni­ty hos­pi­tal by accident.

Lie­be Grü­ße an das VERFICKTE ARSCHLOCH VON PSYCHOTHERAPEUTEN, der mich bei einem “Ent­las­tungs­ter­min” mit “jetzt hör ich mir das schon seit einer Stun­de an, hören sie mit dem Blöd­sinn auf” und “wie wärs mit einer Kur” aus der Betreu­ung getre­ten hat, mich dann an die Psych­ia­te­rin neben an ver­wie­sen hat, wo ich dann eine Stun­de spä­ter so aus­ge­zuckt bin, dass sie mir die WEGA nach Hau­se geschickt hat, die mir dann die Tür auf­ge­tre­ten hat, weil ich mich von ihr mit dem Spruch, “ich schließ mich jetzt zu Hau­se ein, und die ers­te Per­son die mir die Tür ein­tritt ***** ich ab” aus der Stun­de ver­ab­schie­det habe. Klei­ner Tipp, bis heu­te kei­ne psych­ia­tri­sche Dia­gno­se (also kei­ne psy­chi­sche Krank­heit außer einer mitt­le­ren Depres­si­on dia­gnos­ti­ziert) - die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

Lie­be Grü­ße auch an Armin Wolf, der beim Inter­view des Pro­fils mit dem Rus­si­schen Bot­schaf­ter per Twit­ter alle Kol­le­gen ange­schrien hat, dass “die Behaup­tung das Atten­tat auf eine Kli­nik sei ges­ta­ged gewe­sen” die tiefs­te Pro­pa­gan­da gewe­sen wäre, die Armin Wolf in sei­nem bis­he­ri­gen Leben gese­hen habe.

Lie­be Grü­ße an die Kol­le­gen vom Pro­fil, die dar­auf hin nicht nur den rus­si­schen Bot­schaf­ter in Wien dis­kre­di­tiert haben, son­dern ver­laut­bart haben, die­se Äuße­rung des Bot­schaf­ters, die offen­sicht­lich Pro­pa­gan­da wäre - sei der Grund dafür, dass man in den öster­rei­chi­schen Medi­en, seit exakt die­sem Zeit­punkt die rus­si­sche Per­spek­ti­ve voll­kom­men raus­hal­ten müs­se -- denn selbst der rus­si­sche Bot­schaf­ter in Öster­reich ver­brei­te öffent­lich nur schwar­ze Propaganda.

Ach­ja, und lie­be Grü­ße an alle mei­ne zukünf­ti­gen Arbeit­ge­ber, ich bin nach einer Ein­sicht aller Quel­len auf der Sei­te des rus­si­schen Bot­schaf­ters in Öster­reich. Der rus­si­sche Bot­schaf­ter hat­te Recht. Das war gestaged.

Und Cher­nov lügt in sei­nen Inter­views. Nach­weis­lich. Und bekommt dafür Aus­zeich­nun­gen im EU Par­la­ment. Wäh­rend die Vic­tor Pin­chuk Foun­da­ti­on und das Pin­chuk Art Cen­ter Web­sei­ten ( regis­triert und betreibt auf denen Pho­to­aus­stel­lun­gen der Cher­nov Crew bewor­ben werden: 

Embed­ded Repor­ting == Front­li­ne Journalism

Und die DREI Begeg­nun­gen Cher­novs mit Vla­di­mir sei­nem Hand­ler vom Poli­ze­haupt­quar­tier Donezk Regi­on waren kein Zufall. Also - nicht drei mal (Geburts­kli­nik Mariu­pol, ande­res Kran­ken­haus (beim Inter­net bewa­chen) in Mariu­pol) Zufall. An zwei (nein, drei) ver­schie­den Orten. (Nach dem ers­ten Tref­fen haben sich die Jour­na­lis­ten ja von den Poli­zis­ten den sie dort getrof­fen haben, und sie zufäl­lig über das Video reden hat hören ja noch ver­ab­schie­det - weil er war ja nur eine Zufalls­be­geg­nung…”) Und dann noch im Hyun­dai der sie aus der Stadt gefah­ren hat (sie­he Inter­view Cher­novs beim Sundance Film Fes­ti­val), an drei ver­schie­de­nen Tagen. Was Cher­nov zuerst in allen Inter­views ver­schwie­gen und aktiv miss­re­prä­sen­tiert hat.

Und jetzt sterbt ihr fuck­ing Schweine.

Der öster­rei­chi­sche Jour­na­lis­mus ist das abgrund­tief Allerletzte. 

Lie­be Grü­ße auch an die Stif­tung Concordia.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

Das ist das Letz­te was ich in die­sem Blog jemals schrei­be - and thanks for all the fish.

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