So to instruct social media networks to remove postings based on EU law - and to conceptualize its new epistems against memes priming campaign (colloquially known as “vaccination against misinformation”), the European Parliament has now made the following narratives truth by EU resolution --
So it can then go to social media “fact checkers” and tell them remove posts of that guy (me) for being critical of the official narrative…
Here is the full text:
Here is the spin implemented by the EU parliament, I’ve found so far:
1. You have to agree that this war was unprovoked, or the EU will have you censored on social media. (Issue: It wasnt unprovoked):
whereas, in fact, since 24 February 2022 the Russian Federation has been waging an unprovoked, unjustified and illegal war of aggression against Ukraine, in continuation of previous aggressions since 2014, and continues to persistently violate the principles of the UN Charter through its aggressive actions against the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine and to blatantly and grossly violate international humanitarian law, as established by the Geneva Conventions of 1949, in particular through the massive use of targeted attacks against the civilian population, residential areas and civilian infrastructure;
2. By interlinking “act of aggression” and the later adopted phrasing “war of aggression” and focusing on the immediate qualification as such by the UN, the EU tries to downplay the period two weeks after the start of the war, where the EU itself didnt want to qualify it as a war necessarily - which makes discussions about this period basically impossible on social media, unless the factchecker knows the rhetorical trick called grouping, used in the EU resolution here. So when you ask - what changed the EUs position ( ) your posting will get deleted from social media based on this EU resolution.
C. whereas the UN General Assembly, in its resolution of 2 March 2022, immediately qualified Russia’s war against Ukraine as an act of aggression in violation of Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, and, in its resolution of 14 November 2022, it recognised the need to hold the Russian Federation accountable for its war of aggression, as well as legally and financially responsible for its internationally wrongful acts, and that Russia should pay reparations for the injuries and damage caused;
3. You have to qualify the military acts in Chechnya, Georgia and the occupation of Crimea as “russian imperialism” -- and not as german speaking media did before the full scale war as “Russia proactively managing its borders” and the annexation of Crimea as a reaction to the coup in 2014. If you do that in 2025 the EU will make sure, your posts will get deleted from social media.
D. whereas Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is not an isolated act but a continuation of its imperialistic policy, which has included a war against Chechnya and military aggression against Georgia in 2008, and the occupation of Crimea and the start of a war in the Donbas in 2014;
4. You have to agree, that Putins historical revisionism in writing was aimed to rectify the russian full scale invasion, even though that connection was not made by media or historians at the time of publishing, and only was layed onto the text afterwards using the right amount of “official literary analysis”. Meaning - Mearsheimer is now a conspiracy theorist by EU decree, for stating, that the documents dont state, that Russia put into question the political independence, or independent statehood of Ukraine - which those documents dont. Read them for yourselves here: click
E. whereas the start of Russia’s full-scale war of aggression against neighbouring Ukraine was preceded by several public declarations by the president of the Russian Federation seeking to justify its use of force by means of historical revisionism, false claims and illegitimate demands for the recognition of its exclusive interests in Ukraine and other neighbouring countries;
So Mearsheimer will now be canceled from social media.
Also - the right thing to call out for is to promote complete miracle cures at this point - as the EU has just made clear by decree:
1. Reiterates its condemnation, in the strongest possible terms, of Russia’s unprovoked, illegal and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine; calls on Russia to immediately terminate all military activities in Ukraine and to completely and unconditionally withdraw all forces, proxies and military equipment from the entire internationally recognised territory of Ukraine, to end its forced deportations of Ukrainian civilians and to release all detained and deported Ukrainians, particularly children;
Also, if you want to still exist on social media, you have to believe and support the constitution of the special tribunal in the Hague, which the US is openly opposed to creating (was also even during the Biden administration):
7. Furthermore also reiterates its call for the establishment of a special tribunal to investigate and prosecute the crime of aggression committed by the leadership of the Russian Federation against Ukraine; reiterates its call on the Commission, the Council and the European External Action Service to provide all political, financial and practical support necessary for the establishment of a special tribunal; expresses its full support for the International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression in Ukraine, based in The Hague and supporting the ongoing efforts of the Joint Investigation Team, as a first concrete step towards the establishment of the special tribunal;
And if not -- every social media company will have you removed algorithmically.
So this is truth - by decree.
480 votes in favor, 58 against with 48 abstentions.
At least it finally is a list of bulletpoints of what the EU currently considers “russian misinformation”.
I always asked for one - so now its finally here.
Also might I add, that I fully understand by now, why google, facebook and Twitter, in the US said “fuck off” to that - and we will not comply.
In Europe they are still made to adhere to the EU version of “truth at wartimes”, so your future postings on all those issues will be deleted.
Its a social justice warriors dream come true.