Typical reaction to a journalists rebuttal

21. Juli 2022

… on them taking their job seriously…

So it turns out, when you are inter­viewing a ukrai­ni­an MP who has “pro­mo­ting the war effort” in his calen­dar as the most important appoint­ment item for the day…


… and you tell him, that as a jour­na­list you have to ask dif­fi­cult, non par­ti­san ques­ti­ons, becau­se that would be your job - you get the appro­pria­te reaction.


Huh, turns out no pro­pa­gan­da trai­ning can mask micro­ex­pres­si­ons. Well, macro-expressions at that point, really…

See? Some­ti­mes the sub­text is all thats needed. 🙂

Das müs­sen die­se berühm­ten west­li­chen Wer­te sein…

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