Volodymyr Selenskyj, Peter Zwegat and an IMF representative walk into a bar, …

09. April 2024

Says Selen­skyj:

08.04.2024 Ukrai­ni­an Pre­si­dent Volo­dym­yr Zelen­skyy said that Ukrai­ne is con­si­de­ring dif­fe­rent opti­ons, but would agree to credit terms for finan­cing mili­ta­ry assi­s­tance from the United States.

As for Ame­ri­can assi­s­tance: it is cri­ti­cal in any case. Unfor­tu­n­a­te­ly, we are a litt­le hos­ta­ge to this situa­ti­on. Unfor­tu­n­a­te­ly, the issue of Ukrai­ne, name­ly the issue of Russia’s war against Ukrai­ne, has today beco­me a domestic poli­ti­cal issue of the United Sta­tes. Alt­hough this is the secu­ri­ty of the who­le world and I don’t under­stand pre­cise­ly this imma­tu­re approach [on the part of the United Sta­tes],” Zelen­skyy said in an inter­view shown on Satur­day during the telethon.

So, accord­ing to him, “ever­yo­ne under­stands that Rus­sia was coun­ting on an incre­a­se in the num­ber of con­flicts in the world, becau­se ever­yo­ne under­stands that the­re is only one pro­duc­tion capa­ci­ty. And the­re is only one volu­me of wea­pons. And if the­re are a lot of con­flicts, then the­se wea­pons, this help will share. That is, ins­tead of deci­ding to incre­a­se pro­duc­tion and do exact­ly that, and this is a chal­len­ge, the issue is being resol­ved in princip­le of finan­cial assi­s­tance, the abi­li­ty to finan­ce this incre­a­se. That is, ano­t­her link has been added, ano­t­her chal­len­ge. The­re was one - only pro­duc­tion, but now more money for this pro­duc­tion… Howe­ver, I belie­ve, I work, I hope that rea­son will still pre­vail and we will recei­ve appro­pria­te help,” the pre­si­dent said.

Ans­we­ring the ques­ti­on whe­ther Ukrai­ne would agree to help from the United Sta­tes on credit, Zelen­skyy noted that many dif­fe­rent opti­ons are now being con­si­de­red. “You know, the­re was a sena­tor recent­ly, and he asked: ‘Will you agree to loan money?’ I asked: ‘What are the opti­ons?’ ‘Well,’ he says, ‘well, if, for examp­le, they tell you that credit money or you won’t recei­ve [help]. I say: ‘Why are the­se opti­ons if the­re is no choice?’ ” Zelen­skyy said.

Let’s be frank: we will agree to any opti­on. I’ll tell you more - if today they offe­red Ukrai­ne: to give a packa­ge on credit today or for free in a year, then we would say: only today. The­re is no choice here. Our choice is one - to sur­vi­ve and win. We are try­ing to do this in dif­fe­rent ways. This is about credit. The important thing is: the fas­ter, the bet­ter,” he added.

src: click (interfax.com.ua)

Ah, its good old Selen­skyj Thin­king time again! I for one only take my news from accredi­ted heroes ruling sta­tes in a - oh I give up.

Here is Selen­sky­js out: “Howe­ver, I belie­ve, I work, I hope that rea­son will still pre­vail and we will recei­ve appro­pria­te help.”

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