We have to be very honest with the people

30. November 2024

Cool, why not start with “I do tho­se appearen­ces at par­lia­ments all over the world to ral­ly popu­la­ti­ons, to pres­su­re their lea­ders in tho­se respec­ti­ve demo­cra­ci­es, to give mili­ta­ry help to Ukrai­ne, and if tho­se lea­ders dont com­ply, their popu­la­ti­ons will topp­le their governments, becau­se peop­le are much fur­ther along than most poli­ti­ci­ans” - (ver­ba­tim quote):


Lets be honest to the peop­le, for once, why dont we…

edit: Quick demand from Selenskjy in the video here: Lea­ders in the west need to stop what news­pa­pers print on their first pages, and need to tell them to print […] instead.

Sky news mode­ra­tor: YES, YESYES

I mean, lets be honest with the peop­le, that the media is FUCKING NOT WORKING HERE. As intended.

edit2: The “we have to be honest to the peop­le” speech of cour­se ends with “I think we’­ve alrea­dy won.”

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