What gets you banned from Paypal these days…

05. Mai 2022

Haven’t vet­ted the site, but sin­ce Demo­cra­cy Now men­tio­ned it as being part of a poten­ti­al Paypal crack­down on alter­na­ti­ve news sources, not fol­lowing the US nar­ra­ti­ve on Ukrai­ne, I thought I’d at least risk a look…

The Non-Independence of Western-Funded “Inde­pen­dent Media” in Ukrai­ne with Alan MacLeod

Many Kyiv Inde­pen­dent jour­na­lists come from suspect back­grounds, inclu­ding indi­vi­du­als who pre­vious­ly worked for NATO think tank The Atlan­tic Coun­cil, the U.S. Embas­sy in Ukrai­ne, or for the Coun­cil on For­eign Relations. 

src: click

Ah, good to know, I guess I’m f*cked then. What a relief.

On the other news source men­tio­ned in the Demo­cra­cy Now pie­ce, Paypal rever­sed its posi­ti­on as a result of “public out­pou­ring”. They must have been tamer then…

If you want the pro­per posi­ti­on on all things Ukrai­ne, you watch Kule­ba on Sky­news of course:

(Not knowing, that Mario­pols Infra­st­ruc­tu­re has been des­troy­ed bey­ond the fea­si­bi­li­ty of repair, but still very ada­mant­ly deman­ding its recap­tu­re for sym­bo­lic value…

Also if you did­n’t know what the Ukrai­ne needs now, most of all, eh… Watch it yourself.)

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