What is ukrainian propaganda?

14. März 2024

Rus­sia has more drones.
Rus­sia has more of the more advan­ced drones.
Rus­sia has more pro­duc­tion capacity.
Rus­sia (for the moment) has bet­ter elec­tro­nic war­fa­re capability.
You, prac­ti­cal­ly spea­king, cant ban dual use goods.
You wont get Tau­rus unless rus­sia esca­la­tes more - at least while you are still in the defensive.


Here pro­pa­gan­da is very good. Has ans­wers for all tho­se ques­ti­ons. Even part­ly cor­rect ans­wers no whe­re to be found, but pro­pa­gan­da very good. We have the answers.

Thats the spirit!

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