Whats your “understanding the US is very important, especially when we are dealing with the ukraine” face?

13. Juni 2022

Understanding is very important

We have a winner!

In fur­ther news the ‘US Per­spec­ti­ves on the War in Ukrai­ne - Poli­cy Choices, Poli­ti­cal Deba­tes and Public Atti­tu­des’ panel by Pres­se­club Con­cordia is now online.

GMF deli­vers.

edit: Litt­le nug­get of infor­ma­ti­on from the talk: Selen­skyj has two Ame­ri­can PR firms advi­sing him “on how to do this” (get a gre­at stan­ding in terms of public opi­ni­on, in the US and around the world).

edit2: Its worth the watch. If only to see two peop­le dance around a public pol­ling per­son from the GMF that never has heard in his life, that US for­eign poli­cy is a bipar­ti­san affair, whe­re the public has exact­ly zero pull (Viet­nam asi­de), and holds a 20 minu­tes pre­sen­ta­ti­on for no f*cking rea­son, becau­se public pol­ling (in the US) is the wrong tool for under­stan­ding the cri­sis. The other guy gives a base­li­ne descrip­ti­on on ever­ything thats going on in US for­eign poli­cy from a power bro­kers ang­le - and gets it pret­ty right (imho), which is ama­zing in its­elf, becau­se thats one of the per­spec­ti­ves lacking from public dis­cour­se for F*CKING three mon­ths by now.

No f*cking jour­na­list in Aus­tria would be caught dead, filing anything of the sort. So, worth watching.

Oh, High­lights? Asi­de from the Selen­skyj uses two pro­mi­nent US PR agen­ci­es to wri­te his scripts? Ehm. How about “the Ukrai­ne has to deci­de is bullsh*t” (pro­bab­ly dif­fe­rent phra­sing used in the video)?

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das Allerletzte.

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