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13. September 2023

Yes Con­fe­rence 2023:

Path to Vic­to­ry: A View from the US Government


• Vic­to­ria Nuland (Online)

Only one ques­ti­on: Does the path to vic­to­ry invol­ve han­ding out cookies?

Also thank you to the the Vik­tor Pin­chuk Foun­da­ti­on for orga­ni­zing the event.

And if I may - hows your hus­band doing the­se days, now that the Hoo­ver Insti­tu­ti­on suc­cess­ful­ly deplat­for­med Mear­s­hei­mer and allo­wed Kot­kin to craft the wes­tern war nar­ra­ti­ve ten days after the start of the war?

(Six peop­le like this video so far.)

Nata­lia Gume­ni­uk (the mode­ra­tor in the Nuland video), for tho­se who dont know her here, is a ukrai­ni­an PR per­son, doing focus tes­ting, on what messaging to use to edu­ca­te the public on topics in regard to the ukrai­ne war (https://en.journlab.online/home). Her agen­cy is fun­ded by the ukrai­ni­an government and the Stav­ros Niar­chos Foun­da­ti­on SNF Ago­ra Insti­tu­te at Johns Hop­kins Uni­ver­si­ty. Stav­ros Nia­chos was the, sin­ce decea­sed, greek bil­lion­aire ship­ping com­pa­ny mogu­le who got to buy all US war ships in euro­pe after WW2 for pen­nies on the dol­lar, to start his ship­ping empi­re with. Ah the stories.…

Here is Gume­ni­uk tel­ling an audi­ence, how gre­at the ukrai­ni­an patrol poli­ce is, which all jour­na­lists in the Ukrai­ne have to get accredi­ted by, by now. Inclu­ding a christ­mas tree in the sto­ry and ever­ything.… Gre­at peop­le, by the way, which invi­ted her to con­certs first and later also orga­ni­zed the first jour­na­lists trips to Bucha. (Just one guy in the audi­ence wasnt com­ply­ing and asked a nas­ty ques­ti­on, other­wi­se that event was great.):

Embed­ded Repor­ting == Front­li­ne Journalism

edit: Oh thats so neat!

Vic­to­ria Nuland: We have to deli­ver more Jave­lins to Tai­wan, becau­se tho­se are gre­at “defen­si­ve weapons”.

24.11.2019: Zago­rod­nyuk on get­ting back the Donbas: 

The aid, inclu­ding counter-artillery bat­te­ry radar, night-vision gear and patrol boats, has sin­ce [in the later parts of the Trump admi­nis­tra­ti­on] been unf­ro­zen and is making a real dif­fe­rence to Ukrai­ni­an for­ces figh­t­ing Russian-backed sepa­ra­tists in eas­tern districts.

But it is the Jave­lin which appears to be a game-changer, Ukraine’s defen­se minis­ter told CBC News.

In cer­tain are­as, they can make a cri­ti­cal dif­fe­rence,” said Andriy Zagorodnyuk.

src: click

In cer­tain defen­si­ve are­as in Don­bas, of course… 

Wer kennt sie nicht die defen­si­ven Rake­ten­wer­fer Bri­ga­den der leich­ten Infan­te­rie… Zur Ver­tei­di­gung gegen die schlecht aus­ge­rüs­te­ten und nicht gepan­zer­ten Inva­si­ons­trup­pen der Chi­ne­sen beim Angriff auf Taiwan…

Rocket artil­le­ry can­not usual­ly match the accu­ra­cy and sus­tai­ned rate of fire of con­ven­tio­nal gun artil­le­ry. They may be capa­ble of very dest­ruc­ti­ve strikes by deli­vering a lar­ge mass of explo­si­ves simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, thus incre­a­sing the shock effect and giving the tar­get less time to take cover. Modern computer-controlled con­ven­tio­nal artil­le­ry have recent­ly begun to acqui­re the pos­si­bi­li­ty to do some­thing simi­lar through MRSI but it is an open ques­ti­on if MRSI is real­ly prac­ti­cal in a com­bat situa­ti­on. On the other hand, precision-guided rocket artil­le­ry demons­tra­tes extre­me accu­ra­cy, com­pa­ra­ble with the best gui­ded gun artil­le­ry systems.


The hig­her accu­ra­cy of gun artil­le­ry means that it can be used to attack an enemy clo­se to a friend­ly for­ce. This, com­bi­ned with the hig­her capa­ci­ty for sus­tai­ned fire, makes gun artil­le­ry more sui­ta­ble than rocket artil­le­ry for defen­si­ve fire.

src: click

Rocket laun­chers are also com­mon­ly cate­go­ri­zed as artil­le­ry, sin­ce rockets per­form much the same func­tion as artil­le­ry pro­jec­ti­les, but the term artil­le­ry is more pro­per­ly limi­ted to lar­ge gun-type wea­pons using an explo­ding pro­pel­lant char­ge to shoot a pro­jec­ti­le along an unpowe­red trajectory

src: click (britannica.com)

Pro­pa­gan­da hat aber immer noch nie­mand entdeckt.

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