Wisst ihr was wir schon lange nicht mehr hatten?

29. Oktober 2024

Ukrai­ni­sches Par­la­ment akzep­tiert Rück­tritt von Gene­ral­staats­an­walt Kostin


Das waren jetzt 3 seit dem Kriegs­be­ginn 2022, und die Kan­di­da­ten wer­den immer besser!

Adb19a47 8e18 4cc8 a242 1160fb357487

Wie ich das weiß? Nun, genau genom­men habe ich kei­ne Ahnung, aber wur­de in unse­ren erst­klas­si­gen, deutsch­spra­chi­gen Qua­li­täts­me­di­en in der Ukrai­ne nicht immer alles besser?


Qualitätsmedien - Was sonst?

29. Oktober 2024

Weder der Mode­ra­tor in ZDFheu­te, noch die Sen­de­lei­tung, noch Cathryn Clü­ver Ash­brook -- wis­sen dass die Washing­ton Post erst­ma­lig kei­ne “Wer­bung der Demo­kra­ten” abge­lehnt hat, son­dern eine Wahl­emp­feh­lung aus­zu­spre­chen, was in Euro­pa im übri­gen Usus ist. (Also als jour­na­lis­ti­sches Out­let kei­ne auszusprechen.)

Und dann ver­arscht Cathryn Clü­ver Ash­brook die Öffent­lich­keit noch mit --

fivethirtyeight.com ver­öf­fent­li­che Umfra­gen des Demo­sko­pen Nate Sil­ver (w00t? fivethir­ty­eight is an aggre­ga­tor, with weig­hing models from demo­scopes like Nate Silver.)

oder “man sol­le sich bei NPR das pol­ling anschau­en” (w00t? NPR hat kei­ne Tages­ak­tu­el­le Pol­ling Bericht­erstat­tung. Die sind dazu lei­der nicht groß genug.)

Von Vor­her­sa­ge­mo­del­len hat eben­falls kei­ner im Deut­schen Qua­li­täts­fern­se­hen gehört, also braucht man sie gleich gar­nicht zu erklä­ren - dann sol­le mans sich bei der NYT infor­mie­ren, weil die die Sien­na Col­le­ge Umfra­gen macht, die ja wirk­lich sehr gut sei­en… (w00t?)

Hier mal wie die NYT ihr weig­hing macht, und wel­che Umfra­gen sie verwendet…

Metho­do­lo­gy: How The Times Cal­cu­la­tes 2024 Pol­ling Averages

Gut, das müss­te man auch erst mal gele­sen haben, also kann man sich sicher sein, dass es nie­mand im ZDF geschwei­ge denn Cathryn Clü­ver Ash­brook weiss…

Clü­ver Ash­brook hat auch was gegen Polls mit einer Sample-Size von “nur 1500” (w00t)? War­um will sie uns aber lie­ber nicht ver­ra­ten, sie meint, die Feh­ler­wahr­schein­lich­keit wäre viel klei­ner, wenn die noch mehr pro Umfra­ge befra­gen wür­den… Tol­le Idee du, ich glau­be die Frau rea­vo­lu­tio­niert mit ihren Impuls­ein­drü­cken noch die Pol­ling Indus­trie, also wenn die noch nie im Leben einen Sam­ple size Cal­cu­la­tor gese­hen hätte.…

Con­fi­dence Level 95%, Mar­gin of error 5%, Popu­la­ti­on Pro­por­ti­on 50% = Sam­ple size nee­ded of 600

Con­fi­dence Level 95%, Mar­gin of error 2%, Popu­la­ti­on Pro­por­ti­on 50% = Sam­ple size nee­ded of 2400

Con­fi­dence Level 95%, Mar­gin of error 1%, Popu­la­ti­on Pro­por­ti­on 50% = Sam­ple size nee­ded of 9600

Ich weiss es Frau Clü­ver Ash­brook! Damit wir die Mar­gin of error auf das Maß redu­zie­ren, das wir für die­se Wahl in den Swings­ta­tes brau­chen, machen wir einfach:

Con­fi­dence Level 95%, Mar­gin of error 0.2%, Popu­la­ti­on Pro­por­ti­on 50% = Sam­ple size nee­ded of 240100

Jetzt bit­te alle mal auf­ste­hen und 10 Minu­ten Bel­ly­clap für Frau Clü­ver Ashbrook!

Die Dame die im Vor­bei­ge­hen die US Pol­ling Indus­trie revo­lu­tio­nie­ren woll­te! Als es um eine US Prä­si­dent­schafts­wahl ging.

Und zudem ver­öf­fent­licht das ZDF noch einen ver­fick­ten SCHMARN an was immer sie noch von Real Clear Poli­tics, also der Sen­dung mit der Maus Vari­an­te der US Poling Web­sei­ten ohne Quel­len­be­leg, unter dem nichts­sa­gen­den Titel “Stim­mungs­bild vor der Wahl” ver­öf­fent­li­chen. Das aber noch die gan­ze rest­li­che Woche lang in der ZDF ÄPP!

Bildschirmfoto 2024 10 29 um 21 00 07

War­um ist es ideo­tisch das Stim­mungs­bild vor der Wahl zu ver­öf­fent­li­chen? Ehm…

Weil es nicht abfragt, wen die Leu­te wäh­len wür­den?

Ich müss­te gehirn­ge­schä­digt sein, wür­de ich sol­chen Medi­en “ver­trau­en”.

Apro­pos Vertrauen.…


Bildschirmfoto 2024 10 29 um 21 03 20
src: click

Ame­ri­cans Trust in Mass Media (TV, Radio, News­pa­pers) in 2024:

36% No trust at all
33% Not very much trust
31% Great/Fair amount of trust

War­um das so ist, kön­nen wir uns von den Deutsch­spra­chi­gen Medi­en aber wie­der über­haupt nicht erklä­ren, weil wir haben ja noch unse­re Nach­rich­ten­spre­cher mit hohen Sympathiewerten…

edit: Der Stan­dard hats heu­te auch mal wie­der mit einem Klug­schei­ßer Pla­gi­at pro­biert - und hat einen sei­ner Redak­teu­re fol­gen­de Kolum­ne schrei­ben lassen:

Wel­chen Feh­ler machen die Umfra­ge­insti­tu­te dies­mal bei den US-Wahlen?

Der rote Faden ist dabei eine so ver­fickt schlech­te Rein­ter­prät­a­ti­on des fol­gen­den NYT Arti­kels, dass einem die Spu­cke wegbleibt…

How Accu­ra­te, or Off-Target, Could the Polls Be This Year?

Ja sapperlot!

29. Oktober 2024

Front „zusam­men­ge­bro­chen“: Ukrai­ni­scher Gene­ral­ma­jor bestä­tigt Pro­ble­me in Donezk

src: click (Die Presse)

Und das wo sie doch gera­de am gewin­nen waren!

Es gibt aber natür­lich auch wie­der gute Nach­rich­ten, laut der Haup­thead­line heu­te auf diepresse.com haben sich öster­rei­chi­sche Bun­des­heer­sol­da­ten auf UN Mis­si­on im Liba­non selbst in den Fuss geschos­sen, oder so… 

Gleich acht von denen.

Rake­ten­tref­fer bei Camp: Bun­des­heer­sol­da­ten bei UNO-Einsatz im Liba­non leicht verletzt

Bei Rake­ten­ein­schlä­gen in unmit­tel­ba­rer Nähe des Unifil-Camps im Süden des Liba­non wur­den meh­re­re öster­rei­chi­sche Sol­da­ten leicht ver­letzt, gab das Ver­tei­di­gungs­mi­nis­te­ri­um bekannt.

src: click (Die Presse)

Gut, da brauch ma jetzt nicht dazu­schrei­ben wer das war, nicht?

edit: Die Infor­ma­ti­on wur­de jetzt nachgereicht:

Laut Anga­ben der Uni­fil kam die Rake­te aus dem Libanon.

src: click

Georgia, oh my Georgia

29. Oktober 2024

The offi­cial results show the Geor­gi­an Dream’s share slight­ly lower com­pa­red to the Gor­bi exit polls com­mis­sio­ned by pro-government Ime­di TV, while the offi­cial results are in dra­ma­tic con­trast to the exit polls con­duc­ted by Har­risX (for pro-opposition Mta­va­ri Arkhi) Edi­son Rese­arch (for opposition-leaning Formula-TV), with the lat­ter being known tra­di­tio­nal­ly as most accu­ra­te in election-day pol­ling. Both Har­risX and Edi­son Rese­arch had pro­jec­ted the oppo­si­ti­on as winners.

src: click

Dif­fe­rence (Geor­gi­an Dream results) Edi­son pol­ling (40.9%) to offi­cial 2024 elec­tion result (53.93%) = 13,03% points

Voter tur­nout 58.94%

Geor­gi­an popu­la­ti­on: 3.8 million

3.8 mil­li­on -23% (round­about, see click) to get eli­gi­ble voters is 2.93

2.93 mil­li­on - (100-58,94=41,06)% = 1,73 mil­li­on to account for voter turnout.

13,03% of 1,73 mil­li­on = 225.419 of alle­ged (by oppo­si­ti­on par­ties) wron­gly allo­ca­ted votes.

Geor­gi­an CEC of cour­se now decla­red the Mar­neu­li district results inva­lid becau­se of the aformen­tio­ned video evi­dence of bal­lot stuffing.

That district has a popu­la­ti­on of 20.211 minus 23% for eli­gi­ble voters minus 41,06% to account for voter tur­nout (20211-23%)-41,06% = 9172 voters.

Geor­gi­an Dream Vote per­cen­ta­ge in Mar­neu­li: 79,62%

79,62% of 9172 = 7303

So now we have 7303 votes of an alle­ged 225.419 frau­du­lent­ly cast under reevaluation!

Gre­at, so whats next?

My Vote poin­ted to “mass” inci­dents of voters being given two or more bal­lots ins­tead of one during the first half of the day, and said the­re were also cases whe­re the ruling party’s field was alrea­dy mar­ked on the bal­lot. The mis­si­on said it also “beca­me clear” that nume­rous reports of con­fis­ca­ting or “ren­ting” voters’ ID cards and collec­ting their per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on during the cam­pai­gn were used to car­ry out the same rig­ging scheme.


Accord­ing to My Vote, as of 10-11 p.m., the mission’s obser­vers iden­ti­fied 347 vio­la­ti­ons of the mar­king pro­cess, 89 reports of vio­la­ti­ons of the secrecy of the vote, 341 cases of unaut­ho­ri­zed per­sons in the pol­ling sta­ti­on, and 96 cases of phy­si­cal vio­lence, thre­ats, and con­fron­ta­ti­ons, as well as 163 cases of obst­ruc­tion of My Vote observers.

The vio­la­ti­ons were “sys­te­ma­tic” in some are­as, inclu­ding in Mar­neu­li, Bol­ni­si, Kare­li, Gori, Kas­pi, Khas­h­u­ri, Sen­a­ki, Garda­ba­ni, Gur­jaa­ni, Signaghi, Dedo­p­lists­ka­ro, Kobu­leti, Sag­a­re­jo, Batu­mi, Zug­di­di, Tela­vi, Chkho­rot­s­ku, Akhalts­ik­he, Mts­k­he­ta, Akhal­ka­la­ki, Rus­ta­vi, Gld­ani (Tbi­li­si), Isa­ni (Tbi­li­si), Sam­go­ri (Tbi­li­si), and Kha­ragau­li districts.

src: click

Total popu­la­ti­on of the alle­ged districts:

7940+8295+130100+177500+125610+177844+1965 ==

(1.083.773-23%)-41,06% = 491857 actu­al peop­le voting. (Inclu­ding Marneuli.) 

Geor­gi­an dreams alle­ged vote per­cen­ta­ge = 53.93%

53.93% of 491857 == 265258 poten­ti­al­ly affec­ted voting opportunities.

So thats 265.258 poten­ti­al­ly affec­ted voting oppor­tu­nities out of an alle­ged 225.419 alle­ged frau­du­lent votes. (The 13,03% dif­fe­rence of Geor­gi­an Dreams results in exit polls com­pa­red to offi­cial results.)

Mea­ning 8.5 out of 10 of tho­se 265.258 MUST have voted at least twice, for the result to be exp­lai­ned by dou­ble voting.

For tho­se (225.419 alle­ged frau­du­lent votes) the NGO My Vote offers up

Accord­ing to My Vote, as of 10-11 p.m., the mission’s obser­vers iden­ti­fied 347 vio­la­ti­ons of the mar­king pro­cess, 89 reports of vio­la­ti­ons of the secrecy of the vote, 341 cases of unaut­ho­ri­zed per­sons in the pol­ling sta­ti­on, and 96 cases of phy­si­cal vio­lence, thre­ats, and con­fron­ta­ti­ons, as well as 163 cases of obst­ruc­tion of My Vote observers.

src: click

347 cases of vio­la­ti­ons in the mar­king pro­cess, and 89 vio­la­ti­ons of the secrecy of the vote, as well as 96 cases of poten­ti­al threats.

347+89+96 = 532

Wolf­ram Alpha, what per­cen­ta­ge is 532 out of 225419?

Ans­wer: 0,236%

Which we all lear­ned in the case of the US elec­tions by now is not sta­tis­ti­cal­ly signi­fi­cant. To pro­ve that the vio­la­ti­ons were “sys­te­ma­tic”.

Geor­gia, oh my Georgia.

So asi­de from this making no sen­se sta­tis­ti­cal­ly, any other plea­sant surprises?


Spea­ker Papuash­vi­li Claims Oppo­si­ti­on, CSOs Spread “Election-Related Disinformation”

Geor­gi­an Par­lia­ment Spea­ker Shal­va Papuash­vi­li defen­ded the ruling Geor­gi­an Dream party’s high­ly con­tro­ver­si­al near­ly 54 per­cent vic­to­ry in the Octo­ber 26 elec­tions, deny­ing alle­ga­ti­ons of fraud by oppo­si­ti­on and obser­vers. At the Octo­ber 28 brie­fing, he accu­sed oppo­si­ti­on for­ces and civil socie­ty orga­niz­a­ti­ons of try­ing to stir unrest in the coun­try through dis­in­for­ma­ti­on cam­pai­gns. “They don’t want to accept people’s will,” he said.

src: click

con­tras­ting this:

(That Del­ta shows the 13,03% points dif­fe­rence in 2024.)


So 2 minu­te summery?

- Dou­ble voting in the districts whe­re irre­gu­la­ri­ties were docu­men­ted, cant exp­lain the dis­crepan­cy in alle­ged votes.
- The docu­men­ted bal­lot stuf­fing (one or two cases docu­men­ted) cant exp­lain the dis­crepan­cy in alle­ged votes.
- The docu­men­ted alle­ged instan­ces of voting irre­gu­la­ri­ties are not sta­tis­ti­cal­ly signi­fi­cant to account for an alle­ged vote dis­crepan­cy of 225419 votes

Which lea­ves elec­tro­nic voting mani­pu­la­ti­on as the most likely means remai­ning to account for a 225419 votes dis­crepan­cy (13,03% points) bet­ween the usual­ly most reli­able exit poll pol­ling agen­cy and the offi­cial elec­tion result figures.

Witness the one documented case of ballot stuffing in Georgia

28. Oktober 2024

Thanks to newsukraine.rbc.ua


That must have been… SEVEN bal­lots at least!

So of cour­se the NDI INTERNATIONAL ELECTION OBSERVER MISSION TO GEORGIA’S OCTOBER 26, 2024 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS prompt­ly speaks of “instan­ces of bal­lot stuf­fing” (plu­ral). Without pro­vi­ding any refe­ren­ces of cour­se. (Media reports are avail­ab­le for the one that is on tape.)

In addi­ti­on to one obser­ver beat down that resul­ted in hospitalization.

In addi­ti­ons to several quar­rels at pol­ling stations.

In addi­ti­on to… Ehm…

Throughout elec­tion day, reports from citi­zen obser­vers pro­vi­ded valu­able infor­ma­ti­on to sup­port our obser­va­ti­on fin­dings. On elec­tion day, citi­zen obser­vers wit­nessed widespread vio­la­ti­ons of the neu­tra­li­ty zone around pol­ling sta­ti­ons by gathe­rings of ruling par­ty figu­res and unaut­ho­ri­zed per­sons. Our short-term obser­vers and citi­zen obser­vers also repor­ted intimi­da­ti­on of voters. Citi­zen obser­vers also repor­ted an incre­a­se in cri­ti­cal inci­dents, inclu­ding vio­lence against obser­vers, voters and par­ty representatives.

NDI stres­ses that this state­ment is preli­mi­na­ry in natu­re and that the post-election envi­ron­ment con­ti­nues to unfold.

src: click

So of cour­se this happens:

Blin­ken: U.S. Con­demns Breaches of Int. Norms During Oct.26 Elec­tions, Calls for Investigation

Short­ly befo­re this happens:

A day after Georgia’s par­lia­men­ta­ry elec­tions, in which the Cen­tral Elec­tion Com­mis­si­on decla­red the ruling Geor­gi­an Dream par­ty the win­ner, seni­or Euro­pean par­lia­men­ta­ri­ans issued a joint state­ment with their Cana­di­an coun­ter­part say­ing “the elec­tions were neit­her free nor fair” and that “the Euro­pean Uni­on can­not reco­gni­ze the result.”

src: click

Wait, so all it takes to call an elec­tion frau­du­lent as Blin­ken is one instance of 7 bal­lots being stuf­fed into a box, several out­breaks of vio­lence at pol­ling sta­ti­ons and several vio­la­ti­ons of the neu­tra­li­ty zone around pol­ling stations?

Well, not exact­ly -- the main argu­ment for this elec­tion having been sto­len are intimi­da­ti­on cam­pai­gns weeks and mon­ths befo­re the elec­tions, as well as sta­te spon­so­red intimi­da­ti­on based on fears around cuts in sta­te spen­ding being used to “moti­va­te” voters to vote for the lea­ding party.

Tho­se are all well documented:

Orga­ni­zed cri­mi­nal gangs … are try­ing to under­mi­ne the voting pro­cess with aggres­si­on and intimi­da­ti­on,” oppo­si­ti­on poli­ti­ci­an Ana Nats­vlish­vi­li said.

src: click

It is clear that the pre-election peri­od fai­led to meet fun­da­men­tal stan­dards for demo­cra­tic elec­tions. The government’s pas­sa­ge of legis­la­ti­on that labels civic actors as for­eign agents and its cam­pai­gn to intimi­da­te tho­se that cri­ti­ci­zed ruling par­ty poli­ci­es gene­ra­ted a cli­ma­te of fear.
State-sponsored efforts to dis­credit and legal­ly restrict elec­tion obser­vers for­ced them to divert resour­ces to self-defense from their cen­tral acti­vi­ties to safe­guard the elec­tions. The legis­la­ti­on also had a chil­ling effect on advo­ca­tes, civic edu­ca­tors and other groups con­tri­bu­ting to the poli­ti­cal dis­cour­se. Ruling par­ty lea­ders also threa­tened to cri­mi­na­li­ze oppo­si­ti­on poli­ti­cal par­ties. Legis­la­ti­on pas­sed by the government restric­ted the rights of and stig­ma­ti­zed vul­nerable LGBTQI+ com­mu­nities in con­tra­ven­ti­on to regio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal human rights stan­dards to which Geor­gia is obli­ged. Taken tog­e­ther, the government’s actions cau­sed the Euro­pean Uni­on to halt Georgia’s acces­si­on path.
A frag­men­ted, poli­ti­ci­zed media envi­ron­ment limi­ted voters’ access to impar­ti­al information.

The ruling par­ty had dis­pro­por­tio­na­te influ­ence on this envi­ron­ment given its con­trol over sta­te media as well as pri­va­te­ly held channels.

src: click

But I still found it note­wor­thy how litt­le it takes in regards to on the day evi­dence, to call an elec­tion stolen.

Cant wait for the deman­ded inves­ti­ga­ti­on into the matter.

edit: That, and the exit poll vary vast­ly depen­ding on who did them. I have to men­ti­on that as well: click

edit2: Elec­tro­nic voting was in place and bad­ly vetted.

The EETs were used in 2,263 (74.6 per­cent) of PECs repre­sen­ting appro­xi­mate­ly 90 per­cent of voters.

While the CEC’s online por­tal for rapid results publi­ca­ti­on enhan­ced trans­pa­ren­cy, it was also unclear whe­ther the addi­tio­nal preli­mi­na­ry results trans­mis­si­on com­po­nent from elec­tro­nic PECs was tes­ted for hea­vy user traf­fic, or whe­ther results infor­ma­ti­on would be made avail­ab­le in an open data format.

src: click

edit3: France24 has addi­tio­nal info:

Oppo­si­ti­on par­ties alle­ged inci­dents of bal­lot stuf­fing and intimi­da­ti­on during voting, and cal­led the results “frau­du­lent”.

src: click

So thats the source of the mul­ti­ple bal­lot stuf­fing inci­den­ces. Claims by the oppo­si­ti­on parties.

Oh, and swissinfo.ch sta­tes, that the OSCE sees it more in line with.… ehm, facts.…

Howe­ver, moni­tors from the Orga­ni­sa­ti­on for Secu­ri­ty and Co-operation in Euro­pe (OSCE) said they had regis­tered inci­dents of vote-buying, voter intimi­da­ti­on, and ballot-stuffing that could have affec­ted the out­co­me. But they stop­ped short of say­ing the elec­tion was rigged.

src: click