umichWCEE via Atlantic Council

11. Dezember 2024

A win­ning stra­te­gy to end Russia’s war against Ukraine

As with West Ger­ma­ny, which joi­ned NATO in 1955, NATO’s defen­se gua­ran­tee would app­ly only to that part of Ukrai­ni­an ter­ri­to­ry under con­trol of the Ukrai­ni­an government. The United Sta­tes should reject Russia’s demand for for­ced neu­tra­li­ty and de fac­to dis­ar­ma­ment for Ukraine.

Same sta­tus for anne­xed ter­ri­to­ries pos­si­ble as with crimea.

As a NATO mem­ber, Ukrai­ne would com­mit to res­to­re its ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty wit­hin its inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed bor­ders through peace­ful and diplo­ma­tic means. Befo­re its acces­si­on, allies would take addi­tio­nal steps to inte­gra­te Ukrai­ne into the Alli­an­ce, in par­ti­cu­lar by offe­ring Ukrai­ne a per­ma­nent seat at the North Atlan­tic Coun­cil and a Ukrai­ni­an gene­ral a seat at the Mili­ta­ry Committee.

The rest is all fuck the EU, and US will do the bare minumum.

The United Sta­tes and its allies need a new poli­cy of con­tain­ment of Rus­sia. This also inclu­des main­tai­ning hold on the immo­bi­li­zed Rus­si­an sov­er­eign assets and restric­tions on tech­no­lo­gy, and cau­ti­on in lif­ting sanc­tions. The­re should be no return to reli­an­ce on Rus­si­an ener­gy or other resour­ces. Allies should be pre­pa­red to inten­si­fy eco­no­mic pres­su­re and make Rus­sia pay the pri­ce should it vio­la­te cease­fire terms. 

This lea­ves it open to Ukrai­ne to try to attain advan­ta­ges mili­ta­ri­ly (oh but its not us, its the local rebel groups, with their hate towards the rus­si­an inva­ders…) until it has gai­ned full Nato mem­bers­hip, at which point all Nato coun­tries would com­mit to res­to­re its ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty “through peace­ful means”.

So its par­ti­san war­fa­re until the point whe­re euro­pe per­ma­nent­ly is wil­ling to fuck its­elf as part of its per­ma­nent poli­ti­cal NATO com­mit­ment to res­to­re the ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty of Ukrai­ne. A THING WHICH IS NOT MILITARILY ATTAINABLE FOR THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE. (30 years, then I dont care anymore.)

Some­thing that only the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan could come up with.… 8006kms away.

edit: No, wait, wait - this gets bet­ter! Hey Japan, and the Phil­ip­pi­nes, can I inte­rest you in a NATO mem­bers­hip? We are the trans­at­lan­tic uni­on, that poli­ti­cal­ly fights for the full ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty of Ukrai­ne! Hey, whe­re are you run­ning? No, no - wait, Ukrai­ne is not a full mem­ber yet, they can still attack rus­sia trough covert means and, … Hel­loo!? Stop! Stop!

I call this one - “Oh no - not 3 billion dollars a year, that could have been extracted!”

11. Dezember 2024

Russ­land ist durch Assad-Sturz “zum Bitt­stel­ler gewor­den” - Jäger zu neu­er Situa­ti­on in Nah­ost | ntv

Ups. Rea­li­ty.

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Oder wie die Durch­schnitts­be­völ­ke­rung das sehen würde:

Ich wünsch­te wir hät­ten mehr Exper­ten wie Prof. Jäger. Immer freund­lich, sach­lich, mit sach­kun­di­gen Ana­ly­sen und nie­mals pole­misch. Klasse!

(You­tube Kommentar)

Hin­ter­grund: Das ist Teil des Nar­ra­ti­ves, dass Russ­land zu Ver­hand­lun­gen gezwun­gen wer­den müsse.

Was auch stimmt, wenn es nach US Deman­ds in 20 Jah­ren die Krim wie­der an Kiew zurück­ge­ben müss­te. Dem fai­rem Frie­dens­plan von Selen­skyj sei Dank.

Und dann erst das Poten­ti­al als Ver­hand­lungs­mas­se! Russ­land! Wenn du jetzt nicht zum Waf­fen­still­stand bereit bist, dann bekommst du Syri­en nicht wie­der! Ehmn, aja, das bekommst du so und so nicht wie­der ehm… Aber wenn du den Krieg jetzt nicht bin­nen 23 Jah­ren ein­stellst, dann! Jahaaa!

edit: Ah, they might be loo­sing more of a foot­hold than pre­vious­ly thought…

I invite you to waste an entire hour, because I’m in the process of doing so just now

11. Dezember 2024

So here is your short track on what rus­si­an dis­in­for­ma­ti­on is accord­ing to a Wil­son Cen­ter panel of experts:

- Not one step east­ward didnt exist
- The­re were no Biolabs
- We did it becau­se of the Nazis, which no one belie­ved, haha
- Its a war with the west

Thats the ent­i­re know­ledge of the US field of dis­in­for­ma­ti­on stu­dies in four and a half bul­let points.

And here is what I see when I’m watching that video.

- Just belie­ve in yourself, and the coun­try and us being good, as a pre­re­qui­si­te to “coun­ter dis­in­for­ma­ti­on” check

Socie­tal impact of that - hor­ri­ble, terrible.

- Just stone ever­yo­ne who men­ti­ons that “not one step east­ward” did exist as an oral mee­ting nar­ra­ti­ve spiel that was omni­pre­sent in deba­tes around ger­ma­nys uni­fi­ca­ti­on, but that it never was put into wri­ting (, and the­re were no con­tracts that ever said as much.

- Also dont men­ti­on that Mear­s­hei­mer picked that up, not becau­se of rus­si­an pro­pa­gan­da, but becau­se of inter­na­tio­nal rela­ti­ons theo­ry, name­ly the rea­list school of inter­na­tio­nal rela­ti­ons theo­ry -- the one he is the main pro­po­nent of cur­r­ent­ly, and for that was deplat­for­med on March 6th 2022, two weeks after the war star­ted, by an enitre new­ly foun­ded “panel inter­view seri­es” at the Hoo­ver Insti­tu­ti­on for hol­ding that opi­ni­on (three prong stra­te­gy play, see: The New Yor­ker arti­cle)

Socie­tal impact of that - devastating

Why? Becau­se in ger­ma­ny that was a lar­ge mino­ri­ties short­cut on what was hap­pe­ning in for­eign poli­tics over the bet­ter part of 15 years. Name­ly that Mer­kel and her french coun­ter­part pre­ven­ted Nato enlar­ge­ment. Becau­se they - and Mer­kel sta­ted as such, thought that it would pre­vent a mili­ta­ry con­fron­ta­ti­on. (The last time, 11 days ago: click)

Why? Becau­se the inver­se - that Ukrai­ne just should be able to enter NATO, just becau­se they real­ly want to and have writ­ten that into their con­sti­tu­ti­on - just so obvious­ly is not the case.

Why? Becau­se from a nar­ra­ti­ves per­spec­ti­ve, this is the clo­sest nar­ra­ti­ve expres­si­on to “rus­sia iden­ti­fied its black sea har­bors (40% of rus­si­an exports, power pro­jec­tion into the medi­tera­ni­an, black sea regi­ons and afri­ca) as a stra­te­gic asset, and at least part­ly went to war becau­se of tho­se, also becau­se they were under high risk of loo­sing all of that in 20 years time, when their power through mili­ta­ry means con­cept would not work as well any­mo­re becau­se of demo­gra­phic rea­sons.” A stance which Fio­na Hills source at the Broo­kings institution:

Fio­na cares to interject


Her­fried Münkler

Spä­te Erkenntnis



Could you plea­se repeat that, Mr. Stoltenberg?



Die­se Gesell­schaft. Gro­tesk, abar­tig, Abschaum.

Have held over time to exp­lain what they have wit­nessed, and as a nar­ra­ti­ve, had impac­ted their decisi­on pro­cess at the time.

Gran­ted, Mer­kel without being bur­den­ed by the majo­ri­ty of ukrai­ni­ans being for NATO mem­bers­hip - but the others even in dis­re­gard of that nuance.

So out of every poten­ti­al nar­ra­ti­ve (inclu­ding Putin wants to be a Tsar and recon­quer Poland, and the Bal­tic Sta­tes, not just Mol­d­o­wa and Geor­gia) out the­re that still is the clo­sest one to a more com­plex nar­ra­tiv inclu­ding detail that doesnt resort to for­tu­ne tel­ling. Or exa­g­ge­ra­ti­on. (Putin is taking parts of euro­pe with 200.000, later 600.000 acti­ve sol­di­ers, … (1.5 mil­li­on ger­man sol­di­ers fought in Poland, someo­ne ought to noti­ce the sub­se­quent­ly nee­ded two more req­rui­te­ment pushes, they just have to…))

So just becau­se its “the rus­si­an tal­king point” you cant for­bid peop­le to think along the lines of that men­tal short­cut. Regard­less of if Gor­ba­chev said thats never been what he agreed on in tho­se nego­tia­ti­ons over the unity of Germany.

- Its a war with the west - is cur­r­ent­ly, as we speak, picked up by wes­tern pro­pa­gan­da, as the next war nar­ra­ti­ve, to coun­ter the ger­man peo­p­les reluc­tance of “causing” or sleep­wal­king into world war 3. Becau­se - and now ever­yo­ne repeat the ZDF nar­ra­ti­ve with me - we alrea­dy are in a war with rus­sia. Just a hybrid one. Which we cant fight, becau­se we wouldnt know how to and which we need a strong NATO for to fight for us.

Socie­tal impact: No one fuck­ing belie­ves it.
At least not right now, when the chan­ces for a fro­zen con­flict are as high as never before.

- Rus­sia did it becau­se of the Nazis was never belie­ved haha -

While true in the west after the start of the full sca­le inva­si­on, it was belie­ved in Cri­mea and the Don­bas after 2014. It was one of the, if not the main func­tio­n­ing pro­pa­gan­da nar­ra­ti­ve during the take over of cri­mea. Put fear into peop­le, then res­cue them.

It was more than to be expec­ted, that rus­sia would use this nar­ra­ti­ve again. As it beca­me obvious, that Ukrai­ne didnt exact­ly wan­ted to be res­cued, that nar­ra­ti­ve went out of the win­dow, as the panel cor­rect­ly states.

Socie­tal impact: None in the west

- The­re were Biolabs

Hor­ray, give your self a pay­ment incre­a­se for figu­ring that one out as a rus­si­an pro­pa­gan­da narrative.

Socie­tal impact: None in the west

- No one should lis­ten to Mear­s­hei­mer, becau­se Fio­na “we all need to invent and tell nar­ra­ti­ves, so the rus­si­an nar­ra­ti­ves dont get trac­tion” - quo­te - this video: 

should be lis­tened to ins­tead, becau­se she told us, she is crea­ting tho­se won­der­ful coun­tern­ar­ra­ti­ves, that are nee­ded for a socie­ty in war?

Socie­tal impact: Oh none, in the short term, it just dri­ves the folks insa­ne, that know that thats hap­pe­ning. Becau­se you con­stant­ly tell peop­le, if they dont belie­ve in what Fio­na says - then you are dis­se­mi­na­ting rus­si­an pro­pa­gan­da. Over time, this is a dis­as­ter in the making. Loss of trust, basically.

Oh, and why do I men­ti­on, that I have was­ted one hour here?

Becau­se all of that is low effort.

The thought of some idi­ots that claim, that their job is to detect Rus­si­an disinformation.

I mean this video released 8 days ago as part of the Woo­d­row Wil­son Cen­ter deba­te track.

For this:

- Not one step east­ward didnt exist

Mear­s­hei­mer was can­ce­led by the Hoo­ver insti­tu­ti­on in week two of the full sca­le war.

- The­re were Biolabs

Was a sto­ry NPR repor­ted as fal­se one mon­th into the war.

- We did it becau­se of the Nazis, which no one belie­ved, haha

Was Part of Putins war speech on the day of the start of the war.

- Its a war with the west

Was iden­ti­fied as a rus­si­an myth by the euro­pean com­mis­si­on after one year of war.

By in octo­ber of 2022

And “iden­ti­fied” by Ser­gey Kara­ga­nov in April of 2022 one mon­th after the war started.


Was lay­ed out in week two after the war star­ted. By the Hoo­ver institution.

So what the fuck, if you par­don my french, did your ent­i­re field do for the past two years, and four months?

Tell the public, that coun­ter nar­ra­ti­ves are so important, becau­se rus­sia is a revi­sio­nist, nay neo­co­lo­ni­al [shit the glo­bal south isnt buy­ing this], nay impe­ria­listic power?

Wel­co­me to the world of coun­te­ring rus­si­an disinformation.

Whe­re coun­te­ring the nar­ra­ti­ves wit­hin the ger­man socie­ty almost crea­tes more pro­blems than it solves.

Aber Haupt­sa­che, man kanns heu­te stu­die­ren und hat dann einen Kar­rie­re­pfad vor sich, sag ich immer. Gut, und wenn in dem Stu­di­en­zweig zwei Jah­re und vier Mona­te nichts wei­ter­geht - wäh­rend eines lau­fen­den Kriegs, dann, ehm -- dann ehm, erzäh­len wir uns ein­fach die tol­len Coun­tern­ar­ra­ti­ve die wir uns im Monat eins nach dem Krieg über­legt haben!

Pfiew! Gott­sei­dank hat der Rus­se bis jetzt nicht reagiert, neue­re hät­te näm­lich ein gesam­tes Panel im Woo­d­row Wil­son Cen­ter vor 8 Tagen nicht entdeckt…

Die­ser Rus­se schon wie­der, immer gefin­kelt wie ein Fuchs, bleibt der ein­fach bei sei­nen Nar­ra­ti­ven, die wir bereits vor zwei Jah­ren und vier Mona­ten ent­kräf­tet haben! Der weiss halt noch, dass Repe­ti­ti­on so wich­tig ist, der Rus­se! [Or your ent­i­re sci­en­ti­fic field is shit.]

edit: At 1:06:50, so 3 minu­tes and 40 seconds befo­re the end of the video, the main “here is the struc­tu­re of it” pro­po­nent of the panel starts her “I’m worried that the world is very con­fu­sing, I’m worried about peop­le thin­king, is the­re a truth, is the­re any truth out the­re, can we belie­ve anything that is out the­re that que­si­ton is very […] If you dont belie­ve that the­re is any truth out the­re, your ent­i­re world view, just - it gives up.” spiel. Just ima­gi­ne get­ting that sto­ry told by ano­t­her ame­ri­can, whos never left their coun­try, in their lives (might be true, might be not) and you con­cep­tual­ly get what I’m see­ing here. Give us SIMPLE, old Voice of Ame­ri­ca lady! The audi­ence screams silently.

Intensivierte Grüße an Anne Applebaum, bitte.

11. Dezember 2024

Fol­lowing up on the last post.

I just fact che­cked what Mike Benz was say­ing - here are his likely sources:

The first Inte­gri­ty Initia­ti­ve leak came out on 2018-11-02, and it inclu­ded Anne App­le­baums name:

on 2018-11-25 Inte­gri­ty Initia­ti­ve respon­ded that tho­se inde­ed whe­re hacked docu­ments from them, and the leaks were fac­tu­al, but they didnt see what they were doing wrong.

On 01.09.2019 Udo Voigt, a far right par­lia­men­ta­ri­an in the euro­pean par­lia­ment con­duc­ted a par­lia­men­ta­ry inqui­ry about „Inte­gri­ty Initia­ti­ve“ becau­se of “recent leaks”:

Which was ans­we­red on 04.09.2019 with the fol­lowing response:

1. Bei der „Inte­gri­ty Initia­ti­ve“ han­delt es sich um eine Initia­ti­ve eines Mit­glied­staats, die nicht auf EU-Ebene erör­tert wurde.

2. Die East Strat­Com Task For­ce arbei­tet nicht mit der „Inte­gri­ty Initia­ti­ve“ zusammen.

Das Man­dat der East Strat­Com Task For­ce, das vom Euro­päi­schen Rat[1] im Dezem­ber 2018 gebil­ligt wur­de‚ besteht dar­in, das Bewusst­sein für die geziel­ten Des­in­for­ma­ti­ons­kam­pa­gnen Russ­lands zu schär­fen, von denen vie­le die EU und ihre Mit­glied­staa­ten dis­kre­di­tie­ren sol­len. Die Task For­ce befasst sich auch damit, die EU-Politik gegen­über der Öst­li­chen Nach­bar­schaft bes­ser zu kom­mu­ni­zie­ren und plu­ra­lis­ti­sche Medi­en zu unter­stüt­zen, unter ande­rem durch sys­te­ma­ti­sche Outreach-Maßnahmen gegen­über rus­si­schen Jour­na­lis­ten. Die East Strat­Com Task For­ce ist nicht an gegen Russ­land gerich­te­ten Kam­pa­gnen beteiligt.

In dem EU-Aktionsplan gegen Des­in­for­ma­ti­on, der von den Staats- und Regie­rungs­chefs auf der Tagung des Euro­päi­schen Rates im Dezem­ber 2018 gebil­ligt wur­de, wird bestä­tigt, dass stich­hal­ti­ge Bele­ge für rus­si­sche Des­in­for­ma­ti­ons­ak­ti­vi­tä­ten vor­lie­gen und dass die­se die größ­te exter­ne Bedro­hung durch Des­in­for­ma­ti­on für die EU darstellen.

3. Die Vize­prä­si­den­tin nimmt zu einer Initia­ti­ve, für die der betref­fen­de Mit­glied­staat zustän­dig ist, nicht wei­ter Stellung.

After the fourth leak on 04 Janu­a­ry 2019 Inte­gri­ty Initia­ti­ve for the first time sta­tes on twit­ter, that part of the docu­ments from the fourth leak were not theirs and were mis­re­pre­sen­ted as having been part of their Organisation:

The Inte­gri­ty Initia­ti­ve clai­med on Twit­ter that some of the docu­ments lea­ked in batch #4 were not theirs and had been mis­re­pre­sen­ted as part of the orga­ni­sa­ti­on.[1]

src: click (Wiki Spooks)

Last twit­ter post by the Inte­gri­ty Initia­ti­ve Twit­ter account was made on Febru­a­ry 10th 2020.

Some of the work of:

Pos­ting the fol­lowing movie review twice:

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First in ukrai­ni­an of course…

Second name named by Mike Benz in the video below in rela­ti­on to Anne App­le­baum and the Inte­gri­ty Initia­ti­ve - Nina Jan­ko­wicz (Ehe­ma­li­ge Exe­ku­tiv­di­rek­to­rin des Dis­in­for­ma­ti­on Gover­nan­ce Board der Ver­ei­nig­ten Staa­ten von Ame­ri­ka) so what was her mis­si­on state­ment at the time?

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How to lose the info­ra­ti­on war - Book writ­ten in 2020

So Inte­gri­ty Initia­ti­ves exis­tence, affi­lia­ti­on and their mis­si­on state­ment are undisputed.

Why the ent­i­re NGO was clo­sed down is unknown, but their Twit­ter account stop­ped being acti­ve in Febru­a­ry of 2020.

The government ties are also undis­pu­ted (prop­ped up by the UK, using a mem­ber of the US sta­te depart­ment, see f.e. EU par­lia­men­tal inqui­ry response).

Part of the first leak, so befo­re the Inte­gri­ty Initia­ti­ve dis­pu­ted for the first time, that the docu­ments werent theirs was also this docu­ment which men­ti­ons the Zen­trum Libe­ra­le Moder­ne as being the “Inte­gri­ty Initia­ti­ve Clus­ter Germany”:

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src: click (pro­of, that this docu­ment was part of the leak on 2018-11-26: | second leak took place three days after that on 2018-11-29)

Das Zen­trum Libe­ra­le Moder­ne ist 2022 durch ehm -- fol­gen­de bei­den Küp­pers­busch Recher­chen aufgefallen:

Also, viel zu bean­stan­den gibt es an den Aus­sa­gen von Mike Benz zu Anne App­le­baum nicht…

Bleibt nur eine Fra­ge - war­um zum Teu­fel sind das die Ukrai­ne Krieg Exper­ten, denen die deutsch­spra­chi­gen Qua­li­täts­me­di­en (und ARTE) vertrauen?

Ach so ja - wegen der rus­si­schen Des­in­for­ma­ti­on, klar…

Erklärs mir bit­te noch­mal, Marie­lui­se Beck-Oberdorf:

OT Arte Repor­ta­ge: “Jeder Post ist eine Geschich­te, ein Gefühl, jedes Video ein Schock. Selen­skyj beherrscht Sto­ry­tel­ling. Die­ser Film wirbt für eine Flug­ver­bots­zo­ne über der Ukrai­ne. “If you dont clo­se the sky, mom will cry, if you dont clo­se the sky, he’ll lose home…”


Ah ja, dan­ke! Sehr gut.

The magical story of the red blob in Sumy

10. Dezember 2024

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So yes­ter­day, the­re appeared a red blob in Sumy on is an open source intel­li­gence pro­ject, run by two ukrainians.

The map and other mili­ta­ry ana­ly­sis collec­ted or made by Deep Sta­te UA has been cited by Ukrai­ni­an and inter­na­tio­nal media out­lets such as the BBC and Ukrain­s­ka Prav­da. By Febru­a­ry 2024, the map has been view­ed more than 1 bil­li­on times, and has beco­me the most popu­lar digi­tal map of the Rus­si­an inva­si­on of Ukrai­ne in Ukrai­ne, and one of the most popu­lar digi­tal maps of Ukrai­ne globally.

src: click

Then today - this happens:

OVA and bor­der guards deny infor­ma­ti­on about Rus­sia breaching the bor­der in Sumy regi­on Officially

Short­ly befo­re this happens:

Rus­lan Miku­la, co-founder of the Deep­Sta­te ana­ly­ti­cal pro­ject, said on Sus­pil­ne Stu­dio that infor­ma­ti­on about the advan­ce­ment of Rus­si­an tro­ops in that area or about the occup­a­ti­on of Alex­an­dria is fake.

src: click

Rea­son given is trust­worthy as can be:

The­re has­n’t been a sin­gle resi­dent in Alex­an­dria for over 20 years. No one has lived the­re for a long time. Not­hing has hap­pen­ed, the shel­ling is neit­her inten­si­fy­ing nor decre­a­sing. Yes­ter­day, the KAB arri­ve­d­wi­t­hin the com­mu­ni­ty, but ever­ything worked out. The situa­ti­on is dif­fi­cult, but it is what it is — without chan­ge, thank God.” 

src: click

Short­ly befo­re this not get­ting cor­rec­ted on the live map for 12 hours so far - and the pro­ject not pushing any updates today.

Which breaks a.… year­long (?) streak of pushing at least one update a day.

edit: Two days later, after the next update came a day late - the blob still exists.

It’s magic!