Victoria Nuland taught russians squaredancing when she was 20, and it never stopped

26. September 2024

That sum­mer she tal­ked to a fami­ly at the ame­ri­can embas­sy in Moscow, who hired her as a nan­ny, so she could get a visa exten­si­on, and she real­ly loo­ked after a bunch of child­ren this sum­mer, but also “tra­v­eled all over the place”.

Oh, and she con­firms, that it wasnt But­cha, why the peace nego­tia­ti­ons stopped --

as Wagen­knecht points out here --

But we alrea­dy knew that.

From Davyd Arak­ha­mi­ia, from Nafta­li Ben­net, and from Simon Shus­ter (Times Repor­ter for over 15 years).

Aber aus irgend­ei­nem Grund scheint der Lanz zu glau­ben die not­wen­di­ge Auf­ar­bei­tung der Jour­na­lis­ti­schen Per­for­mance bei der Bericht­erstat­tung über die­sen Krieg lie­se sich mit “schrein wir die Wagen­knecht nie­der” übertünchen…

Now its only fair that Zygar gets Nuland to con­firm this on his you­tube chan­nel - becau­se we all know that Zygar is the spo­kes­ho­le into the rus­si­an expat com­mu­ni­ty, of cour­se all US Nar­ra­ti­ve Sales­men have to talk to him. Timo­thy Sny­der, Fio­na Hill, Anne App­le­baum, Vic­to­ria Nuland -- becau­se if they dont Zygar wri­tes gre­at com­men­ta­ry arti­cles in the ger­man Spie­gel that assess that the Kursk offen­si­ve will speed up peace nego­tia­ti­ons [Die Inva­si­on von Kursk könn­te den Beginn von Ver­hand­lun­gen bedeu­ten] -- you know so Zygar can then be invi­ted to Glob­sec Forum panels, 

- whe­re Zygar can talk about buil­ding this real­ly gre­at, honest and true rus­si­an oppo­si­ti­on, that will run rus­sia in case of a coup…

I hope the­re are some more Nuland “stin­gers” (nota­ble moments) in this video, becau­se I’m only about 5 minu­tes in and alrea­dy had to docu­ment her sto­ry­tel­ling - anec­do­te wise, on how good she taught rus­si­an peop­le squa­re­dan­cing in Odes­sa, and how well she cared about tho­se child­ren as an Au Pair in Mos­kow, while tra­ve­ling all over the coun­try in tho­se six mon­ths… - while she was working for a US con­gress­man - back in the US, who allo­wed her to take this time off… Becau­se it was just too good to let it slide.

And the best part? As she retur­ned back home, she found an invi­ta­ti­on from the US sta­te depart­ment in her post box to work there.

Love it!

edit: Also of cour­se Vic­to­ria Nuland doesnt know the dif­fe­rence bet­ween a debt cut and an IMF credit in the 90s, … - but hey at least half of Ger­ma­ny doesnt eit­her, Son­der­ver­mö­gen sei Dank. Gut, der IMF Kre­dit war in USD nicht in Rubel, aber was macht das schon für einen Unter­schied… Dem Zygar fällt da nichts auf. Er ist ja nur legi­ti­me rus­si­sche Opposition.

edit: Sor­ry, sor­ry - I have to inter­ject again, the coo­kies were sand­wi­ches, and Nuland orga­ni­zed them to be han­ded out to pro­tes­ters becau­se of “too much sla­vik instinct”, becau­se “tho­se pro­tes­ters were 18 and 19 year olds, after a long night of being kett­led in by Ukrai­nes (Janu­ko­wytschs) poli­ce forces”.

Of cour­se Nuland also thought, that lea­king the “fuck the EU” pho­ne­call real­ly show­ed how despe­ra­te Putin was, and that he didnt see any other way out of the situa­ti­on other than “to make me famous”. Nuland thought that was a “move born out of desperation”.

Ah sto­ry­tel­ling, I bet­ter book a work­shop soon to get as good as Nuland!

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