Das IWMVienna gibt noch mal bekannt wo es ideologisch steht

26. Februar 2023

Mit lie­bem Gruß an mei­ne ehe­ma­li­ge Psychotherapeutin.

Hin­ter­grund: Rau­scher

Hin­ter­grund on “This is an impe­ri­al pro­ject in Euro­pe”: Sny­der
Sowie: click

(Nichts gegen Krastev.)

edit: Noch nie in mei­nem Leben so gelacht.

Jemand, ruf Zei­han an und sag ihm, dass das der Grund ist, war­um er über ne Woche Vor­le­sun­gen vor der US Admi­nis­tra­ti­on zur Ver­tei­lung von Schlüs­sel­res­sour­cen gehal­ten hat. Oder ein Teil davon. 🙂

Bei 35 min in:

Zuerst mal das Intro: 

James O’Bri­en

I’m very inte­res­ted in whe­re we’­re hoping to work with the UN is on the vic­tims of of sexu­al vio­lence and armed con­flict or vic­tims and traf­fi­cking in per­sons the­se are are­as whe­re there’s con­stant work to try to reform the Inter­na­tio­nal Sys­tem but we think it’s important to stand up and say this is wrong we’ll high­light the abu­ses and we’ll con­ti­nue to do it becau­se we want that norm to get stron­ger and stron­ger and so I’m hoping we’ll be joi­ned by other coun­tries who have simi­lar pro­vi­si­ons in the way they stand up for sanc­tions so we’­re put­ting teeth behind our decisi­ons to say some­thing is wrong and and that’s a thing we will do again it’s sepa­ra­te from whe­ther we are actual­ly able to iden­ti­fy a per­son who­se beha­vi­or we need to modi­fy or we can deny we can find and deny the resour­ces but it’s important to stand up for the standards - 

Jetzt zum wesent­li­chen Teil:

This also goes bey­ond spe­ci­fic cases of Human Rights abu­ses or anti-corruption it’s it’s important for the glo­bal eco­no­my one of the the strug­gles we’ll all face is with the green tran­si­ti­on whe­re we rea­li­ze that many of the resour­ces nee­ded to build electric cars and other things are around the glo­be and often locked up in long-term con­tracts now tho­se con­tracts rest on a foun­da­ti­on often of cor­rupt beha­vi­or odious labor prac­ti­ces hor­ri­ble envi­ron­men­tal prac­ti­ces and other things that make them vul­nerable to some­thing from sanc­tions if we just sim­ply desi­gna­ted the peop­le who hold tho­se con­tracts and tried to use it as a com­mer­cial tool I don’t think we’d be adding to the legi­ti­ma­cy of the Inter­na­tio­nal sys­tem. What we’d like to see is a strong set of norms and prac­ti­ces ulti­mate­ly rules that govern the sort of con­tracts that allow for the glo­bal use of the­se com­mo­di­ties also for the bet­ter­ment of the peop­le who live near whe­re the­se things are brought out of the ground so chan­ging the sup­ply chains that cur­r­ent­ly feed what’s going to be cri­ti­cal for the green tran­si­ti­on is an area whe­re sanc­tions have a role a, sup­por­ti­ve role but just - but an important role in clea­ring the way for an announ­ce­ment of what the glo­bal stan­dards are now out of all that whe­ther it’s in an eco­no­mic case or human rights case, envi­ron­men­tal or wha­te­ver the point of this is that, sanc­tions should be a pie­ce of estab­li­shing stron­ger inter­na­tio­nal norms and that’s a stance that the admi­nis­tra­ti­on of which I’m part feels the U.S needs to play a strong voice in but we can’t do it alo­ne so we have to do this with our part­ners becau­se this is not an area whe­re one par­ty can sim­ply decla­re what the rules are so it’s an area whe­re we work very clo­se­ly with the Euro­pean Uni­on with our key allies in Euro­pe and with other major sta­tes around the world and I think we’ll try to do more of it as we go.

Geil oder?

Hin­ter­grund vor dem das erzählt wird ist “wir glau­ben, dass Russ­land an der “green tran­si­ti­on” nicht betei­ligt sein wird”.


Roland Cza­da

Wir sind im Kal­ten Krieg 2.0”

Und hier noch mal das beweg­te Leben des Johan­nes Stangl

Hinterlasse eine Antwort