A perspective for the future

17. November 2018

Futu­rist phi­lo­so­pher Yuval Noah Hara­ri, zur Zeit einer der intel­lek­tu­el­len Dar­lings der kali­for­ni­schen Tech Sze­ne - in einem hoch­pro­vo­kan­ten NYT Por­trait, sowie in eige­nen Wor­ten in einem “Talk at Goog­le” (gehal­ten vor etwa einem Monat).

Aus­zug aus dem NYT Portrait:

[On Aldous Hux­ley] Genera­ti­ons have been hor­ri­fied by his novel “Bra­ve New World,” which depicts a regime of emo­ti­on con­trol and pain­less con­sump­ti­on. Rea­ders who encoun­ter the book today, Mr. Hara­ri said, often think it sounds gre­at. “Ever­ything is so nice, and in that way it is an intel­lec­tual­ly dis­tur­bing book becau­se you’re real­ly hard-pressed to exp­lain what’s wrong with it,” he said. “And you do get today a visi­on com­ing out of some peop­le in Sili­con Val­ley which goes in that direction.”

An Alpha­bet media rela­ti­ons mana­ger later reached out to Mr. Harari’s team to tell him to tell me that the visit to X was not allo­wed to be part of this sto­ry. The request con­fu­sed and then amu­sed Mr. Hara­ri. It is inte­res­ting, he said, that unli­ke poli­ti­ci­ans, tech com­pa­nies do not need a free press, sin­ce they alrea­dy con­trol the means of mes­sa­ge distribution.

src: click

Und wo wir gera­de bei uner­war­te­ten Dys­to­pien sind 😉 : click

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