CNN has found propaganda

03. März 2022

Repor­ter wat­ched RT for a day, here is what he found:

Here’s a break­down of what I obser­ved on the network.

Rus­sia the “libe­ra­tor”: Peter John Lavel­le, the host of RT’s signa­tu­re talk pro­gram, “Cross­talk,” put it like this: He said that the fai­led “libe­ral order” imple­men­ted by the West was to bla­me. “It is so irri­ta­ting,” Lavel­le said on his show. “The way it is being framed: Ukraine’s demo­cra­cy. Well, it has not­hing to do with Ukraine’s demo­cra­cy — if you can say it even has one… This is about secu­ri­ty… The­re is only secu­ri­ty for other countries.”

Mis­sing from coverage: Noti­ce­ab­ly left out of the coverage was a focus on how unbe­ara­ble life has been for Ukrai­ni­ans who­se cities are under attack by unrelen­ting Rus­si­an for­ces. I did not see much coverage showing the dama­ge that Rus­si­an for­ces have cau­sed as they try to sei­ze con­trol of the coun­try. Or coverage about the resi­dents of cities such as Kyiv who live in ter­ror and sleep under­ground in bomb shel­ters. Or coverage about the hund­reds of thousands who have sim­ply cho­sen to flee the coun­try for their safe­ty. Tho­se incon­ve­ni­ent facts were not the empha­sis of the nar­ra­ti­ve RT pushed.

Also left out of RT’s coverage: The rami­fi­ca­ti­ons the West’s sanc­tions and other actions are having on Russia’s economy.

src: click

Libe­ra­tor ins­tead of aggres­sor or warcri­mi­nal - being the pre­text to incor­rect­ly sug­gest, that rus­sia hasnt vio­la­ted inter­na­tio­nal law.

Apart from that, what the jour­na­list is mis­sing is images of peop­le suf­fe­ring in cities that have been atta­cked by Rus­sia, espe­cial­ly in Kiev.

The secu­ri­ty poli­tics ang­le aspect that irri­ta­tes the aut­hor, also is pushed - as a respon­se, and in ser­vice of future stra­te­gic ori­en­ta­ti­on, in wes­tern media. (“The EU is lear­ning the lan­guage of Power” (The ger­man news­pa­per in it links an ECFR com­men­ta­ry “from the per­spec­ti­ve of a mill­en­ni­al”, thats actual­ly qui­te fit­ting.)) - alt­hough with it being seen through a very dif­fe­rent lens, naturally.

So far thats the ent­i­re­ty, of what that jour­na­list has found in terms of war pro­pa­gan­da being in place.

So the quick sum­ma­ry would be that CNN expec­ted rus­si­an sta­te finan­ced media to report, that Putin is the aggres­sor, did vio­la­te inter­na­tio­nal law, tell peop­le that this was a war crime, to not imple­ment a rever­sal on the publi­ci­zed image of victims/aggressors and show images of peop­le suf­fe­ring, while their army was taking towns by for­ce (as well as put­ting cities under siege).

Oh, and rus­si­an sta­te finan­ced media also didnt report on finan­cial sanc­tions that are aimed at tur­ning public opi­ni­on. (Rus­si­an news agen­ci­es do in part but only to a very vai­led extend. (I’m not lin­king examp­les.) Inte­rest rates rising from 10 to 20%, limits on money with­dra­wal for indi­vi­du­als, bans on exch­an­ging amounts lar­ger than 10.000 USD into for­eign cur­ren­ci­es - are effects they are witnessing.)

Next, CNN might find out that _if_ the Kyiv government buil­ding is taken over, a pon­zi government might decla­re Ukrai­ne to be part of the rus­si­an fede­ra­ti­on, but that RT is not tel­ling the world that the legi­ti­ma­te ruler of the coun­try is still batt­ling to res­to­re Ukrai­nes bor­ders pri­or to the rus­si­an invasion.

Also CNN has found that rus­si­ans are bra­cing for a dra­ma­tic shift in their stan­dard of living, because:

On Tues­day, Apple said it had stop­ped sel­ling all of its pro­ducts in Rus­sia, fol­lowing simi­lar moves by car and truck makers inclu­ding Ford, Gene­ral Motors, Vol­vo, Renault and Jagu­ar. Wes­tern oil giants Shell and BP ended joint ven­tures with Rus­si­an coun­ter­parts ear­lier this week. Dis­ney, along with War­ner­Me­dia, CNN’s parent com­pa­ny, are pausing the release of films in Russia.

Com­po­un­ding the eco­no­mic pain, two of the world’s big­gest con­tai­ner ship­ping com­pa­nies, Maer­sk and MSC, said they are hal­ting car­go boo­kings to and from Rus­sia, with the excep­ti­on of food, medi­ci­ne and huma­ni­ta­ri­an supplies.

Tho­se depar­tures, com­bi­ned with the plun­ging value of the ruble, threa­ten to cho­ke Russia’s eco­no­my and depri­ve Rus­si­ans of cru­cial for­eign goods such as cars, cell­p­ho­nes, clot­hing and food. Alt­hough Russia’s eco­no­my is pri­ma­ri­ly dri­ven by exports of oil and natu­ral gas, it reli­es hea­vi­ly on imports of finis­hed con­su­mer products.
Russia’s cur­ren­cy plun­ged by about 25% Monday[…]

src: click

25% is also about the exchan­ge rate drop to USD in the last mon­th (over­all), Chi­na just swit­ched from refu­sing to call the inva­si­on an inva­si­on to the fol­lowing stance:

[For­eign Minis­ter] Wang said the world’s second lar­gest eco­no­my also “deplo­res the out­break of con­flict bet­ween Ukrai­ne and Rus­sia,” accord­ing to a state­ment pos­ted on the Minis­try of For­eign Affairs web­site. The remarks were publis­hed after a call bet­ween Wang and Ukrai­ni­an For­eign Minis­ter Dmy­t­ro Kule­ba, the most seni­or exchan­ge sin­ce Russia’s Vla­di­mir Putin laun­ched the inva­si­on Thursday.

Wang also ack­now­led­ged the con­flict was a “war,” rather than a “spe­cial mili­ta­ry ope­ra­ti­on” as descri­bed by Rus­sia. [Seen as poten­ti­al signa­ling, that chi­na could be inte­res­ted in assuming the role of a peacemaker.]

src: click

and Rus­si­as Food import depen­den­ci­es as of 2015 (accord­ing to the world­bank), loo­ked like this (- but then Rus­sia is also still deli­vering fos­si­le fuels to some of tho­se coun­tries, the amount of which will con­tract over the fol­lowing ten years):
Russian Food Imports 2015
src: click In addi­ti­on rus­sia is also a lar­ge food exporter. see: click

edit: After the block of car­go ship­ments from and to rus­sia by MSC and Maerks, a chief exe­cu­ti­ve of a danish tra­ding com­pa­ny went on record with the fol­lowing statement:

Mean­while, Lars Jen­sen, chief exe­cu­ti­ve and part­ner of Ves­puc­ci Mari­tim, told that the latest sus­pen­si­ons are not surprising.

It is a mat­ter of risk manage­ment. Whilst it is still per­fect­ly pos­si­ble to ship car­go to Rus­sia, the­re is signi­fi­cant uncer­tain­ty as to the deve­lo­p­ment of fur­ther sanc­tions. If sanc­tions sud­den­ly pre­vent ope­ra­ti­ons into Rus­sia this means that thousands of con­tai­ners in the sup­ply chain to Rus­sia will get stuck in key ports in Euro­pe and that will worsen con­ges­ti­on problems.

src: click

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