The story telling for the “why we have to influence european politicians now, to make them prime the public” (mirror in german) part of the ECFR article supplied by Project Syndicate is out now. 🙂 (At least its the best version of the best possible argument you can make, for a prolonged war, I’ve heard so far. :))
Surprise, it is psychological profiling of Putin again! Oh, and maybe on a more sensible level, analysis of state and military organizational structures. Oh, and downplaying (but at least mentioning) the advantage that real time battlefield analysis provides.
Of course it fails to acknowledge the position of the non western world, and what happens after russia is beaten after a long war of attrition, but then - as long as you can topple tyrants… *insert Shakespeare quote at the end*
It actually works. Conceptually. And as a motivational speech.
It’s just that you have to get over the bump of “oh well, lets have a few more people here die sooner, rather than later”, because of this theoretic logic we follow, about how the world should work, based on institutional concepts and myths relying on a global nation prone to exceptionalism… But hey, no one is here to hear the naysayer speak, so yes - it works.