The bonus lie

23. Juni 2024

So - we need to get back all Ukrai­ni­an ter­ri­to­ries, becau­se after Butscha, the­re is no way the peace talks could have con­ti­nued. Right?

Sure, if you like to hold on to your self delu­si­ons and fairytales… 



But Mr. Zelen­sky, visi­t­ing Bucha on April 4, said the talks would go on, even as Rus­sia dis­mis­sed the Bucha atro­ci­ties as a sta­ged “pro­vo­ca­ti­on.”

src: click (NYT, June 15th 2024)

Well, that - but…


He also said at the time, days after the Butscha mas­sa­c­re was dis­co­ve­r­ed in ear­ly April of 2022, he sug­gested that Putin might not be ful­ly awa­re of the warcri­mes that his sol­di­ers are com­mit­ting. And we still need to talk to Putin.

Qui­te quick­ly, but cer­tain­ly over the cour­se of the next weeks that fol­lo­wed, his views, evol­ved part­ly under the influ­ence of his advi­sors. You know this is -- like any admi­nis­tra­ti­on the­re are dif­fe­rent opi­ni­ons, and they were dis­cus­sing what to do, what should be our posi­ti­on in terms of nego­tia­ti­ons and -- the pos­si­bi­li­ty of tal­king to Putin. Is he a mons­ter, is he a sta­tes­men, what is he?! A dic­ta­tor. And their views evol­ved qui­te quick­ly [but cer­tain­ly over the cour­se of the next weeks], to the point whe­re I think by the start of sum­mer cer­tain­ly Selen­skyj had deci­ded, that - NO, it is not pos­si­ble to talk to Putin.”

src: click (Simon Shus­ter at the Atlan­tic Council)

You know - that Simon Shuster:

Simon Shus­ter is a seni­or cor­re­spon­dent at TIME. He covers inter­na­tio­nal affairs, with a focus on Rus­sia and Ukraine. 

src: click

You know - that Simon Shuster:

Amid all the pres­su­re to root out cor­rup­ti­on, I assu­med, perhaps nai­vely, that offi­cials in Ukrai­ne would think twice befo­re taking a bri­be or pocke­ting sta­te funds. But when I made this point to a top pre­si­den­ti­al advi­ser in ear­ly Octo­ber, he asked me to turn off my audio recor­der so he could speak more free­ly. “Simon, you’re mista­ken,” he says. “Peop­le are ste­aling like there’s no tomorrow.” 

Even the firing of the Defen­se Minis­ter did not make offi­cials “feel any fear,” he adds, becau­se the pur­ge took too long to mate­ria­li­ze. The Pre­si­dent was war­ned in Febru­a­ry that cor­rup­ti­on had grown rife insi­de the minis­try, but he dithe­red for more than six mon­ths, giving his allies mul­ti­ple chan­ces to deal with the pro­blems quiet­ly or exp­lain them away. By the time he acted ahead of his U.S. visit, “it was too late,” says ano­t­her seni­or pre­si­den­ti­al adviser.


Amid all the pres­su­re to root out cor­rup­ti­on, I assu­med, perhaps nai­vely, that offi­cials in Ukrai­ne would think twice befo­re taking a bri­be or pocke­ting sta­te funds. But when I made this point to a top pre­si­den­ti­al advi­ser in ear­ly Octo­ber, he asked me to turn off my audio recor­der so he could speak more free­ly. “Simon, you’re mista­ken,” he says. “Peop­le are ste­aling like there’s no tomorrow.” 

Even the firing of the Defen­se Minis­ter did not make offi­cials “feel any fear,” he adds, becau­se the pur­ge took too long to mate­ria­li­ze. The Pre­si­dent was war­ned in Febru­a­ry that cor­rup­ti­on had grown rife insi­de the minis­try, but he dithe­red for more than six mon­ths, giving his allies mul­ti­ple chan­ces to deal with the pro­blems quiet­ly or exp­lain them away. By the time he acted ahead of his U.S. visit, “it was too late,” says ano­t­her seni­or pre­si­den­ti­al adviser.

src: click

Which on Octo­ber 30th 2023 was the FIRST EVER arti­cle in the eng­lish spea­king estab­lish­ment press, that even ack­now­led­ged, that the ukrai­ni­an offen­si­ve might not be going as plan­ned - exact­ly one day befo­re The Eco­no­mist publis­hed its Inter­view with Zaluzhny.

3. Dmy­t­ro Kule­ba on the day after Bucha:

[…] Safa­ri by rus­si­an sol­di­ers against human civi­li­ans, against civi­li­ans - it’s unspeaka­ble. And I was com­mit­ted even befo­re the Bucha mas­sa­c­re, by the way it’s - the right spel­ling is but­cher not buc­ca, I was com­mit­ted to pro­se­cu­ting all rus­si­an atro­ci­ties and war cri­mi­nals, and to doing ever­ything that I could as for­eign minis­ter to bring them to account, but now - uh I will be doing it until my last breath.”

src: click

So - you see, … when nobo­dy at the time actual­ly used the argu­ment that it was “But­cha that was the rea­son why - we have to stop peace nego­tia­ti­ons, to dri­ve out the last rus­si­an from our coun­try - befo­re we can think about talks, becau­se But­cha is how all Rus­si­an sol­di­ers behave in Ukrai­ne!” (or any part of that - at all). And ever­yo­ne actual­ly sta­ted the com­ple­te oppo­si­te in public spee­ches on the record. 

(Lea­ving out that litt­le gem of a “you bet­ter dont tell the public nugget” --

Which then lead to secon­da­ry lies - when ukrai­ni­ans hos­ted a Gre­gor Gysi visit, whe­re when asked about why the­re were so many bur­ned out tanks in Bucha - when the Rus­si­ans sup­po­sed­ly left “on their own” his ukrai­ni­an gui­de told Gysi - that tho­se would have been “Wag­ner For­ces”… Some­thing no one ever said, sta­ted, repeated, indi­ca­ted, or even hin­ted at -- in any other instance ever - befo­re or after. What luck for Gysi to get told some­thing no one else has ever publicly sta­ted, during his visit in But­cha - when he pro­bab­ly asked a bit too much.… (It likely was BS on part of the gui­de, but it left an impres­si­on on Gysi - which Clau­dia Major did her utmost best to instant­ly bur­ry under some “yeah - but thats not even important any­mo­re” BS - live in the Spie­gel TV Inter­view Stu­dio. Fun times… src: click)

While it was actual­ly Selen­skyj hims­elf sta­ting on the record that - 

He also said at the time, days after the Butscha mas­sa­c­re was dis­co­ve­r­ed in ear­ly April of 2022, he sug­gested that Putin might not be ful­ly awa­re of the warcri­mes that his sol­di­ers are com­mit­ting. And we still need to talk to Putin.”

an opi­ni­on which then chan­ged “by the start of Sum­mer for sure” (thats 1st of April 2022 (the Bucha mas­sa­c­re beco­mes known) plus 81 days until the 21th of June (start of sum­mer in that year)), “part­ly under the influ­ence of his advisers”

over the cour­se of the next weeks that fol­lo­wed, his views, evol­ved part­ly under the influ­ence of his advisors.

src: click (Simon Shus­ter at the Atlan­tic Council)

-- that opi­ni­on, gets com­ple­te­ly wiped from the wider public record - to just estab­lish the OPPOSITE as being the actu­al rea­son, why Ukrai­ne NEEDED TO BREAK OFF peace talks with russia.

Its becau­se of Butscha, right?!

Two mon­ths ago - from me wri­ting this now, Sabi­ne Adler (long­stan­ding East Euro­pe Expert, Deutsch­land­funk - und Exper­te dem die deut­schen Medi­en ver­trau­en!), actual­ly put this out the­re (at 1:20:00 in):

Sabi­ne Adler: Also die die Ukrai­ne ist in Frie­dens­ge­sprä­che gegan­gen, noch im Febru­ar. [Bonus, Putin asked for them to be estab­lis­hed on the second day of the war. Fun.] Die­se Frie­dens­ge­sprä­che haben ange­fan­gen in Gomel, da hat man sich mehr­fach getrof­fen und die das Ange­bot der Ukrai­ne durch Selens­kij hat gelau­tet - Ver­zicht auf Nato­mit­glied­schaft, Neu­tra­li­tät und Aus­klam­me­rung der Krim, das war also ein rie­sen Zuge­ständ­nis was im im Übri­gen für Selens­kij ein gro­ßes Risi­ko war, weil er gegen die eige­ne Ver­fas­sung ver­sto­ßen hat, in der Ver­fas­sung steht die Nato­it­glied­schaft als Ver­fas­sungs­ziel - er ist damit rein­ge­gan­gen, weil er die­ses wei­te­re Töten auf jeden Fall ver­hin­dern woll­te. Die­se Ver­hand­lun­gen haben unge­fähr geführt, sind gelau­fen zunächst in Weißruss- in Bela­rus und dann in der Tat in der Tür­kei, dazwi­schen wis­sen Sie was Anfang April war? Butscha! Irpin! Ber­d­jansk. All die­se Geschich­ten waren da und da haben die Ukra da haben -- bit­te das ist der

[Ein­wurf des Fragestellers]

Sabi­ne Adler: Genau las­sen Sie mich kurz no jetzt bin ich jetzt mal, sie woll­ten jetzt ihr State­ment und ich wie­der - ich sage jetzt etwas auf ihr State­ment. Und Butscha und Irpin und all das was da deut­lich gewor­den ist, hat für die Ukrai­ne - es unmög­lich gemacht zunächst wei­ter zu ver­han­deln das heißt also und Butscha war Anfang April und Boris Boris John­son war Mit­te oder Ende April [09th of April so eight days after Butscha] in Kiev nur mal das dazu dann hat man wei­ter dann hat man gesagt und und die­se, die­se Ange­bo­te die die ihnen gemacht hat, haben die rus­si­schen Unter­händ­ler jeweils ent­ge­gen­ge­nom­men und sie haben gesagt ja das ist etwas ganz vor­sich­tig vor­sich­tig das neh­men wir mit, das kön­nen wir mal so wei­ter­ge­ben - da sind sie sofort zurück­gefif­fen wor­den als sie nur die­se rela­tiv neu­tra­le Kom­men­tie­rung gemacht haben! [Yeah, the NYT sta­tes, that Putin told the head of his dele­ga­ti­on to quick­ly bring the peace agree­ment fur­ther along at that time and not stall, and that the ukrai­ni­an dele­ga­ti­on lead knew about that - but yeah… Why not invent abso­lu­te bull­shit ins­tead?]. Dann Ende April [9th of April] da sagen sie ist John­son - sie ver­or­ten den sehr viel wei­ter frü­her [yeah and you 20 days later you abso­lut com­ple­te and utter…] war John­son in in in Kiev und John­son hat in der Tat gesagt er fin­det Ver­hand­lun­gen über­haupt nicht gut. Die Ver­hand­lun­gen wur­den zunächst auf Eis gelegt und dann pas­sier­te im Sep­tem­ber etwas näm­lich es es geschah die Ein­ver­lei­bung nicht nur von den soge­nann­ten Volks­re­pu­bli­ken Lug­ansk und Donetzk in die Rus­si­sche Föde­ra­ti­on son­dern auch Cher­son und Sapo­rischsch­ja, die noch nicht mal erobert waren und sie wis­sen es viel­leicht oder sie wis­sen es nicht - was ein­ver­leibt wird hat Ver­fas­sungs­rang in Russ­land das heißt also das ist nicht irgend­was, was da beschlos­sen wur­de und gefei­ert wur­de, son­dern das war der damit ist der schrift­li­che ver­fas­sungs­mä­ßi­ge Auf­trag die­se Gebie­te zu erobern, zu erobern und da hat Zelens­kiJ nicht die Frie­dens­ge­sprä­che abge­bro­chen son­dern er hat gesagt mit Putin ver­hand­le ich nicht mehr!” 

src: click

Even the­re - no men­ti­on of “we need to break off the peace talks and get back all Ukrai­ni­an ter­ri­to­ries, becau­se after Butscha, the­re is no way peace talks could have con­ti­nued” but actual­ly the opposite.

We will not men­ti­on for a minu­te that the actu­al order of events at the time was:

- 29th of March 2022: Pre­si­den­ti­al advi­ser of Selesnkyj deman­ds “hea­vy wea­pons to dri­ve all rus­si­ans out of Ukrai­ne” at a Con­fe­rence in Istanbul

Ukrai­ni­an pre­si­den­ti­al advi­ser calls for hea­vier wea­pon­ry from the West as Rus­sia shifts mili­ta­ry focus

Our part­ners must final­ly under­stand that the ‘Afgha­niz­a­ti­on’ they want and the long-lasting exhaus­ting con­flict for Rus­sia will not hap­pen,” Pod­olyak said. “Rus­sia will lea­ve all Ukrai­ni­an ter­ri­to­ries except the south and east. And will try to dig in the­re, put in air defen­se and shar­ply redu­ce the loss of its equip­ment and personnel.”

src: click

Right around when this was happening:

After each mili­ta­ry set­back, a mem­ber of Ukraine’s nego­tia­ting team said, Mr. Putin “redu­ced his demands.”

src: click (NYT)

- 31st of March 2022 (befo­re But­cha beco­mes known): 

Atlan­tic Coun­cil picks up that Ukrai­ni­an demand and spreads the demand, that “the wes­tern allies now need to deli­ver “hea­vy attack wea­pon­ry”” for the first time EVER, becau­se - and I quo­te “Putin will win unless the West sends Ukrai­ne offen­si­ve weapons!”.

(Thats by the way - when peace talks were pro­gres­sing “excep­tio­nal­ly well” -- accord­ing to the NYT)
src: click

- 1st of April: But­cha beco­mes known.

- 1st or 2nd of April, Selen­skyj makes his speech that peace talks still need to con­ti­nue (accord­ing to the NYT)

- 9th of April Bojo arri­ves and says “some­thing - that sound­ed like “Lets Fight!” to Davyd Arak­ha­mi­ia, lea­der of the Ser­vant of the Peop­le fac­tion who led the Ukrai­ni­an dele­ga­ti­on at “peace” talks with the Rus­si­ans in Bela­rus and Tür­ki­ye in 2022.

- 15th of April:

Simi­lar to the month-earlier ver­si­on, the April 15 draft inclu­des text in red high­ligh­t­ing issu­es in dis­pu­te. But such mar­kings are almost ent­i­re­ly absent from the treaty’s first pages, whe­re points of agree­ment emerged.

Nego­tia­tors agreed that Ukrai­ne would decla­re its­elf per­ma­nent­ly neu­tral, though it would be allo­wed to join the Euro­pean Union.

Much of the trea­ty would “not app­ly” to Cri­mea and ano­t­her to-be-determined swath of Ukrai­ne — mea­ning that Kyiv would accept Rus­si­an occup­a­ti­on of part of its ter­ri­to­ry without reco­gni­zing Rus­si­an sov­er­eig­n­ty over it.

But cru­cial sti­cking points remained.


The big­gest pro­blem, howe­ver, came in Arti­cle 5. It sta­ted that, in the event of ano­t­her armed attack on Ukrai­ne, the “gua­ran­tor sta­tes” that would sign the trea­ty — Gre­at Bri­tain, Chi­na, Rus­sia, the United Sta­tes and Fran­ce — would come to Ukraine’s defense.

To the Ukrai­ni­ans’ dis­may, the­re was a cru­cial depar­tu­re from what Ukrai­ni­an nego­tia­tors said was dis­cus­sed in Istan­bul. Rus­sia inser­ted a clau­se say­ing that all gua­ran­tor sta­tes, inclu­ding Rus­sia, had to appro­ve the respon­se if Ukrai­ne were atta­cked. In effect, Moscow could inva­de Ukrai­ne again and then veto any mili­ta­ry inter­ven­ti­on on Ukraine’s behalf — a see­min­gly absurd con­di­ti­on that Kyiv quick­ly iden­ti­fied as a dealbreaker.

Rus­sia tried to secu­re a veto on Ukraine’s secu­ri­ty gua­ran­tees by inser­ting a clau­se requi­ring unani­mous consent.

The Gua­ran­tor Sta­tes and Ukrai­ne agree that in the event of an armed attack on Ukrai­ne, each of the Gua­ran­tor Sta­tes … on the basis of a decisi­on agreed upon by all Gua­ran­tor Sta­tes, will pro­vi­de … assi­s­tance to Ukrai­ne, as a per­ma­nent­ly neu­tral sta­te under attack…”

With that chan­ge, a mem­ber of the Ukrai­ni­an nego­tia­ting team said, “we had no inte­rest in con­ti­nuing the talks.”

src: click



Davyd Arak­ha­mi­ia: The goal of the­se nego­tia­ti­ons was to crea­te a sen­se of suc­cess in the initi­al phase.

He said that you need to make them feel that they can talk to us. Becau­se if you remem­ber, in the first few mon­ths, the Rus­si­ans pushed the mes­sa­ge that the Zelen­sky government was ille­gi­ti­ma­te, after the Mai­dan, after the coup, and so on. And after the second Ses­si­on it seems Putin came out on TV and said that we reco­gni­ze Zelen­skys government as legi­ti­ma­te and we will nego­tia­te with it. 

Nata­li­ia Mosei­chuk: So this pha­se was successful. 

Davyd Arak­ha­mi­ia: Yeah, this was the first goal and the second goal was to buy time. So we were basi­cal­ly buil­ding a smokescreen.

src: click (Not rebu­ked to this day.)

Then the Ukrai­ne starts attacking again. Becau­se the wea­pons arri­ved. Being suc­cess­full in Cher­son (Offen­si­ve: 27. Juli 2022 – 11. Novem­ber 2022).

Then the the Ukrai­ne starts attacking again. being VERY suc­cess­full in Char­kiew (6. Sep­tem­ber 2022 – 2. Okto­ber 2022).

Then on 30th of Sep­tem­ber 2022 Putin decla­res Donetsk, Kher­son, Luhansk and Zapo­rizhzhia oblasts annexed.

And then Selen­skyj still doesnt offi­cial­ly break off the peace nego­tia­ti­ons, they just con­ti­nue ghos­ting every mee­ting of it sin­ce the end of April, so Selen­skyj can remain “the PEACE pre­si­dent” - in all of fuck­ing public dia­log in ger­man media. HORRAY HORRAY. --

Sor­ry - we for­get all of that of course --

and still belie­ve, that the Ukraine


Even though Selen­skyj sta­ted this - after Butscha -

He also said at the time, days after the Butscha mas­sa­c­re was dis­co­ve­r­ed in ear­ly April of 2022, he sug­gested that Putin might not be ful­ly awa­re of the warcri­mes that his sol­di­ers are com­mit­ting. And we still need to talk to Putin.

src: click (Simon Shus­ter at the Atlan­tic Council)

And it took the ukrai­ni­an pro­pa­gan­da depart­ment until the start of sum­mer (thats 81 days after Butscha) for the public messaging to change.

Even though - 14 days after But­cha (15th of April), the Ukria­ni­an dele­ga­ti­on knew that it didnt want to con­ti­nue nego­tia­ti­ons, becau­se of Rus­si­as demand for a veto, which was the ACTUAL deal­b­rea­ker (new wes­tern Pro­pa­gan­da line, why not…)

Even though Davyd Arak­ha­mi­ia clear­ly stated

Davyd Arak­ha­mi­ia: Yeah, this was the first goal and the second goal was to buy time. So we were basi­cal­ly buil­ding a smokescreen.

src: click (Not rebu­ked to this day.)

Even though Selen­skyj still didnt break off Peace talks “offi­cial­ly” after on 30th of Sep­tem­ber 2022 Putin decla­res Donetsk, Kher­son, Luhansk and Zapo­rizhzhia oblasts annexed.


Und dann pas­sier­te im Sep­tem­ber etwas näm­lich es es geschah die Ein­ver­lei­bung nicht nur von den soge­nann­ten Volks­re­pu­bli­ken Lug­ansk und Donetzk in die Rus­si­sche Föde­ra­ti­on son­dern auch Cher­son und Sapo­rischsch­ja, die noch nicht mal erobert waren und sie wis­sen es viel­leicht oder sie wis­sen es nicht - was ein­ver­leibt wird hat Ver­fas­sungs­rang in Russ­land das heißt also das ist nicht irgend­was, was da beschlos­sen wur­de und gefei­ert wur­de, son­dern das war der damit ist der schrift­li­che ver­fas­sungs­mä­ßi­ge Auf­trag die­se Gebie­te zu erobern, zu erobern und da hat Zelens­kiJ nicht die Frie­dens­ge­sprä­che abge­bro­chen son­dern er hat gesagt mit Putin ver­hand­le ich nicht mehr!” 

src: click
(Sabi­ne Adler long­stan­ding East Euro­pe Expert, Deutsch­land­funk on the 5th of April 2024)



YOU --

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst ALLERLETZTE.

And the bonus lie always was, that Ukrai­ne did this, becau­se it couldnt bare see­ing the Rus­si­an army beha­ving ever­y­whe­re else just like they did in But­cha, whe­re the Ukrai­ni­an Army kil­led two ent­i­re bat­tali­ons (1000 rus­si­an sol­di­ers) using HIMARS from a forest patch near­by first -- causing the rus­si­ans to go cra­zy. Accord­ing to an assess­ment of Mar­kus Reis­ner - of cour­se not in nor­mal prime Time Tele­vi­si­on --- no, we keep that infor­ma­ti­on for our “bel­lum jus­tum - Impuls­vor­trag Oberst Mar­kus Reis­ner zum Krieg in der Ukrai­ne at the “Platt­form Christ­de­mo­kra­tie”” of course.


And then we tre­at ever­yo­ne who knows that - like an abso­lu­te fuck­ing Putin apo­lo­gist, tool, idi­ot, leper, …


Ach­ja, und da Kai­ser Franz Joseph is ja in den Krieg - weil sie sei­nen Sohn getö­tet haben - net woa? 

Gre­at to final­ly get a grasp on the wider publics - utter, utter intelligence.

Gut, Pro­pa­gan­da hat jetzt aber lei­der wie­der nie­mand entdeckt.

Und die Geschich­te mit den signa­len­den US (“US and NATO offi­cials strugg­le to deci­pher the sta­tus of peace nego­tia­ti­ons bet­ween Rus­sia and Ukrai­ne”), die am 20. März 2022 “plötz­lich nicht mehr gewusst haben wo die Ukrai­ne steht” (hat­te da doch der Prä­si­dent Selen­sky ver­laut­bart eine “neu­tra­le Ukrai­ne” sei etwas wor­über er nach­den­ke), wor­auf am sel­ben Tag (!) der ehe­ma­li­ge ukrai­ni­sche Ver­tei­di­gungs­mi­nis­ter Zago­rod­nyuk, jetzt Atlan­tic Coun­cil Mit­glied, bei Times Radio vor­spre­chen und die ukrai­ni­sche Posi­ti­on erläu­tern musste:

(15 mal “Cant trust Putin!” in 5 Sätzen!)

- die erspar ich dem Leser lie­ber auch noch.

Hinterlasse eine Antwort