The curse of the ides of march

13. April 2024

Rus­sia attacks on febru­a­ry the 24th and on March the 4th, so 8 days later, you have Ste­phen Kot­kin inven­ting the ent­i­re wes­tern nar­ra­ti­ve on the rus­si­an inva­si­on of Ukrai­ne, and have it pre­sen­ted at the Hoo­ver Institution

- whe­re coin­ci­dent­al­ly in the same week you hold your “7 peop­le argue against John Mear­s­hei­mers ver­si­on of rea­lism [school of thought in inter­na­tio­nal rela­ti­ons theo­ry] panel” - in a for­mat you new­ly foun­ded in the same week. With a com­ple­te fresh­men at the helm, sel­ling a/her book for the first time ever - with the argu­men­ta­ti­ve hook, that Mear­s­hei­mers argu­ment is mono­cau­sal, and the­re were many rea­sons for the war, none of which were NATO enlargement.

Whats bet­ter than one his­to­ri­ans view

Ste­phen Kot­kin (here at the IWM­Vi­en­na, btw: click) and here spea­king out publi­cal­ly against rus­si­as argu­ment to NATO expansion:

who by then was a seni­or fel­low at Stan­ford for two years, con­se­quent­ly gets moved to the REDS Semi­nar seri­es at the Euro­pe Cen­ter at Stan­ford, on “Rethin­king Euro­pean Deve­lo­p­ment and Secu­ri­ty (REDS)”, whe­re to his credit, he doesnt con­form with the public nar­ra­ti­ve on whats was hap­pe­ning in Ukrai­ne at the time twice (see: click), now final­ly - after years of wai­t­ing in Prince­ton, as he hims­elf insists (see fol­lowing video), gets to talk to the new Hoo­ver folks at the Hoo­ver Insti­tu­ti­on Sum­mer Poli­cy Boot camp (HISPBC).


Check for yourself when you start to diver­ge from his world view, and start to clas­si­fy what he says as Propaganda. 🙂

For me it was the “the glo­bal south doesnt exist, but it only has so few peop­le, becau­se Chi­na and India are in the north, so we dont use that term, but the glo­bal west is real, becau­se its a club, based on com­mon values and insti­tu­ti­ons, which we took over from the bri­tish, and you will always insist in using your defi­ni­ti­ons, not the ones of others in a deba­te, and you will make sure that yours are empi­ri­cal, which is why I have to talk to you about land powers and sea powers whe­re the land powers are often auto­cra­tic and aggres­si­ve, and mili­ta­ry based, and gre­at that Mexi­co as well as south ame­ri­ca doesnt threa­ten the US mili­ta­ri­ly, btw - I won­der how that hap­pen­ed, oh and the sea powers are about sprea­ding demo­cra­cy, and free socie­ties and tra­de, and pro­spe­ri­ty, in the expan­si­on pha­se, which has now tur­ned into a con­trac­tion pha­se - oh and we brought values to the world, never mind IMF debt “depen­den­cy” coun­tries could never get out of, as a deve­lo­p­men­tal model for the third world, which chi­na repla­ced as a model, with gif­ting tho­se coun­tries infra­st­ruc­tu­re (your com­pa­nies build) in return for time limi­ted rights to run their har­bors and air­ports, the model that nowa­days the EU Glo­bal Gate­way initia­ti­ve is also based on, oh - and lets not men­ti­on that Chi­na lifted 800 mil­li­on peop­le out of pover­ty - which real­ly isnt worth tal­king about, when imprin­ting on our new sum­mer school atten­de­es, that and I quo­te “its important not to beco­me the others” (ingroup vs out­group is estab­lis­hed) becau­se, and I quo­te “you are intel­li­gent, capa­ble, open­min­ded cos­mo­po­li­tes here, tal­king to your kind and the others are not”, which is why the wes­tern values based order is so important, of which japan is also a part of cour­se, becau­se its more like a Club - and so is Sau­di Ara­bia, becau­se the­re is OPEC, which is the only “free­ly for­med orga­ni­sa­ti­on that ever exis­ted” - so our club of cour­se inclu­des also Sau­di Ara­bia and…” part.

Just do me a favor, watch it, and then make a note when you reco­gni­zed what he is doing here…

Which brings me to my most important point.

Isn’t it gre­at that tho­se are the peop­le that inven­ted the wes­tern nar­ra­ti­ve on whats hap­pe­ning in Ukrai­ne eight days after the war started?

Which then con­se­quent­ly was copied and used without any (!) addi­ti­ons or modi­fi­ca­ti­ons for - about a year, throughout the ent­i­re west.

That club he spo­ke of, must also be about shared nar­ra­ti­ves I think.

And exclu­si­ve sum­mer schools.

Grü­ße an Alp­bach, bitte.

Pro­pa­gan­da hat aber natür­lich wie­der nie­mand entdeckt.

It’s a pity real­ly, that you have the­se folks that are used to pro­du­ce major nar­ra­ti­ves around with you for the long run… So peop­le can judge them on their sub­se­quent appearan­ces as well.

Like Timo­thy Snider:

This is not a magic trick

and Fio­na Hill

Kommt ein Pati­ent in die Sprechstunde

Its a cur­se, real­ly. And this one star­ted in march of 2022.

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