Jep, because Kotkin and Hoover institution. So thats the “continuation play”. Victoria Nuland was ousted in march, replaced with a different Neocon, whos more hawkish on China.
So for Europe this means - endless war. In economic terms.
Kotkin, who has also invented the main european war narrative eight days after the Ukraine war started -
now is presenting his institutes vision for the future.
Which is “an armistice”, but under the following conditions. Ukraine gets more favourable terms than russia. And until thats not the case - support, support, support, support.
And while thats going on - induce a fully fledged regime change operation in russia, with a managed opposition, supported by the west, so the Putin regime can not be sure of its survival, probably until he dies. Then fuck over europe once more, by leaving russia close to civil war conditions. All the while just drilling in europes dependency on the US once more.
Concept wise, nothing new at all, just voiced by the usual thinktanks, for the first time.
Yeah, and when Biden mentioned, that they didnt seek regimechange… Remember that?
Now they not only seek regimechange, but regimechange and a favorable position in the war. Just to signal to russia, that a continuation of the regime, is nothing we support.
Which - when you also know the US propaganda stance that has been funneled into the russian expat community -
Where the podcaster now - surprise - has become the newest visiting fellow at the Atlantic council.
After this interview:
The US propaganda plan for the russian expat community in a nutshell (see Snyder video), split russia into five regions. Have one region with a functioning road infrastructure. Have four regions which would like to have a functioning road infrastructure. Give them local myths so they love their region. Stifle their economic development. The end.
Ok, make sure that you have patsies in all five regional governments, so all along the nuclear arsenal of the country under civil war, doesnt end up on the black market. We just trust in that operation working as well.
Great plan! So what does this mean for europe. Media lies their asses off until Ukraine gets into a more favorable position. Then media lies their asses off until regime change in russia is successfully induced, then media lies their asses off about the economic development of europe, then media lies their asses off about security, then media lies their asses off about the future european prospects. Then we play “eastward enlargement” once more but just with a stifled economic outlook, while China is profiting from cheap energy and the resources infrastructure they developed for the past 20 years, and the US is profiting from the european braindrain (I’d say decidedly larger real per capita growth in the US for the next 15 years, and then for the next 100, because then the demographic factors kick in real good), a rebuild of their industry in a more highly automated fashion, with their growth pool (demography, so baked in growth) in mexico (so many young people!) - while europe is doing what? Oh sorry, and also massive european subsidies for the war, which Europe cant inflate away like the US does, and into our military build out of course. So your children can dream that happy dream of dying for your boomer-farts tomorrow.
But wait, wait - also - Mercosur?
You can vote for any party that works on that vision - in the entire free world!
Lets go over the time horizons once more.
Ukraine is seen as in worse shape on the battlefield, structurally, by everyone right now.
That the 2025 offensive will put Ukraine into a decisively favorable position is not likely - but first and foremost highly uncertain. Which is why even US generals at the ukrainian billionaire financed YES conference talk about this using a six year time horizon:
So first off fuck you, second off fuck you and third, fuck you
After those six years, we finally get our armistice on Ukraines terms, while russia will be trying to rearm, because they see this as an existential war. Kotkin just doubled down on making it one - with no other option available for the west, than to induce regime change once again… But this time slowly - so the factions we dont like, dont profit from the worlds largest landmass/country breaking apart politically.
So now this becomes a 20 year time horizon - where europe keeps its sanctions up, and imports energy from all around the world “to reduce risk” - by creating more risk, reflected in higher energy prices.
My generation is kicked into a “work longer, and learn to love the service economy” mindset, with a media ecosystem, that will tell people for the next 20 years, that it is so great, that we used 7% less gas during a warm winter.
And whats that all for?
To finance a military buildout. To reduce the US’ risk of being dragged into a Nato Article 5 situation in Europe.
And we all look forward to the greater independence of finally having no chemical industry in europe anymore, no steel industry (we need trade tariffs to keep that one running), and shipping in all our energy needs from three times farther than before, while the economy tanks (demographics, buildout of the defense sector - which is still about the worst sector for job creation you can imagine), while we are loosing the ressource war that the US and China are winning…
Somehow I dont get any relief out of the idea, that even generationally - its the boomers that will benefit most, because their fucking asset portfolio was highly concentrated on the US - for some fucking “we dont need to diversify” mindset reasons.
Lovely future you have there - how can we make it worse?
Jetzt ist es aber gut, dass der Standard, und alle Qualitätsmedien im ersten Jahr eine “Friedenskonferenz” aus ihrem Veranstaltungsort in Wien rausgetreten haben, mit einem Veranstalter, der öffentlich gemacht hat, er könne die Vorwürfe nicht prüfen, und möchte lieber kein Risiko eingehen, mit einer einzigen Zeitung, die gegen Ende berichtet hat “das war keine pro Russland Konferenz” (Wiener Zeitung), die aber zu der Zeit bereits von der Grünen Wiener Stadtregierung abgewickelt wurde. Weil ja die Ukraine gewinnen musste, weil verlieren keine Option war.
Gut, jetzt ist Sieg keine Option mehr, also eher nicht für die nächsten 20 Jahre… Aber wer müsse sich da jetzt die Situation ansehen in die uns unsere wunderbaren, lieben, großherzigen - US Partner drängen - die ihren FUCKING SCHROTT (ATACAMS) in der Ukraine losgeworden sind.
Großbritannien spielt wieder mal die rühmliche Rolle von fuck you, the US still doesnt want you.
Thats your future life.
To have seen this coming from the third month of the war - is such a thrill. While all around you only people get promoted, or even to work in media - who lie their asses off.
Yeah, right, wanna hear the France 24 perspective on that meeting?
Können wir dazu vielleicht nochmal den Eric Frey hören?
“Mnnnjajaa der Vorstand des IWMVienna hat mir gsagt, wir müssen dieses Jahr im Burgtheater noch mal ganz wichtig über den Wahlkampf in den USA sprechen, weil dort entscheidet sich ja… NICHTS.”
Denn das gerade Skizzierte ist die demokratische außenpolitische Position.
Hier meine two cents. Fuck all this - and let the US defend Europe in Poland as per Article five, if they really believe that the nuclear option for russia isnt viable, and that Russia really is hellbent on provoking a direct confrontation with NATO. That way they at least have stakes in the game. Not just the people they will graft and groom in Alpbach. And Poland.
Gut meine Generation kann das ab, die ist überzeugt, die rettet damit den Planeten auch wenn durch LNG und Kohle der CO2 Ausstoß steigt. Und gerade das europäische grüne Wachstum als Perspektive (in der Anfangsphase sehr kapitalintensiv, dann geringere Langzeitkosten) so derartig auseinanderfliegt, dass ein Macron sich nicht mal mehr erlauben kann das in seinen Reden an die Nation als Perspektive zu erwähnen.
Großartig, mehr davon.
Und wenn deine Kinder keine Branche mit sektoralem Wachstum erwischen, das dann eh nur wieder sechs Jahre andauert, denn wer soll den teuer produzierten Scheiß kaufen, meine Urgroßmutter? China, das gerade billig an Energie kommt? Die US die dank Reservewährung wieder die Kriegskosten weginflationieren und stärker auf regionale Produktion unter hohem Automatisierungsgrad setzen, und fuck my Generation die sind noch gut genug als Idioten, die fucking Facebook attract Artikel konsumieren dürfen.
Tagein, tagaus.
Und dabei nicht durchsteigen, dass diese Zukunft von drei US Thinktanks gemanaged wurde (Brookings, Hoover und whoever the fuck managed Snyder after a long weekend (click)).
Und von der Rolle des Schwarzen Meers spricht dann vielleicht noch ein Herfried Münkler, aber bitte erst vor drei Monaten, denn davor war ja die US Propaganda viel wichtiger.
Was freu ich mich auf deine fucking Zukunft Europa und mein fucking Bein ab für deine unabhängigen Qualitätsmedien.
Weil die Redaktionen ja bereits auf Facebook gesehen haben, dass Moral jetzt aber das Allerwichtigste ist. Also Moral und Völkerrecht. An das sich seit zehn Jahren keine Sau mehr hält.
Gut, war doch uns scheissegal. Finden sie heute mal die Person die in der UN noch eine Zukunft für die Strukturierung der Welt sieht. Aber das Völkerrecht!
Denn wenn der Russe gewinnt, dann wird das Schule machen und Taiwan! Nein - ganz schlimm. Gut die ersten US Thinktanks (Brookings (“Taiwan ist vor allem Rhetorik”)) springen jetzt bereits darauf auf, dass eine “zukünftig imaginierte” Krise nicht schlimmer ist als eine aktuelle, und man den Ukraine Krieg daher für die Werte mehr prolongieren müsste… Aber ansonsten…
Die Medien lügen das eh wieder weg.
Und falls ich etwas falsch verstanden, oder gewichtet haben sollte, bitte um Berichtigung.