The future of Ukraine war according to US democrats

07. Mai 2024


Jep, becau­se Kot­kin and Hoo­ver insti­tu­ti­on. So thats the “con­ti­nua­tion play”. Vic­to­ria Nuland was ous­ted in march, repla­ced with a dif­fe­rent Neo­con, whos more haw­kish on China.

So for Euro­pe this means - end­less war. In eco­no­mic terms.

Kot­kin, who has also inven­ted the main euro­pean war nar­ra­ti­ve eight days after the Ukrai­ne war started -

The cur­se of the ides of march

now is pre­sen­ting his insti­tu­tes visi­on for the future.

Which is “an armisti­ce”, but under the fol­lowing con­di­ti­ons. Ukrai­ne gets more favoura­ble terms than rus­sia. And until thats not the case - sup­port, sup­port, sup­port, support.

And while thats going on - indu­ce a ful­ly fled­ged regime chan­ge ope­ra­ti­on in rus­sia, with a mana­ged oppo­si­ti­on, sup­por­ted by the west, so the Putin regime can not be sure of its sur­vi­val, pro­bab­ly until he dies. Then fuck over euro­pe once more, by lea­ving rus­sia clo­se to civil war con­di­ti­ons. All the while just dril­ling in euro­pes depen­den­cy on the US once more.

Con­cept wise, not­hing new at all, just voi­ced by the usu­al think­tanks, for the first time.

Yeah, and when Biden men­tio­ned, that they didnt seek regi­me­chan­ge… Remem­ber that?

Now they not only seek regi­me­chan­ge, but regi­me­chan­ge and a favor­able posi­ti­on in the war. Just to signal to rus­sia, that a con­ti­nua­tion of the regime, is not­hing we support.

Which - when you also know the US pro­pa­gan­da stance that has been fun­neled into the rus­si­an expat community - 

Whe­re the pod­cas­ter now - sur­pri­se - has beco­me the newest visi­t­ing fel­low at the Atlan­tic council.

Mikhail Zygar

After this interview:

The US pro­pa­gan­da plan for the rus­si­an expat com­mu­ni­ty in a nuts­hell (see Sny­der video), split rus­sia into five regi­ons. Have one regi­on with a func­tio­n­ing road infra­st­ruc­tu­re. Have four regi­ons which would like to have a func­tio­n­ing road infra­st­ruc­tu­re. Give them local myths so they love their regi­on. Stif­le their eco­no­mic deve­lo­p­ment. The end.

Ok, make sure that you have pat­sies in all five regio­nal governments, so all along the nuclear arse­nal of the coun­try under civil war, doesnt end up on the black mar­ket. We just trust in that ope­ra­ti­on working as well.

Gre­at plan! So what does this mean for euro­pe. Media lies their asses off until Ukrai­ne gets into a more favor­able posi­ti­on. Then media lies their asses off until regime chan­ge in rus­sia is suc­cess­ful­ly indu­ced, then media lies their asses off about the eco­no­mic deve­lo­p­ment of euro­pe, then media lies their asses off about secu­ri­ty, then media lies their asses off about the future euro­pean pro­spects. Then we play “east­ward enlar­ge­ment” once more but just with a stif­led eco­no­mic out­look, while Chi­na is pro­fi­t­ing from cheap ener­gy and the resour­ces infra­st­ruc­tu­re they deve­lo­ped for the past 20 years, and the US is pro­fi­t­ing from the euro­pean brain­drain (I’d say deci­ded­ly lar­ger real per capi­ta growth in the US for the next 15 years, and then for the next 100, becau­se then the demo­gra­phic fac­tors kick in real good), a rebuild of their indus­try in a more high­ly auto­ma­ted fashion, with their growth pool (demo­gra­phy, so baked in growth) in mexi­co (so many young peop­le!) - while euro­pe is doing what? Oh sor­ry, and also mas­si­ve euro­pean sub­si­dies for the war, which Euro­pe cant infla­te away like the US does, and into our mili­ta­ry build out of cour­se. So your child­ren can dream that hap­py dream of dying for your boomer-farts tomorrow.

But wait, wait - also - Mercosur?

You can vote for any par­ty that works on that visi­on - in the ent­i­re free world!

Lets go over the time hori­zons once more.

Ukrai­ne is seen as in worse shape on the battle­field, struc­tu­ral­ly, by ever­yo­ne right now.

That the 2025 offen­si­ve will put Ukrai­ne into a decisi­ve­ly favor­able posi­ti­on is not likely - but first and fore­mo­st high­ly uncer­tain. Which is why even US gene­rals at the ukrai­ni­an bil­lion­aire finan­ced YES con­fe­rence talk about this using a six year time horizon:

So first off fuck you, second off fuck you and third, fuck you

After tho­se six years, we final­ly get our armisti­ce on Ukrai­nes terms, while rus­sia will be try­ing to rearm, becau­se they see this as an exis­ten­ti­al war. Kot­kin just dou­bled down on making it one - with no other opti­on avail­ab­le for the west, than to indu­ce regime chan­ge once again… But this time slow­ly - so the fac­tions we dont like, dont pro­fit from the worlds lar­gest landmass/country brea­king apart politically.

So now this beco­mes a 20 year time hori­zon - whe­re euro­pe keeps its sanc­tions up, and imports ener­gy from all around the world “to redu­ce risk” - by crea­ting more risk, reflec­ted in hig­her ener­gy prices.

My genera­ti­on is kicked into a “work lon­ger, and learn to love the ser­vice eco­no­my” mind­set, with a media eco­sys­tem, that will tell peop­le for the next 20 years, that it is so gre­at, that we used 7% less gas during a warm winter.

And whats that all for?

To finan­ce a mili­ta­ry buil­d­out. To redu­ce the US’ risk of being drag­ged into a Nato Arti­cle 5 situa­ti­on in Europe.

And we all look for­ward to the grea­ter inde­pen­dence of final­ly having no che­mi­cal indus­try in euro­pe any­mo­re, no steel indus­try (we need tra­de tariffs to keep that one run­ning), and ship­ping in all our ener­gy needs from three times far­t­her than befo­re, while the eco­no­my tanks (demo­gra­phics, buil­d­out of the defen­se sec­tor - which is still about the worst sec­tor for job crea­ti­on you can ima­gi­ne), while we are loo­sing the res­sour­ce war that the US and Chi­na are winning…

Somehow I dont get any reli­ef out of the idea, that even genera­tio­nal­ly - its the boo­mers that will bene­fit most, becau­se their fuck­ing asset port­fo­lio was high­ly con­cen­tra­ted on the US - for some fuck­ing “we dont need to diver­si­fy” mind­set reasons.

Lovely future you have the­re - how can we make it worse?


Jetzt ist es aber gut, dass der Stan­dard, und alle Qua­li­täts­me­di­en im ers­ten Jahr eine “Frie­dens­kon­fe­renz” aus ihrem Ver­an­stal­tungs­ort in Wien raus­ge­tre­ten haben, mit einem Ver­an­stal­ter, der öffent­lich gemacht hat, er kön­ne die Vor­wür­fe nicht prü­fen, und möch­te lie­ber kein Risi­ko ein­ge­hen, mit einer ein­zi­gen Zei­tung, die gegen Ende berich­tet hat “das war kei­ne pro Russ­land Kon­fe­renz” (Wie­ner Zei­tung), die aber zu der Zeit bereits von der Grü­nen Wie­ner Stadt­re­gie­rung abge­wi­ckelt wur­de. Weil ja die Ukrai­ne gewin­nen muss­te, weil ver­lie­ren kei­ne Opti­on war.

Gut, jetzt ist Sieg kei­ne Opti­on mehr, also eher nicht für die nächs­ten 20 Jah­re… Aber wer müs­se sich da jetzt die Situa­ti­on anse­hen in die uns unse­re wun­der­ba­ren, lie­ben, groß­her­zi­gen - US Part­ner drän­gen - die ihren FUCKING SCHROTT (ATACAMS) in der Ukrai­ne los­ge­wor­den sind.

Groß­bri­tan­ni­en spielt wie­der mal die rühm­li­che Rol­le von fuck you, the US still doesnt want you.

Thats your future life.


To have seen this com­ing from the third mon­th of the war - is such a thrill. While all around you only peop­le get pro­mo­ted, or even to work in media - who lie their asses off.

Bildschirmfoto 2024 05 07 um 10 37 17
Yeah, right, wan­na hear the Fran­ce 24 per­spec­ti­ve on that meeting?

Kön­nen wir dazu viel­leicht noch­mal den Eric Frey hören?

Mnnn­ja­jaa der Vor­stand des IWM­Vi­en­na hat mir gsagt, wir müs­sen die­ses Jahr im Burg­thea­ter noch mal ganz wich­tig über den Wahl­kampf in den USA spre­chen, weil dort ent­schei­det sich ja… NICHTS.”

Denn das gera­de Skiz­zier­te ist die demo­kra­ti­sche außen­po­li­ti­sche Position.

Hier mei­ne two cents. Fuck all this - and let the US defend Euro­pe in Poland as per Arti­cle five, if they real­ly belie­ve that the nuclear opti­on for rus­sia isnt via­ble, and that Rus­sia real­ly is hell­bent on pro­vo­king a direct con­fron­ta­ti­on with NATO. That way they at least have sta­kes in the game. Not just the peop­le they will graft and groom in Alp­bach. And Poland.

Gut mei­ne Genera­ti­on kann das ab, die ist über­zeugt, die ret­tet damit den Pla­ne­ten auch wenn durch LNG und Koh­le der CO2 Aus­stoß steigt. Und gera­de das euro­päi­sche grü­ne Wachs­tum als Per­spek­ti­ve (in der Anfangs­pha­se sehr kapi­tal­in­ten­siv, dann gerin­ge­re Lang­zeit­kos­ten) so der­ar­tig aus­ein­an­der­fliegt, dass ein Macron sich nicht mal mehr erlau­ben kann das in sei­nen Reden an die Nati­on als Per­spek­ti­ve zu erwähnen.

Groß­ar­tig, mehr davon.

Und wenn dei­ne Kin­der kei­ne Bran­che mit sek­to­ra­lem Wachs­tum erwi­schen, das dann eh nur wie­der sechs Jah­re andau­ert, denn wer soll den teu­er pro­du­zier­ten Scheiß kau­fen, mei­ne Urgroß­mutter? Chi­na, das gera­de bil­lig an Ener­gie kommt? Die US die dank Reser­ve­wäh­rung wie­der die Kriegs­kos­ten weg­in­fla­tio­nie­ren und stär­ker auf regio­na­le Pro­duk­ti­on unter hohem Auto­ma­ti­sie­rungs­grad set­zen, und fuck my Genera­ti­on die sind noch gut genug als Idio­ten, die fuck­ing Face­book attract Arti­kel kon­su­mie­ren dürfen.

Tag­ein, tagaus.

Und dabei nicht durch­stei­gen, dass die­se Zukunft von drei US Think­tanks gema­na­ged wur­de (Broo­kings, Hoo­ver und whoever the fuck mana­ged Sny­der after a long wee­kend (click)).

Und von der Rol­le des Schwar­zen Meers spricht dann viel­leicht noch ein Her­fried Münk­ler, aber bit­te erst vor drei Mona­ten, denn davor war ja die US Pro­pa­gan­da viel wichtiger.

Spä­te Erkenntnis

Was freu ich mich auf dei­ne fuck­ing Zukunft Euro­pa und mein fuck­ing Bein ab für dei­ne unab­hän­gi­gen Qualitätsmedien.

Weil die Redak­tio­nen ja bereits auf Face­book gese­hen haben, dass Moral jetzt aber das Aller­wich­tigs­te ist. Also Moral und Völ­ker­recht. An das sich seit zehn Jah­ren kei­ne Sau mehr hält.

Putin the war cri­mi­nal, am I right?

Gut, war doch uns scheiss­egal. Fin­den sie heu­te mal die Per­son die in der UN noch eine Zukunft für die Struk­tu­rie­rung der Welt sieht. Aber das Völkerrecht!

Denn wenn der Rus­se gewinnt, dann wird das Schu­le machen und Tai­wan! Nein - ganz schlimm. Gut die ers­ten US Think­tanks (Broo­kings (“Tai­wan ist vor allem Rhe­to­rik”)) sprin­gen jetzt bereits dar­auf auf, dass eine “zukünf­tig ima­gi­nier­te” Kri­se nicht schlim­mer ist als eine aktu­el­le, und man den Ukrai­ne Krieg daher für die Wer­te mehr pro­lon­gie­ren müss­te… Aber ansonsten…

Die Medi­en lügen das eh wie­der weg.

Und falls ich etwas falsch ver­stan­den, oder gewich­tet haben soll­te, bit­te um Berichtigung.

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