The known traveller

30. März 2018

Staa­ten­über­grei­fen­des Kon­zept für Iden­ti­täts­ma­nage­ment, prä­sen­tiert beim dies­jäh­ri­gen World Eco­no­mic Forum in Davos.

Das Press release ist hier einsehbar.


This Known Tra­vel­ler Digi­tal Iden­ti­ty con­cept is foun­ded on the princip­le that an indi­vi­du­al tra­vel­ler has con­trol over the use of their own iden­ti­ty and its com­pon­ents. Due to this decen­tra­liz­a­ti­on of con­trol over the com­pon­ents of their iden­ti­ty, a tra­vel­ler can push pro­of of their iden­ti­ty infor­ma­ti­on – secu­red by dis­tri­bu­t­ed led­ger tech­no­lo­gy and cryp­to­gra­phy – to govern­men­tal and private-sector enti­ties throughout their jour­ney. Access to veri­fied per­so­nal bio­metric, bio­gra­phic and his­to­ri­cal tra­vel data will enab­le enti­ties along the way to under­ta­ke advan­ced risk assess­ment, veri­fy tra­vel­lers’ iden­ti­ties and pro­vi­de seam­less access through bio­metric reco­gni­ti­on technology.

+ Enab­les tra­vel­ler to be a part­ner in the secu­ri­ty process
+ Respects sov­er­eig­n­ty of countries
+ Incor­po­ra­tes abi­li­ty to under­ta­ke veri­fi­ca­ti­on and risk assessment
+ Enab­les exten­si­ve, upfront struc­tu­red infor­ma­ti­on sharing with entities
+ Risks iden­ti­fied through enhan­ced oppor­tu­ni­ty for data explo­ita­ti­on and ana­ly­sis against other databases

Focus on traveller-centric design to acce­le­ra­te adop­ti­on Tra­vel­lers are at the cent­re of the suc­cess of the Known Tra­vel­ler Digi­tal Iden­ti­ty con­cept. Sta­ke­hol­ders must under­stand the traveller’s intrinsic values and pre­fe­ren­ces for a fit-for-purpose con­cept and show tra­vel­lers the bene­fits of adop­ti­on. With every tech­no­lo­gi­cal or poli­cy deve­lo­p­ment, sta­ke­hol­ders must con­si­der a traveller-centric design approach, which will ulti­mate­ly make the Known Tra­vel­ler Digi­tal Iden­ti­ty con­cept more appe­aling to the broa­der avia­ti­on, tra­vel and tou­rism indus­try. This, cou­pled with tar­ge­ted behaviour-change stra­te­gies, will pro­vi­de the incen­ti­ve for tra­vel­lers to beco­me acti­ve part­ners in ensu­ring secu­ri­ty in travel.

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