It has not asked the right questions!
How dare the german government not tell us, that there is a Nato agreement not to deliver certain kinds of tanks to Ukraine!? We f*cking played the public for suckers for three months to the f*cking point, where anyone asking about if offensive weapons (as per Nato designation, thats a Nato term, that also never was explained to the public, but I f*cking digress) was seen as a moral offense, and now the german government DARES to put out, that there is such an agreement in a public statement!?
Not with this media at the helm! Nobody knows whats what anymore! The media laments. Thats the fault of the government!
I mean we just whipped the public up to demand everything it could, faster, to reach an outcome that it didnt understand, because of a hero, and now you say there are Nato agreements on this?
Not while Theo Kroll is in a commenting role!
And all you need to contextualize this news item is a snarky comment, really… Who the f*ck cares, why this agreement was put in place? Not the media, while Theo Kroll is still in a commenting role!
Sorry --- what? Henry Kissinger stated at Davos, that the Ukraine may have to concede some territory to russia in order to bring about lasting peace?
Lets go to our expert for everything and everyone - quickly.
Quote: “Well, the, tho optsh.., it’s ahm, nnn, I hesitate to quarrel with Henry Kissinger, but nevertheless, ..” let me double down on whatever position I’ve put out into the public for the past three months which is, that we, as the UK arent for regime change, but only for endless sanctions, that cant be relaxed unless there is regime change, and that the goal here is to humiliate russia so severely, that it never forgets that it can never have back Crimea for three generations at least, which then is obviously true, after the Ukraine has won the war, because Nato enlargement will prevent Russia from doing so.
So the fundraising effort for a ukrainian Marshall Plan is coming along well in Davos I hear? Look, Børge Brende was almost seen as having humanist tendencies, for the first time ever. Some say - even human tendencies, for the first time ever, …
But then the title of the Davos initiative surfaced… “CEOs for Ukraine.” Not that the Spiegel would comment on that these days - this is a classic news item you copy from asa/dpa and then move on to the next one.
edit: context (german)