The moment you realize…

10. Januar 2022

Fran­zis Hau­gen was **so** important to ger­man socie­ty, the NDR (ZAPP..) had one who­le free­lan­cer on the issue..

(Other out­lets also sent free­lan­cers to the euro­pean con­ta­ct group of jour­na­lists tal­king to Hau­gen. So this is not a one off…)

But then, tho­se free­lan­cer (sin­gu­lar) also were the peop­le that were doing the most in depth repor­ting, out­s­trip­ping the ent­i­re rest of the ger­man media sys­tem, while get­ting no air­ti­me. So they now have to use the web to bring for­ward details.

edit: After watching it: The details she brings for­ward are opi­ni­ons most­ly, so apart from hea­ring the state­ment I mir­ro­red here in the first part of the pos­ting, you are bet­ter off watching the UK hea­rings - as no new infor­ma­ti­on is unvei­led in this talk, and the over­all detail level is low. Which brings us back to one freelancer…

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