The not at all staged attack on Mariupol maternity ward - part 3

24. November 2023

Just goog­ling for back­ground infor­ma­ti­on on some of the alle­ged fac­to­ids of the Mariu­pol mater­ni­ty ward bom­bing - I came across the fol­lowing wri­te up of IPHR a Brussels based Human rights NGO, which went online on March 22, 2022 - and in all aspects and scope is bet­ter than the OSCE report or any of the media reports that I’ve read so far. (see: The Labour of Truth: Russia’s Attack on a Mater­ni­ty Hos­pi­tal in Mariu­pol as a War Crime)

It comes to the fol­lowing conclusion:

It is obvious that no mat­ter how desper­ate­ly the Rus­si­an side seeks to jus­ti­fy the inhu­man attack by its armed for­ces on the mater­ni­ty hos­pi­tal in Mariu­pol, two things remain obvious: their mani­pu­la­ti­on of the facts and their lies about the rea­sons for the bom­bing. Cer­tain­ly, it is necessa­ry to con­duct a more in-depth inves­ti­ga­ti­on into all the cir­cum­s­tan­ces of this attack. Howe­ver, at this sta­ge, the­re are alrea­dy more than suf­fi­ci­ent grounds to claim that the Rus­si­an side has com­mit­ted a war crime, for which all tho­se invol­ved should be held accountable.

Here is some of their arguing:

At the UN Secu­ri­ty coun­cil mee­ting the rus­si­an fede­ra­ti­on often refe­red to Mater­ni­ty Hos­pi­tal Nr. 1, which was not the one bom­bed. The one bom­bed was a mul­tipur­po­se com­plex pro­vi­ding several medi­cal ser­vices for women and child­ren of dif­fe­rent ages. Name­ly -- Mariu­pol Ter­ri­to­ri­al Medi­cal Asso­cia­ti­on for Children’s and Women’s Health. Both have deci­ded­ly dif­fe­rent addresses.

That said, the ent­i­re Media coverage still pre­fe­red to talk about it as the bom­bing of a Mater­ni­ty hospital.

So thats fun, becau­se the argu­ments made by the Rus­si­an side in the Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil mee­tings now also dont just con­cern one and the same loca­ti­on, but two dif­fe­rent ones.

The rus­si­an side clai­med, that Azow was sta­tio­ned the­re, while the­re is no media pro­of for that mat­ter, but the­re are alle­ged media reports of two com­pa­nies of the 36th mari­ne Bri­ga­de of the Ukrai­ne Armed for­ces having been the­re, its just that they arent asso­cia­ted with the Azow batal­li­on. Azow batal­li­on pro­bab­ly was used for its reco­gni­ti­on value. (Also, the one alle­ged report from “Igor” the son of one of the employees also men­ti­ons Azow, but sta­tes that he isnt sure who it was that came and - accord­ing to them “took over a mater­ni­ty hospital”.)

The main point is the deci­ded lack of pro­of for the alle­ga­ti­ons that the­re were Ukrai­ni­an com­ba­tants sta­tio­ned at the hos­pi­tal. None of the video or pho­to foo­ta­ge released shows anything of the kind. Evge­niy Malo­let­ka, when asked direct­ly also repor­ted on more than one occa­si­on, that they saw not­hing that would imply mili­ta­ry use (src, for examp­le: click)

The NGO specifies:

The only source that con­tains such first-hand infor­ma­ti­on is the report in the abo­ve men­tio­ned arti­cle by Howe­ver, this arti­cle was publis­hed only a day befo­re the attack on the mater­ni­ty hos­pi­tal of the Mariu­pol Ter­ri­to­ri­al Medi­cal Asso­cia­ti­on for Children’s and Women’s Health, and second­ly, it was publis­hed after Nebenzya’s speech at the UN Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil on 7 March and was remo­ved altog­e­ther soon after. Thus, Ser­gey Lavrov’s claim that he was moni­to­ring the situa­ti­on and had been acquain­ted with “emo­tio­nal­ly com­po­sed reports in the media” (alle­ged­ly, he had recei­ved infor­ma­ti­on about the sei­zu­re of the medi­cal insti­tu­ti­on three days befo­re the attack)[17] can­not be con­si­de­red reli­able. As one of the employees of the medi­cal insti­tu­ti­on noted, “the­re were pro­blems with hea­ting, electri­ci­ty, and water in the hos­pi­tal, as well as with baby food”. As for the fal­se Rus­si­an state­ments that Ukrai­ni­an com­ba­tants were hiding in the hos­pi­tal, she exp­lains, “Azov Bat­tali­on repre­sen­ta­ti­ves were in the hos­pi­tal on 3 March, they brought a who­le truck­load of huma­ni­ta­ri­an aid – dia­pers, baby food, cos­me­tics. The hos­pi­tal was shel­led on 9 March”.[18]

That said, the arti­cle is back online again. But can not be con­si­de­red reli­able is fair.

As for the alle­ga­ti­on, that the bomb cra­ter could not have been cau­sed by an ungui­ded bomb, it is sta­ted, that rus­sia has used them in this con­flict, has had a histo­ry of tar­ge­ting civi­li­an infra­st­ruc­tu­re in Syria, and alle­ged­ly used the same bombs in a bom­bing run on the city of Mariu­pol on the fol­lowing day.

The alle­ga­ti­on that the explo­si­on cra­ter was cau­sed by a Ukrai­ni­an mine meant to blow up the hos­pi­tal. Befo­re ana­ly­sing the explo­si­on cra­ter in the pho­to, it is necessa­ry to refer to the inter­ro­ga­ti­on of a Rus­si­an pri­so­ner of war, pilot Alex­an­der Kras­noy­arts­ev, during which he said that Rus­si­an mili­ta­ry com­mand deli­ber­ate­ly orders bom­bings of civi­li­an infra­st­ruc­tu­re and resi­den­ti­al are­as of Ukrai­ni­an Addi­tio­nal­ly, ins­tead of using precision- gui­ded muni­ti­ons, as clai­med by Rus­si­an mili­ta­ry com­man­ders and pro­pa­gan­dists, he said that they were using free-fall bombs (not precision-guided) OFAB-250-270, FAB-500, OFZAB-500. It should be noted that befo­re Russia’s cur­rent armed aggres­si­on against Ukrai­ne, Rus­sia used the same ungui­ded bombs in Syria.[21]

The natu­re of the dest­ruc­tion and the shape of the cra­ter fol­lowing the explo­si­on at the Mariu­pol hos­pi­tal indi­ca­te that it was cau­sed by an air­craft bomb, at least a modi­fi­ca­ti­on of the FAB-500. This type of bomb is cha­rac­te­ri­sed by a cra­ter of the same geo­metric shape, up to 8.5 m deep, while the maxi­mum radi­us of dest­ruc­tion of such a bomb for vul­nerable vehi­cles is 110-190 m.[23] All this is evi­dent from the video taken at the bomb­site near the Mariu­pol mater­ni­ty hos­pi­tal on 9 March. It is obvious that the tech­ni­cal cha­rac­te­ris­tics of at least a 500- kg high-explosive bomb cor­re­spond to the gene­ral pic­tu­re of the dest­ruc­tion after the bom­bing of the mater­ni­ty hos­pi­tal and the other near­by hos­pi­tal buil­ding of the Mariu­pol Ter­ri­to­ri­al Medi­cal Asso­cia­ti­on for Children’s and Women’s Health.

It should also be noted that on 10 March, Rus­si­an tro­ops car­ri­ed out ano­t­her air raid on the city and bom­bed its down­town, clo­se to a local dra­ma theat­re. The natu­re of the con­se­quen­ces of this bom­bing – the form of the cra­ter and the dest­ruc­tion cau­sed by the bom­bing – are qui­te simi­lar to the con­se­quen­ces of the bom­bing of the hospital.[24] Thus, it can be con­clu­ded that Rus­si­an tro­ops pur­po­se­ful­ly and repeated­ly used high-explosive bombs against civilians.

The NGO sta­tes further:

The dest­ruc­tion of the pre­mi­ses of the mater­ni­ty hos­pi­tal of the Mariu­pol Ter­ri­to­ri­al Medi­cal Asso­cia­ti­on for Children’s and Women’s Health its­elf is sim­ply cata­stro­phic, in stark con­trast to the state­ments of the Rus­si­an repre­sen­ta­ti­ve to the UN.

Which only is part­ly correct.

They refer to this photo:

Picture12 1

Which shows the part of the des­troy­ed area most high­ly impac­ted by the explosion.

The rus­si­an news out­let refe­ren­ced in the OECD report likes to show a dif­fe­rent image:

Bildschirmfoto 2023 11 24 um 20 15 48
src: click
Which is more in line with the two explo­si­ons theo­ry brought for­ward by the same website.


Accord­ing to experts, the shape and size of the cra­ters do not cor­re­spond to the dama­ge to the hos­pi­tal buil­ding and cars , the Rea­dov­ka por­tal repor­ted . The­re are no pene­tra­ti­on holes in the walls, that is, holes cha­rac­te­ris­tic of airstrikes. The­re are no signs of fire in the hos­pi­tal buil­dings, and the frames are not bro­ken. The trees around one of the cra­ters are inta­ct, which means that it appeared as a result of an explo­si­on from under­ground of an explo­si­ve char­ge weig­hing up to 100 kg in TNT equi­va­lent, buried 1.5-2 meters deep.

src: click

The argu­ment that the­re are no signs of fire, and the frame of the buil­ding is most­ly unda­ma­ged, is cor­rect. Its just that that one part, is hea­vi­ly damaged.

In stark con­trast to the state­ments of the Rus­si­an repre­sen­ta­ti­ve to the UN is still a fair state­ment though.

Then as a third argu­ment the con­fu­si­on about the beau­ty blog­ger being on the sce­ne and the alle­ga­ti­ons made on her behalf are men­tio­ned and right­ful­ly debunked.

Becau­se of all that it is argued, that the rus­si­an side resor­ted to con­fu­sing the mat­ter with a bunch of alle­ga­ti­ons that side­tra­cked the mat­ter - which is then framed as: “Two things remain obvious: their mani­pu­la­ti­on of the facts and their lies about the rea­sons for the bombing.”

Which in the NGOs argu­ment leads to the fol­lowing conclusion:

Cer­tain­ly, it is necessa­ry to con­duct a more in-depth inves­ti­ga­ti­on into all the cir­cum­s­tan­ces of this attack. Howe­ver, at this sta­ge, the­re are alrea­dy more than suf­fi­ci­ent grounds to claim that the Rus­si­an side has com­mit­ted a war crime, for which all tho­se invol­ved should be held accountable.”

With the most dam­ning pie­ce of cir­cum­stan­ti­al evi­dence being -

It should also be noted that on 10 March, Rus­si­an tro­ops car­ri­ed out ano­t­her air raid on the city and bom­bed its down­town, clo­se to a local dra­ma theatre.

That said, none of this is con­clu­si­ve pro­of. And if I’d plan an infor­ma­ti­on ope­ra­ti­on, red herings like an actual­ly pregnant social media influ­en­cer at the sce­ne, tal­king about this being a mater­ni­ty hos­pi­tal, when it was a gene­ral pur­po­se womens health hos­pi­tal, and sta­ging two explo­si­ons - then con­trol­ling the infor­ma­ti­on until my star repor­ter arri­ves at the sce­ne (social media reports did­n’t leak befo­re­hand), is not bey­ond the scope of imagination.

That rus­si­ans clai­med that Azow had taken over the faci­li­ty is just good pro­pa­gan­da posi­tio­ning. You’d pro­bab­ly do that just to cover the public per­cep­ti­on ang­le, that you had to do it, becau­se it was against “the bad guys”.

Here are a few other inte­res­ting tidbits.

The hos­pi­tal alle­ged­ly was bom­bed around 16:00 pm. Rus­si­an alle­ga­ti­ons that able peop­le who could lea­ve, would have pro­bab­ly left by the time the jour­na­list arri­ved and star­ted to docu­ment the bom­bing, rely on the assump­ti­on that the bom­bing was done “mid day”. That infor­ma­ti­on wasnt trick­ling out until the evening can be exp­lai­ned by an infor­ma­ti­on blo­cka­de (no inter­net except at that one spot).

Its also curious, that to this day Wiki­pe­dia sta­tes that Mater­ni­ty Hos­pi­tal No 3 was bom­bed when it wasnt. Mariu­pols City Hos­pi­tal No. 3 was bombed.

Also, in some record­ings of the inci­dent the sound of an air­pla­ne might have been iden­ti­fied. I havent men­tio­ned that befo­re, and I thought I’ve read it during my rese­arch - but I cur­r­ent­ly cant find any refe­ren­ces - which is my bad entirely.
edit: Found it: click

Its just inte­res­ting, that the OECD report is an utter pile of gar­ba­ge not loo­king at the actu­al claims, and - well the Cher­nov sto­ry is an epi­so­de in itself…

Oh, and rus­sia never clai­med that the alle­ged “sta­ging” didnt inclu­de an explo­si­on that shat­te­red all the win­dows on the buil­ding, in fact the­re are wit­ness accounts that it did.

Oh and the­re WERE two explo­si­ons. See: click (AP)

edit: Oh, and we have an alle­ged moti­ve now. Ter­ror in ser­vice of the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal war­fa­re cam­pai­gn to take over the city of Mariu­pol - quick­ly. Mili­ta­ry pro­pa­gan­da state­ments like “they wont last for more than a week” were spik­ed throughout rus­si­an media at right around the same time.

edit2: The “Pho­to illus­tra­ti­on” used by Kom­so­mol­ska­ya Prav­da apar­ent­ly was used by other rus­si­an media chan­nels in the week befo­re, indi­ca­ting that it would have been Mater­ni­ty hos­pi­tal No. 1. (A dif­fe­rent hos­pi­tal.) See: click

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