The Russian-Ukrainian war and the future military balance in Europe

02. Juni 2024

Two points -

1. Same old cir­cu­lar logic regar­ding the inter­nal rea­so­ning for the pro­lon­ga­ti­on of war.

So in essence - once you are in a pro­tra­c­ted war like this, and you noti­ced, that things arent going well, the “nati­onbuil­ding” starts to hap­pen in inwards/public facing pro­pa­gan­da - and I cant exist in a world, that just igno­res inter­nal pro­pa­gan­da rea­so­ning, until the end of days.

You need inter­nal pro­pa­gan­da, to sta­bi­li­ze socie­ties, to pro­long the war.

You dont call that “rus­si­as moti­va­ti­on” - you call that pro­pa­gan­da - and 

2. On the “His­to­ri­cal unity of Rus­si­ans and Ukrai­ni­ans text” - 

Habe gera­de etwas gemacht was man nicht machen darf

you cant use that as rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­on for the main goal of the rus­si­an for­eign poli­tics going for­ward. You can read that into it. You cant use it as pro­of for that.

The text is craf­ted in a way - to mean abso­lute­ly not­hing in terms of “action­ab­le pro­of for anything” - until the lat­ter events unfold.

Then you can use it as a stand-in for wha­te­ver argu­ment you need to hold, by just elon­ga­ting Putins his­to­ri­cal revi­sio­nism into the near future, and pro­po­sing that this [wha­te­ver fits in your sket­ched out ver­si­on of that pro­lon­ga­ti­on (you’­ve got five Tsars to pick from, and Fio­na Hill picked all of them!)] was always his aim.

That said - at the time it could have meant 

- pro­po­sed and or for­ced poli­ti­cal “inte­gra­ti­on” of the Donbas,
- mili­ta­ry sup­port for the Donbas,
- a limi­ted mili­ta­ry intervention, …

Anything. And peop­le ack­now­led­ged that at the time of its release. But as soon as the war star­ted - it, and Putins spee­ches in secu­ri­ty fora pri­or to it beca­me the pin­point “pro­of” of rus­sia working on the ree­sta­b­lish­ment of the USSR.

And becau­se tho­se fears ran deep with nor­dic sta­tes - and the EU is a con­sen­sus based decisi­on body… And the US pres­sed for “wha­te­ver this war is at this sta­ge”… final­ly, pro­lon­ged war of attri­ti­on until 2028 or 2030, until rus­sia runs out of stock to refurbish.

[And a ger­ma­ny that has lost its busi­ness model. Luck­i­ly enough we have the Zei­te­wen­de (whe­re the GMF at the time was the only insti­tu­ti­on that got a debrie­fing on “what that would actual­ly mean” ( ) and no jour­na­listic out­let did - they just all knew, that becau­se of that speech, not­hing would be the same on the day after -- becau­se thats how spee­ches work…).]

Its like the worlds most stu­pi­dest McGuf­fin. As it was used to signal some “god­gi­ven” (as in pseu­do his­to­ri­cal) “unity” nar­ra­ti­ve to someo­ne for sure.

But you dont know to whom. To sepe­ra­tists, to the reli­gious crowd, to hard­li­ners in the par­ty, to the peop­le who were cor­rup­ted and about to take action, to the rus­si­an public - as a gui­de­li­ne for poli­ti­cal sto­ry­tel­ling of what was to come --- but it is defi­ni­te­ly, posi­tively, no pro­of - that Putins war aim is the recrea­ti­on of the USSR. Thats Mear­s­hei­mers posi­ti­on btw - and hes abso­lute­ly cor­rect on that -

Thats not even remo­te­ly wit­hin the scope of the bound­ries of the text. Thats overinterpretation.

Sor­bon­ne, or not.

That said, if you find other pro­of, that rus­sia went into an irrever­si­ble path of action that aims for them beco­m­ing a super­power again at the end of it - then pre­sent it.

This in essence is what your argu­ment hin­ges on. If you can pro­ve that, then your argu­ment holds.

If you cant, then we are not tal­king about zero sum games here.

And so far, the pro­of for that has been lou­sy. (Not just in that Sor­bon­ne speech.)

For examp­le:

The war aim for rus­si­as eli­te could have just been to avoid all the pro­blems that come with an over­aging socie­ty in terms of social cohe­si­on. Yes the war also ser­ves a bunch of inter­nal pur­po­ses around crea­ting a new power eli­te, rai­sing it among cer­tain myths, even redu­cing the pro­spe­ri­ty of the rus­si­an public to some extent, which makes it more com­pa­ti­ble with Chi­nas deve­lo­p­ment tra­jec­to­ry. If you take the posi­ti­on, that the class thats in power in Rus­sia real­ly doesnt care much about anything other than “self replication/prolongation” - the­re are a bunch of rea­sons for “why a war might not have been the worst thing to start at that point in time”, that arent “to beco­me a gre­at power again”.

Sim­ply to secu­re cri­mea once and for all (Sewas­to­pol) could have been pret­ty high on that list (refe­ren­cing Her­fried Münk­ler) . Con­si­de­ring that the Ukrai­ne did ever­ything to pre­vent the long term func­tio­n­ing of anne­xed cri­mea f.e. (Suing (?) the com­pa­ny that got the con­tract to main­tain the bridge - put­ting it under an inter­na­tio­nal sanc­tion regime, …)) - so “land bridge” to cri­mea, also pro­bab­ly pret­ty high on the same list.

So that the recrea­ti­on of the USSR is the main aim, is - as far as I’m con­cer­ned, just storytelling.

Sto­ry­tel­ling that pre­vents any latch on point for diplomacy.

And with that - I have a problem.

I am much more pro­ne to the posi­ti­on of Sachs (stone me), that you could risk a “try run” - if “access to the black sea” was part of why rus­sia “had to” start this war in its inter­nal logic. Do what you have to do, to try to pre­vent the rear­ma­ment of rus­sia, pro­noun­ce the con­flict fro­zen - put in UN peace kee­pers, and see who rearms to what extent. Now its a bit late for that (also secu­ri­ty gua­ran­tees are an issue) - but you’­ve done ever­ything ima­gin­ab­le to pre­vent a diplo­ma­tic solu­ti­on from even being dis­cus­sed in the open.

Sabo­ta­ged so cal­led peace con­fe­ren­ces, remo­ved tho­se voices from the public dia­log, ridi­cu­led them open­ly, denoun­ced the Car­ne­gie Endow­ment for Inter­na­tio­nal Peace, -- this: 

Und man kann VON GLÜCK REDEN, dass das IWM Vien­na, also Wojciech Przy­byl­ski “united against Rus­sia” als neu­es Initi­al­mo­tiv einer geein­ten Euro­pa­er­zäh­lung für ange­bracht, rich­tig und wesent­lich hält, jetzt wo “Euro­pa steht für Frie­den” aus­ge­dient hat.

Have Selen­skyj sta­ge a peace con­fe­rence that only needs one of the con­flict (yes, its a war) par­ties to attend to… Gre­at stuff!

And it wasnt a risk based cal­cu­lus why you did that - it was one that was potentiality/oportunity dri­ven. “You pro­bab­ly could beat rus­sia fast!” That was the sales pitch in the first year.

Thats about the extent of my criticism.

Also argue for “the Ukrai­ne is figh­t­ing for sur­vi­val” a bit more con­vin­cin­gly - when all you have are “acts of geno­zi­de” - which still might be other war cri­mes” - by the hundreds -

(Brea­king dis­si­dents, inter­ro­ga­ti­on tac­tics, … Genozide?)

Scope and struc­tu­re matters.

But who am I kid­ding now - that anyo­ne is giving Rus­sia here a “fair tri­al” approach - when it comes to inter­pre­ting their war aims.

No one would ever do that, Wer­te­wes­ten or not - thats what histo­ry depart­ments are for, right? And they are all about stories…

Just a bit ear­ly to wri­te that histo­ry - in that Sor­bon­ne video - one mon­th ago…

On the other state­ments in the video I’m more favor­able - but I just about had it - that no one EVER until this day, was able to iden­ti­fy pro­pa­gan­da, and pro­pa­gan­da logic, when they men­ti­on five fuck­ing spee­ches, aimed at domestic publics in a war.

Pro­pa­gan­da hat ja wie­der nie­mand ent­deckt, am aller­we­nigs­ten der Gressel.

Gut - Mili­tär­ana­lyst, viel­leicht kennt der nur die klas­si­schen Anwendungsformen…

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