Well, maybe just add a touch of propaganda…

15. November 2023

Israel’s offi­cial Ara­bic account affi­lia­ted with the Minis­try of For­eign Affairs pos­ted a sel­fie video of a Pales­ti­ni­an nur­se con­dem­ning Hamas for taking over al-Shifa hos­pi­tal in the Gaza Strip on Nov. 11.

But some things about the video didn’t add up.

Ever­ything about it sma­cked of high school theater—from the bot­ched accent that sound­ed like it was strai­ght out of an Israe­li soap ope­ra to the per­fect­ly scrip­ted IDF tal­king points rol­ling off her tongue.

Hamas were ste­aling the fuel. Check.

Hamas were taking mor­phi­ne. Check.

Then the­re was the pris­ti­ne white lab coat loo­king like it had just come back from the dry clea­ner, the audio track of bombs fal­ling that sound­ed like sam­ples from a late-’80s Casio key­board, and the con­tri­ved stethoscope-waving you‘d expect from an extra on Grey’s Anatomy.

Hamas hadn’t sto­len her make­up though, which was immaculate.

The Pales­ti­ni­an Minis­try of Health logo slap­ped stra­te­gi­cal­ly in the back­ground but visi­ble over her shoul­der loo­ked like an OSINT honeytrap.

This video must be authen­tic right, I can see the Health Minis­try logo”—at least that’s what whoever made it would hope the bur­geo­ning army of sket­chy anony­mous OSINT (open source intel­li­gence) rese­ar­chers might say.

The only thing mis­sing was a degree han­ging in the back­ground say­ing Tel Aviv Ups­tairs Medi­cal College.

Oh, and perhaps I should have men­tio­ned this first, no one at al-Shifa had ever seen the nur­se before.

Soon, the volu­me of ridi­cu­le direc­ted at tho­se sharing it reached such a pitch that the Isra­el Ara­bic account dele­ted their tweet. I guess they didn’t know the source either.

src: click (Dai­ly Beast)

Schon schei­ße, wenn man das im deutsch­spra­chi­gen Jour­na­lis­mus nicht erwäh­nen darf nicht?

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