Claudia “nix Wissenschaft, nur Propaganda” Major

04. Oktober 2023

Wie kann man die Öffent­lich­keit eigent­lich noch verarschen?

Pro­pa­gan­da hat aber natür­lich immer noch nie­mand entdeckt.

Ein­stiegs­fra­ge: Wie lan­ge dau­ert der Krieg noch? Ant­wort, wie von den US Think­tanks aus­ge­ge­ben: Noch Zehn Jah­re (und dann noch eine Metric Shit­ton an stra­te­gi­scher Ambi­gui­tät “aber genau weiß ichs nicht!”). Sie­he Clü­ver Ashbrook:

Get­ting ban­ned on /r/ukraine is fun.

(Das Span­nen­de ist immer wann Nar­ra­ti­ve das ers­te Mal im deut­schen Medi­en Spek­trum auf­tau­chen - Clü­ver Ash­brook war hier die ers­te. (Also nach der Krieg ist nächs­tes Jahr zu Ende, die Offen­si­ve ist ein vol­ler Erfolg und dau­ert noch im Win­ter und durch die Ras­pu­tiza hin­durch an, dau­ert jetzt aber halt nicht ein Jahr, son­dern zehn - ein vol­ler Erfolg! Man kennt das ja. 

Wer war jetzt die ers­te Per­son die zehn Jah­re in den deut­schen Medi­en ver­brei­tet hat? Clü­ver Ash­brook.) Hurra!)

Also so weit so aus­wen­dig gelernt - was ja beleg­bar die Spe­zia­li­tät von Clau­dia Major ist, also das aus­wen­dig Ler­nen von US PR-Positionen - siehe:

What to best pair an App­le­baum with

Jetzt aber - böser, böser, gefin­kel­ter Mode­ra­tor, der weiß dass Clau­dia Major ihre State­ments nur von der US Admi­nis­tra­ti­on abkup­fert… Ver­ständ­nis Frage!

So ein böser Moderator…

Clau­dia Major: […] zwei­tes Ant­wort Ele­ment ist - das hängt auch von uns ab, also von den west­li­chen Unter­stüt­zer­staa­ten, wenn sie die Ukrai­ne poli­tisch, mili­tä­risch, finan­zi­ell, huma­ni­tär - sub­stan­zi­ell unter­stüt­zen, kann sie den Krieg hof­fent­lich schnel­ler zu ihren Guns­ten been­den [WIE VERSCHLAGEN MUSS MAN EIGENTLICH SEIN… Neu­er Game­ch­an­ger! Alles lie­fern! Sagt die allei­ni­ge Erfin­de­rin der Lern­kur­ve!] des­we­gen die kur­ze Ant­wort - ich weiß es nicht wie lan­ge hängt von uns ab. Und wahr­schein­lich eher länger.

Mode­ra­tor: Sie ver­wei­sen auf die For­schung und sagen, wenn es nach einem Jahr nicht vor­bei ist dau­ert es dann meis­tens sehr viel län­ger. Was ist da die Ursa­che dafür, rein wis­sen­schaft­lich, für die Län­ge des Krieges?

Clau­dia Major: Na ja, das sind ver­schie­de­ne Grün­de, das sind natür­lich ein­mal die mate­ri­el­len Fähig­kei­ten die­sen Krieg zu füh­ren [?] und da darf - in die­sem Fal­le hängt die Ukrai­ne sehr stark von der west­li­chen Unter­stüt­zung ab. Es hängt natür­lich aber auch an den Kriegs­grün­den und hier müs­sen wir sagen, dass so lan­ge Russ­land oder so lan­ge die Regie­rung Putin an ihren Kriegs­zie­len fest­hält also solan­ge sie die Iden­ti­tät und die eige­ne Staat­lich­keit und das Exis­tenz­recht der Ukrai­ne in Fra­ge stellt solan­ge wird es kei­nen Frie­den mit Russ­land und auch kei­ne Sta­bi­li­tät geben - und solan­ge Russ­land ein in Inten­ti­on also in Absich­ten und Zie­len und auch Instru­men­ten zutiefst mili­ta­ri­sier­ter Staat ist auch so lan­ge wird das kei­ne Sta­bi­li­tät und kein Frie­den geben und wenn man sich die­se bei­den Fak­to­ren zusam­men ansieht ist klar dass wir auf abseh­ba­re Zeit ohne einen fun­da­men­ta­len Wan­del in Russ­land kei­ne Sta­bi­li­tät, kei­ne Sicher­heit und kei­nen Frie­den haben wer­den und auch des­we­gen müs­sen wir uns auf einen lang­fris­ti­gen Kon­flikt einstellen.

[Ja dan­ke, wis­sen­schaft­lich bedeu­tet “was mir bedeu­ten­de Leu­te zum Sturz Putins sagen” schon klar. Hier ist sie, Clau­dia Major - Applaus! Der Mode­ra­tor ver­suchts noch mal -]

Mode­ra­tor: Kann man auch sagen dass es eben doch auch ein ganz ande­rer Krieg ist als im Irak und in Afgha­ni­stan wo die eine Sei­te Haus hoch über­le­gen war - etwa mit ihrer Luft­waf­fe und hier in der Ukrai­ne kämp­fen nun zwei Geg­ner auf Augen­hö­he in einem Infan­te­rie und Stel­lungs­krieg ist das auch ein Grund wes­we­gen es lag so lan­ge dauert?

Clau­dia Major: Ich weiß nicht ob der Begriff Augen­hö­he wirk­lich zutrifft, denn wenn sie die nack­ten Zah­len neh­men besteht ja ein Him­mel wei­ter Unter­schied zwi­schen Russ­land und der Ukrai­ne. [Und zwi­schen sowje­ti­schen und NATO Waf­fen] Russ­land mit 140 Mil­lio­nen Ein­woh­nern die Ukrai­ne um die 40 - Russ­land ein Atom­waf­fen­staat, die Ukrai­ne nicht. Das heißt zah­len­mä­ßig ist die Ukrai­ne Russ­land deut­lich unter­le­gen. Wir haben in die­sem Krieg aber auch gese­hen, dass die nack­ten Zah­len allei­ne nicht wei­ter­hel­fen, weil es gro­ße Unter­schie­de gibt - bei­spiels­wei­se in der Qua­li­tät der Armee, in dem Kamp­fes Wil­len in der Moral der Armee, des­halb ist es so schwer auch die Ergeb­nis­se vor­her­zu­sa­gen - und des­halb haben wir momen­tan die­se Patt-Situation, die sich nur sehr lang­sam zuguns­ten der Ukrai­ne wendet.

Jaja, man kennt das ja - kei­ner der Durch­brü­che ope­ra­tiv oder stra­te­gisch ver­wert­ba­rer Natur… Und vor allem -


Ich wuss­te ja nicht, ob sies wussten…


Wie, wis­sen­schaft­lich herleiten?

Ich Clau­dia Major!

Ich nur Mei­nung! Im Kostüm!

Ich erzäh­len was ich gelernt habe von guten Freun­den in US Think­tank Sze­ne und Administration.

Ich auch nicht wis­sen was Pro­pa­gan­da ist.

Ich Pro­pa­gan­da jeden­falls ja auch nie entdecken.

Ich aber fähig bera­ten deut­sche Bun­des­re­gie­rung - immer!

Ich gern gese­he­ner Gast in deut­schem Maisch­ber­ger Idiotenfernsehen.

Ich Clau­dia Major.

Ich nix Wis­sen­schaft, nur Propaganda.

Pro­pa­gan­da hat aber immer noch nie­mand ent­deckt. Was will man machen.

Und der Rest der öffent­li­chen Erzäh­lung wird ein­fach mit VOLLKOMMENEN LÜGEN ZURECHTGEZIMMERT.

Ich wuss­te ja nicht, ob sies wuss­ten, aber - Clau­dia Major bei 27 min in, Putin (wer sonst) ist bis­her nicht von sei­nen For­de­run­gen aus dem Essay im Juli zurück­ge­stie­gen, und ver­langt ja immer noch…

Clau­dia Mayor: So lan­ge Russ­land immer noch das Exis­tenz­recht der Ukrai­ne in Fra­ge stellt [Oh wir sind von es ihr abspricht abge­kom­men! In der For­mu­lie­rung? Ist das neu?] und von den Zie­len die Putin damals in sei­nem Essay damals auf­ge­schrie­ben hat und die seit damals regel­mä­ßig wie­der wie­der­holt wor­den sind - solan­ge Russ­land davon nicht abrückt, wird jeder Waf­fen­still­stand nur eine tak­ti­sche Atem­pau­se sein.

Klei­nes Pro­blem, das Essay ent­hält kei­ne ein­zi­ge For­de­rung und nicht ein Ziel.

Die Kriegs­zie­le wur­den immer noch in der Kriegs­er­klä­rungs­re­de von Putin for­mu­liert. Nicht im Juli, im Jahr davor.

Der Juli Text war eine geschichts­re­vi­sio­nis­ti­sche Abhand­lung über die his­to­ri­sche Eigen­stän­dig­keit der Ukrai­ne, die ihr - his­to­risch - abge­spro­chen wur­de, noch nicht mal mit - “viel­leicht muss ich “zur Lösung des Kon­flikts” die Sepa­ra­tis­ten­ge­bie­te aner­ken­nen”. Auch das kam erst später.

Hier der Inhalt des Essays vom Juli 2021:

[…] The­re­fo­re, modern Ukrai­ne is ent­i­re­ly the pro­duct of the Soviet era. We know and remem­ber well that it was shaped – for a signi­fi­cant part – on the lands of his­to­ri­cal Rus­sia. To make sure of that, it is enough to look at the bounda­ries of the lands reu­ni­ted with the Rus­si­an sta­te in the 17th cen­tu­ry and the ter­ri­to­ry of the Ukrai­ni­an SSR when it left the Soviet Union.


Of cour­se, insi­de the USSR, bor­ders bet­ween repu­blics were never seen as sta­te bor­ders; they were nomi­nal wit­hin a sin­gle coun­try, which, while fea­turing all the attri­bu­tes of a fede­ra­ti­on, was high­ly cen­tra­li­zed – this, again, was secu­red by the CPSU’s lea­ding role. But in 1991, all tho­se ter­ri­to­ries, and, which is more important, peop­le, found them­sel­ves abroad over­night, taken away, this time inde­ed, from their his­to­ri­cal motherland.


What can be said to this? Things chan­ge: coun­tries and com­mu­nities are no excep­ti­on. Of cour­se, some part of a peop­le in the pro­cess of its deve­lo­p­ment, influ­en­ced by a num­ber of rea­sons and his­to­ri­cal cir­cum­s­tan­ces, can beco­me awa­re of its­elf as a sepa­ra­te nati­on at a cer­tain moment. How should we tre­at that? The­re is only one ans­wer: with respect!

You want to estab­lish a sta­te of your own: you are wel­co­me! But what are the terms? I will recall the assess­ment given by one of the most pro­mi­nent poli­ti­cal figu­res of new Rus­sia, first mayor of Saint Peters­burg Ana­to­ly Sobchak. As a legal expert who belie­ved that every decisi­on must be legi­ti­ma­te, in 1992, he shared the fol­lowing opi­ni­on: the repu­blics that were foun­ders of the Uni­on, having denoun­ced the 1922 Uni­on Trea­ty, must return to the bounda­ries they had had befo­re joi­ning the Soviet Uni­on. All other ter­ri­to­ri­al acqui­si­ti­ons are sub­ject to dis­cus­sion, nego­tia­ti­ons, given that the ground has been revoked.

In other words, when you lea­ve, take what you brought with you. This logic is hard to refu­te. [außer natür­lich durch ter­ri­to­ria­le Inte­gri­tät in inter­na­tio­nal aner­kann­ten Gren­zen.] I will just say that the Bols­he­viks had embar­ked on resha­ping bounda­ries even befo­re the Soviet Uni­on, mani­pu­la­ting with ter­ri­to­ries to their liking, in dis­re­gard of people’s views.

The Rus­si­an Fede­ra­ti­on reco­gni­zed the new geo­po­li­ti­cal rea­li­ties: and not only reco­gni­zed, but, inde­ed, did a lot for Ukrai­ne to estab­lish its­elf as an inde­pen­dent coun­try. Throughout the dif­fi­cult 1990’s and in the new mill­en­ni­um, we have pro­vi­ded con­si­derable sup­port to Ukrai­ne. Wha­te­ver ”poli­ti­cal arith­me­tic“ of its own Kiev may wish to app­ly, in 1991–2013, Ukraine’s bud­get savings amoun­ted to more than USD 82 bil­li­on, while today, it holds on to the mere USD 1.5 bil­li­on of Rus­si­an pay­ments for gas tran­sit to Euro­pe. If eco­no­mic ties bet­ween our coun­tries had been retai­ned, Ukrai­ne would enjoy the bene­fit of tens of bil­li­ons of dollars.

Ukrai­ne and Rus­sia have deve­lo­ped as a sin­gle eco­no­mic sys­tem over deca­des and cen­tu­ries. The pro­found coope­ra­ti­on we had 30 years ago is an examp­le for the Euro­pean Uni­on to look up to. We are natu­ral com­ple­men­ta­ry eco­no­mic part­ners. Such a clo­se rela­ti­ons­hip can streng­t­hen com­pe­ti­ti­ve advan­ta­ges, incre­a­sing the poten­ti­al of both countries.


Today, high-tech indus­tri­al giants that were once the pri­de of Ukrai­ne and the ent­i­re Uni­on, are sin­king. Engi­nee­ring out­put has drop­ped by 42 per cent over ten years. The sca­le of deindus­tria­liz­a­ti­on and over­all eco­no­mic degra­dati­on is visi­ble in Ukraine’s electri­ci­ty pro­duc­tion, which has seen a near­ly two-time decre­a­se in 30 years. Final­ly, accord­ing to IMF reports, in 2019, befo­re the coro­na­vi­rus pan­de­mic bro­ke out, Ukraine’s GDP per capi­ta had been below USD 4 thousand. This is less than in the Repu­blic of Alba­nia, the Repu­blic of Mol­d­o­va, or unre­co­gni­zed Koso­vo. Nowa­days, Ukrai­ne is Europe’s poo­rest country.

Who is to bla­me for this? Is it the peop­le of Ukraine’s fault? Cer­tain­ly not. It was the Ukrai­ni­an aut­ho­ri­ties who wais­ted and frit­te­red away the achie­ve­ments of many genera­ti­ons. We know how hard­wor­king and talen­ted the peop­le of Ukrai­ne are. They can achie­ve suc­cess and out­stan­ding results with per­se­ver­an­ce and deter­mi­na­ti­on. And the­se qua­li­ties, as well as their open­ness, inna­te opti­mism and hos­pi­ta­li­ty have not gone. The fee­lings of mil­li­ons of peop­le who tre­at Rus­sia not just well but with gre­at affec­tion, just as we feel about Ukrai­ne, remain the same.


Even after the events in Kiev of 2014, I char­ged the Rus­si­an government to ela­bo­ra­te opti­ons for pre­ser­ving and main­tai­ning our eco­no­mic ties wit­hin rele­vant minis­tries and agen­ci­es. Howe­ver, the­re was and is still no mutu­al will to do the same. Nevertheless, Rus­sia is still one of Ukraine’s top three tra­ding part­ners, and hund­reds of thousands of Ukrai­ni­ans are com­ing to us to work, and they find a wel­co­me recep­ti­on and sup­port. So that what the ”aggres­sor sta­te“ is.

When the USSR col­lap­sed, many peop­le in Rus­sia and Ukrai­ne sin­ce­rely belie­ved and assu­med that our clo­se cul­tu­ral, spi­ri­tu­al and eco­no­mic ties would cer­tain­ly last, as would the com­mo­na­li­ty of our peop­le, who had always had a sen­se of unity at their core. Howe­ver, events – at first gra­du­al­ly, and then more rapidly – star­ted to move in a dif­fe­rent direction.


In essence, Ukraine’s ruling cir­cles deci­ded to jus­ti­fy their country’s inde­pen­dence through the deni­al of its past, howe­ver, except for bor­der issu­es. They began to mytho­lo­gi­ze and rewri­te histo­ry, edit out ever­ything that united us, and refer to the peri­od when Ukrai­ne was part of the Rus­si­an Empi­re and the Soviet Uni­on as an occup­a­ti­on. The com­mon tra­ge­dy of collec­ti­viz­a­ti­on and fami­ne of the ear­ly 1930s was por­tray­ed as the geno­ci­de of the Ukrai­ni­an people.

Radi­cals and neo-Nazis were open and more and more inso­lent about their ambi­ti­ons. They were indul­ged by both the offi­cial aut­ho­ri­ties and local olig­archs, who rob­bed the peop­le of Ukrai­ne and kept their sto­len money in Wes­tern banks […] [Ich kürz das mal ab…]

Step by step, Ukrai­ne was drag­ged into a dan­ge­rous geo­po­li­ti­cal game aimed at tur­ning Ukrai­ne into a bar­ri­er bet­ween Euro­pe and Rus­sia, a spring­board against Rus­sia. Ine­vi­ta­b­ly, the­re came a time when the con­cept of ”Ukrai­ne is not Rus­sia“ was no lon­ger an opti­on. The­re was a need for the ”anti-Russia“ con­cept which we will never accept.

The owners of this pro­ject took as a basis the old ground­work of the Polish-Austrian ideo­lo­gists to crea­te an ”anti-Moscow Russia“.


Last­ly, as ear­ly as May of this year, the cur­rent pre­si­dent intro­du­ced a bill on ”indi­ge­nous peo­p­les“ to the Rada. Only tho­se who con­sti­tu­te an eth­nic mino­ri­ty and do not have their own sta­te enti­ty out­side Ukrai­ne are reco­gni­zed as indi­ge­nous. The law has been pas­sed. New seeds of dis­cord have been sown. And this is hap­pe­ning in a coun­try, as I have alrea­dy noted, that is very com­plex in terms of its ter­ri­to­ri­al, natio­nal and lin­gu­is­tic com­po­si­ti­on, and its histo­ry of formation.

The­re may be an argu­ment: if you are tal­king about a sin­gle lar­ge nati­on, a tri­u­ne nati­on, then what dif­fe­rence does it make who peop­le con­si­der them­sel­ves to be – Rus­si­ans, Ukrai­ni­ans, or Bela­ru­si­ans. I com­ple­te­ly agree with this. Espe­cial­ly sin­ce the deter­mi­na­ti­on of natio­na­li­ty, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in mixed fami­lies, is the right of every indi­vi­du­al, free to make his or her own choice.

But the fact is that the situa­ti­on in Ukrai­ne today is com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent becau­se it invol­ves a for­ced chan­ge of iden­ti­ty. And the most des­pi­ca­ble thing is that the Rus­si­ans in Ukrai­ne are being for­ced not only to deny their roots, genera­ti­ons of their ances­tors but also to belie­ve that Rus­sia is their enemy. It would not be an exa­g­ge­ra­ti­on to say that the path of for­ced assi­mi­la­ti­on, the for­ma­ti­on of an eth­ni­cal­ly pure Ukrai­ni­an sta­te, aggres­si­ve towards Rus­sia, is com­pa­ra­ble in its con­se­quen­ces to the use of wea­pons of mass dest­ruc­tion against us. As a result of such a har­sh and arti­fi­cial divi­si­on of Rus­si­ans and Ukrai­ni­ans, the Rus­si­an peop­le in all may decre­a­se by hund­reds of thousands or even millions.

Our spi­ri­tu­al unity has also been atta­cked. As in the days of the Grand Duchy of Lit­hua­nia, a new eccle­si­asti­cal has been initia­ted. The secu­lar aut­ho­ri­ties, making no secret of their poli­ti­cal aims, have bla­tant­ly inter­fe­red in church life and [ich kürz das mal ab …]

I think it is also natu­ral that the repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Ukrai­ne over and over again vote against the UN Gene­ral Assem­bly reso­lu­ti­on con­dem­ning the glo­ri­fi­ca­ti­on of Nazism. Mar­ches and torch­lit pro­ces­si­ons in honor of remai­ning war cri­mi­nals from the SS units take place under the pro­tec­tion of the offi­cial aut­ho­ri­ties. Maze­pa, who betray­ed ever­yo­ne, Pet­li­ura, who paid for Polish patro­na­ge with Ukrai­ni­an lands, and Ban­de­ra, who col­la­bo­ra­ted with the Nazis, are ran­ked as natio­nal heroes.

Ever­ything is being done to era­se from the memo­ry of young genera­ti­ons the names of genui­ne patri­ots and vic­tors, who have always been the pri­de of Ukraine.

For the Ukrai­ni­ans who fought in the Red Army, in par­ti­san units, the Gre­at Patrio­tic War was inde­ed a patrio­tic war becau­se they were defen­ding their home, their gre­at com­mon Mother­land. Over two thousand sol­di­ers beca­me Heroes of the Soviet Uni­on. Among them are legen­da­ry pilot Ivan Kozhe­dub, fearless sni­per, defen­der of Odes­sa and Sevas­to­pol Lyud­mi­la Pav­li­chen­ko, [ich kürz das mal ab]


[und jetzt der gesam­te Schluss ohne edit]

The anti-Russia pro­ject has been rejec­ted by mil­li­ons of Ukrai­ni­ans. The peop­le of Cri­mea and resi­dents of Sevas­to­pol made their his­to­ric choice. And peop­le in the sou­the­ast peace­ful­ly tried to defend their stance. Yet, all of them, inclu­ding child­ren, were labe­led as sepa­ra­tists and ter­ro­rists. They were threa­tened with eth­nic clean­sing and the use of mili­ta­ry for­ce. And the resi­dents of Donetsk and Lug­ansk took up arms to defend their home, their lan­guage and their lives. Were they left any other choice after the riots that swept through the cities of Ukrai­ne, after the hor­ror and tra­ge­dy of 2 May 2014 in Odes­sa whe­re Ukrai­ni­an neo-Nazis bur­ned peop­le ali­ve making a new Kha­tyn out of it? The same mas­sa­c­re was rea­dy to be car­ri­ed out by the fol­lo­wers of Ban­de­ra in Cri­mea, Sevas­to­pol, Donetsk and Lug­ansk. Even now they do not aban­don such plans. They are biding their time. But their time will not come.

The coup d’é­tat and the sub­se­quent actions of the Kiev aut­ho­ri­ties ine­vi­ta­b­ly pro­vo­ked con­fron­ta­ti­on and civil war. The UN High Com­mis­sio­ner for Human Rights esti­ma­tes that the total num­ber of vic­tims in the con­flict in Don­bas has excee­ded 13,000. Among them are the elder­ly and child­ren. The­se are ter­ri­ble, irrepa­ra­ble losses.

Rus­sia has done ever­ything to stop frat­ri­ci­de. The Minsk agree­ments aimed at a peace­ful sett­le­ment of the con­flict in Don­bas have been con­clu­ded. I am con­vin­ced that they still have no alter­na­ti­ve. In any case, no one has with­drawn their signa­tures from the Minsk Packa­ge of Mea­su­res or from the rele­vant state­ments by the lea­ders of the Nor­man­dy for­mat coun­tries. No one has initia­ted a review of the United Nati­ons Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil reso­lu­ti­on of 17 Febru­a­ry 2015.

During offi­cial nego­tia­ti­ons, espe­cial­ly after being rei­ned in by Wes­tern part­ners, Ukraine’s repre­sen­ta­ti­ves regu­lar­ly decla­re their ”full adhe­rence“ to the Minsk agree­ments, but are in fact gui­ded by a posi­ti­on of ”unac­cep­ta­bi­li­ty“. They do not intend to serious­ly dis­cuss eit­her the spe­cial sta­tus of Don­bas or safe­guards for the peop­le living the­re. They pre­fer to explo­it the image of the ”vic­tim of exter­nal aggres­si­on“ and pedd­le Russo­pho­bia. They arran­ge bloo­dy pro­vo­ca­ti­ons in Don­bas. In short, they attract the atten­ti­on of exter­nal patrons and mas­ters by all means.

Appar­ent­ly, and I am beco­m­ing more and more con­vin­ced of this: Kiev sim­ply does not need Don­bas. Why? Becau­se, first­ly, the inha­bi­tants of the­se regi­ons will never accept the order that they have tried and are try­ing to impo­se by for­ce, blo­cka­de and thre­ats. And second­ly, the out­co­me of both Minsk‑1 and Minsk‑2 which give a real chan­ce to peace­ful­ly res­to­re the ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty of Ukrai­ne by com­ing to an agree­ment direct­ly with the DPR and LPR with Rus­sia, Ger­ma­ny and Fran­ce as media­tors, con­tra­dicts the ent­i­re logic of the anti-Russia pro­ject. And it can only be sus­tai­ned by the con­stant cul­ti­va­ti­on of the image of an inter­nal and exter­nal enemy. And I would add – under the pro­tec­tion and con­trol of the Wes­tern powers.

This is what is actual­ly hap­pe­ning. First of all, we are facing the crea­ti­on of a cli­ma­te of fear in Ukrai­ni­an socie­ty, aggres­si­ve rhe­to­ric, indul­ging neo-Nazis and mili­ta­ri­sing the coun­try. Along with that we are wit­nessing not just com­ple­te depen­dence but direct exter­nal con­trol, inclu­ding the super­vi­si­on of the Ukrai­ni­an aut­ho­ri­ties, secu­ri­ty ser­vices and armed for­ces by for­eign advi­sers, mili­ta­ry ”deve­lo­p­ment“ of the ter­ri­to­ry of Ukrai­ne and deploy­ment of NATO infra­st­ruc­tu­re. It is no coin­ci­dence that the afo­re­men­tio­ned fla­grant law on ”indi­ge­nous peo­p­les“ was adop­ted under the cover of large-scale NATO exer­ci­ses in Ukraine.

This is also a dis­gui­se for the take­over of the rest of the Ukrai­ni­an eco­no­my and the explo­ita­ti­on of its natu­ral resour­ces. The sale of agri­cul­tu­ral land is not far off, and it is obvious who will buy it up. From time to time, Ukrai­ne is inde­ed given finan­cial resour­ces and loans, but under their own con­di­ti­ons and pur­suing their own inte­rests, with pre­fe­ren­ces and bene­fits for Wes­tern com­pa­nies. By the way, who will pay the­se debts back? Appar­ent­ly, it is assu­med that this will have to be done not only by today’s genera­ti­on of Ukrai­ni­ans but also by their child­ren, grand­child­ren and pro­bab­ly great-grandchildren.

The Wes­tern aut­hors of the anti-Russia pro­ject set up the Ukrai­ni­an poli­ti­cal sys­tem in such a way that pre­si­dents, mem­bers of par­lia­ment and minis­ters would chan­ge but the atti­tu­de of sepa­ra­ti­on from and enmi­ty with Rus­sia would remain. Reaching peace was the main elec­tion slo­gan of the incum­bent pre­si­dent. He came to power with this. The pro­mi­ses tur­ned out to be lies. Not­hing has chan­ged. And in some ways the situa­ti­on in Ukrai­ne and around Don­bas has even degenerated.

In the anti-Russia pro­ject, the­re is no place eit­her for a sov­er­eign Ukrai­ne or for the poli­ti­cal for­ces that are try­ing to defend its real inde­pen­dence. Tho­se who talk about recon­ci­lia­ti­on in Ukrai­ni­an socie­ty, about dia­lo­gue, about fin­ding a way out of the cur­rent impas­se are label­led as ”pro-Russian“ agents.

Again, for many peop­le in Ukrai­ne, the anti-Russia pro­ject is sim­ply unac­cep­ta­ble. And the­re are mil­li­ons of such peop­le. But they are not allo­wed to rai­se their heads. They have had their legal oppor­tu­ni­ty to defend their point of view in fact taken away from them. They are intimi­da­ted, dri­ven under­ground. Not only are they per­se­cu­t­ed for their con­vic­tions, for the spo­ken word, for the open expres­si­on of their posi­ti­on, but they are also kil­led. Mur­de­rers, as a rule, go unpunished.

Today, the ”right“ patri­ot of Ukrai­ne is only the one who hates Rus­sia. Moreo­ver, the ent­i­re Ukrai­ni­an state­hood, as we under­stand it, is pro­po­sed to be fur­ther built exclu­si­ve­ly on this idea. Hate and anger, as world histo­ry has repeated­ly pro­ved this, are a very shaky foun­da­ti­on for sov­er­eig­n­ty, frau­ght with many serious risks and dire consequences.

All the sub­ter­fu­ges asso­cia­ted with the anti-Russia pro­ject are clear to us. And we will never allow our his­to­ri­cal ter­ri­to­ries and peop­le clo­se to us living the­re to be used against Rus­sia. And to tho­se who will under­ta­ke such an attempt, I would like to say that this way they will des­troy their own country.

The incum­bent aut­ho­ri­ties in Ukrai­ne like to refer to Wes­tern expe­ri­ence, see­ing it as a model to fol­low. Just have a look at how Aus­tria and Ger­ma­ny, the USA and Cana­da live next to each other. Clo­se in eth­nic com­po­si­ti­on, cul­tu­re, in fact sharing one lan­guage, they remain sov­er­eign sta­tes with their own inte­rests, with their own for­eign poli­cy. But this does not pre­vent them from the clo­sest inte­gra­ti­on or allied rela­ti­ons. They have very con­di­tio­nal, trans­pa­rent bor­ders. And when cros­sing them the citi­zens feel at home. They crea­te fami­lies, stu­dy, work, do busi­ness. Inci­dent­al­ly, so do mil­li­ons of tho­se born in Ukrai­ne who now live in Rus­sia. We see them as our own clo­se people.

Rus­sia is open to dia­lo­gue with Ukrai­ne and rea­dy to dis­cuss the most com­plex issu­es. But it is important for us to under­stand that our part­ner is defen­ding its natio­nal inte­rests but not ser­ving someo­ne else’s, and is not a tool in someo­ne else’s hands to fight against us.

We respect the Ukrai­ni­an lan­guage and tra­di­ti­ons. We respect Ukrai­ni­ans’ desi­re to see their coun­try free, safe and prosperous.

I am con­fi­dent that true sov­er­eig­n­ty of Ukrai­ne is pos­si­ble only in part­ners­hip with Rus­sia. Our spi­ri­tu­al, human and civi­liz­a­tio­nal ties for­med for cen­tu­ries and have their ori­gins in the same sources, they have been har­den­ed by com­mon tri­als, achie­ve­ments and vic­to­ries. Our kin­ship has been trans­mit­ted from genera­ti­on to genera­ti­on. It is in the hearts and the memo­ry of peop­le living in modern Rus­sia and Ukrai­ne, in the blood ties that unite mil­li­ons of our fami­lies. Tog­e­ther we have always been and will be many times stron­ger and more suc­cess­ful. For we are one people.

Today, the­se words may be per­cei­ved by some peop­le with hos­ti­li­ty. They can be inter­pre­ted in many pos­si­ble ways. Yet, many peop­le will hear me. And I will say one thing – Rus­sia has never been and will never be ”anti-Ukraine“. And what Ukrai­ne will be – it is up to its citi­zens to decide.

Ver­trau­en sie nicht mir, LESEN SIES NACH. Link

Oder ver­trau­en sie Stan­ford CISAC die damals, vor dem Krieg, noch nicht ein­mal einen Satz gefun­den haben, der die Staat­lich­keit der Ukrai­ne HEUTE, in Fra­ge gestellt hat.

Schon Scheis­se - wenn der Stan­ford CISAC Typ damals noch 

On the rus­si­an side in july, rus­si­an pre­si­dent Vla­di­mir Putin publis­hed a leng­thy five to six thousand word essay, in which he all but denied Ukrai­ne the right to exist as a sov­er­eign inde­pen­dent state.


Was will man machen - Clau­dia Major kennt die For­de­run­gen des Putin Texts vom Juli.

Sind aber kei­ne drinnen.

Bei 28min in:

Clau­dia Major: Aber noch mal, ich fin­de das ganz wich­tig zu sagen, solan­ge Russ­land sei­ne Zie­le nicht ver­än­dert, und das hat es nicht ver­än­dert. Es ist immer noch der Mei­nung, dass die Ukrai­ne als eigen­stän­di­ger Staat kein Exis­tenz­recht hat, und so lan­ge es -- sowohl die Regie­rung als auch die Gesell­schaft zu tiefst mili­ta­ri­siert ist, und sie auch die Fähig­kei­ten dazu haben, solan­ge sehe ich kei­ne Chan­ce auf Frie­den. Son­dern solan­ge ist, ich sage es noch­mal jeder Waf­fen­still­stand ledig­lich eine Atem­pau­se. Mei­ne sehr geschätz­te Kol­le­gin Maga­re­te Klein hat von einem Sequenz­krieg gesprochen! […]

Clau­dia Major, mei­ne Damen und Her­ren - Clau­dia Major.


Die­se Gesell­schaft ist ein­fach das abso­lut gro­tesk, abar­tigst Allerletzte.

Alles vol­ler Lügen.

edit: Boah, voll tol­ler Zufall eigent­lich, zdfheu­te spricht heu­te mit Clü­ver Ash­brook, was eigent­lich in den US momen­tan so abgeht… Ich hol mir schon mal den Notizblock!

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