How to prosecute russia

02. Juni 2022

Ama­zing insight into con­cep­tu­al inter­na­tio­nal cri­mi­nal law deba­tes around hol­ding rus­sia accoun­ta­ble for the war in Ukraine.

So “crime of aggres­si­on” (aimed at punis­hing lea­ders or plan­ners of an armed con­flict or war) cur­r­ent­ly is not enfor­ce­ab­le in inter­na­tio­nal cri­mi­nal pro­se­cu­ti­on. Also, the US is wary to opt to enga­ge the inter­na­tio­nal cri­mi­nal court on that mat­ter in gene­ral, becau­se of a minor and I quo­te (from memo­ry 😉 ) issue with dou­ble stan­dards on how the US argu­men­ta­ti­on went on not invo­king it in the case of warcri­mes in Afghanistan. 

So how do we keep our wes­tern values, and get crea­ti­ve so we can punish rus­si­an gene­rals or war plan­ners on the inter­na­tio­nal sta­ge, in a court of law, and use that at the same time, to set a pre­ce­dent for a new kind of glo­bal tri­bu­nal sys­tem that would be accep­ted by the ent­i­re world.

Look for the “If we dont do It, we’d cer­tain­ly loo­se credi­bi­li­ty.” moment.

This falls under “defen­ding wes­tern values” I think. Also inte­res­ting to know, that a likely out­co­me (also depen­ding on the length of the war) still would be inaction.


edit: Con­text: click

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