“And it follows news earlier today, that president Selenskyj will not agree to a seize fire deal, that involves giving up any territory.”
News “earlier today” right?
Not for anyone actually following his speeches over the past three months. Like no f*cking journalist out there.
So lets summarize. We have a fixed public political position of “deliver the Ukraine the most bestest offensive attack weapons it could want”, while the country has just extended martial law to the end of august, and that includes a general draft policy (NYT “Ukraine’s Draft Dodgers Face Guilt, Shame and Reproach”). We have outsourced all of Europes decision making to “the Ukrainians have to decide when they want to stop on their own”. We’ve f*cking played the public for a sucker with CONSTANT “no, they just want the pre 24.02. position back”, until this very week. We’ve made a f*cking mockery out of people saying anything against heavy weapon shipments, because we didnt educate anyone, that this was an Atlantic council demand at first, which the Ukraine then copied, pre Butscha - or what supplying offensive weapons means for the development of the f*cking war. We’ve hardly gotten out there, that the US administration is HEAVILY involved in the daily operations of running this war, and went on a public stall out against the ukranian government, when they flirted with “independence of parts of their country” as a way to resolve the conflict - for even a week.
We have canaries in both the CFR and on the media front, that confirm, that the US might have done far too little not to escalate in the beginning (not letting the Ukraine become a part of Nato was never acceptable as a part of negotiations on their part), we have a public that is not educated, that you cant ask for Nato membership (they have no open door policy
European countries that wish to join NATO are initially invited to begin an Intensified Dialogue with the Alliance about their aspirations and related reforms. Aspirants may then be invited to join the Membership Action Plan, a programme which helps nations prepare for possible future membership. Participation does not guarantee membership, but is a key preparation mechanism.
src: click
The NATO, as a defense union is invitation based.), but that talks about it are “extended to you as an invite”, we have it on record, that those discussions in december concerning Nato extension never included european interests, and were unilateraly ended by the US - that month, while diplomatic venues were open until the end of february, but a change in positions was out of the question. On the media front, we have people like Nina Chruschtschowa on Democracy Now confirming that US generals she talks to are now telling her that the scenario they are aiming for now, is to produce a second Afghanistan for the Russian leadership, while the same generals dont say jack sh*t about that to media.
Media in general f*cked the public by telling it bullshit about Selenskyjs position in general and over time - up to and until this very week, and not just media, we have EU advisers to Josep Borrell putting out fake “what the Ukraine wants to contemplate an end of this war is the the borders of 23. 02. back” messaging this f*cking week. (Fake, because that was never the position of the Ukraine. Isn’t now, never was in the past.) Because they f*cking get “informed” through the same transatlantic friendship initiative channels, that dominate their public position.
No one fucking corrects this. No one fucking factchecks any part of it.
Now the media pivots towards “this (retaining the borders of Feburary 23rd would make it possible to engage in seize fire talks is not the defining position) is news from yesterday”, which just simply isnt true, it was inferred by the usual guests in the usual media channels, but it was never declared that way, at one time it was simply stated to be one of the prerequisites (edit: 25. 05.: die Wiener Zeitung schafft es ENDLICH nach drei Monaten in denen es übergangen wurde, die komplette Position Selenskyjs zu bestätigen. Wer den Teil warum Selenskyj sich unbedingt mit Putin treffen muss braucht, findet ihn, vor zwei Monaten, bei Zakaria.) -- but only in a configuration, where Selenskyj would then be able to talk to Putin and dictate to him a peace, where Putin would have all russian military leave the Ukraine and give up Crimea, to be molded into a self governed zone, as part of the Ukraine, for some time - while Selenskyj actively thinks about how to reintegrate the brainwashed people (his words on CNN, not mine)) and just a way to get the public back on track to anything resembling something close to reality -- after all the political positions are now fixed on the national and EU level…
And to summarize this in one paragraph, you only need to know, that the entire german speaking media system f*cking eat up the cool aid from transatlantic thinktank initiatives, for three months in a row, the ECFR pitched positions for a f*cking month that never were in the european interest longterm as “the future concepts for the european union”, and provided the f*cking “the public needs to be brought in line to be in favor of a prolonged war” agenda setting in f*cking headline articles their CEO wrote, which the f*cking newsmedia copied verbatim, without as much as leaving a f*cking word of comment on what they were publishing at a time. Which as part of their job ethics they arent allowed to. This is going agains journalistic best practices. You dont simply let someone else promote agenda setting items for an entire society at large, while giving them a platform, and not commenting in the least. And they did.
Or even shorter, if the US isnt running this war, and the entirety of EU decision makers, and much more the entire german and austrian media system didnt curl themselves up and into a corner and started to put out their emotional storytelling and propaganda for three months straight, failing to even listen to Selenskyj speeches in full -- it would be a f*cking monumental coincidence leading to the same outcome, that took place over the past three months.
Using US friendship initiatives as central incubators for now dominant narratives and positions on the topic, that were invented by other US thinktanks months prior.
Until the f*cking goal of “everyone who wanted to argue for a compromise - is publicly ridiculed and pacifists get hanged for being “oldfashioned” and crazy” and all the decision aspects got delegated to a ukrainian government (that got the “cut all the insane parts out of the speeches they are holding” treatment from the entire media system since the war started), was fulfilled --
and then, after the f*cking G7 meeting, and after you had every german official state in public, that the Ukraine itself has to choose every aspect, of when and how it wants to enter into peace talks, with a public still not noticing that the US is pumping in 12x the funds into a military solution of this war, than the EU, germany and france combined, the curtain drops.
Now Ukraine is “more outspoken, because they now think, they have everything they need to win!”.
Now you’ve gotten what you wanted all along. And everyone even taking the word “seize fire” in their mouth is a F*CKING PARIA, thanks to german and austrian media.
Because, thats not what the Ukraine wants.
And winning, really is the only way out of it.
Thank you for fulfilling your democratic duty, media system, truly the institutional fourth pillar of democracy.
Diese Gesellschaft ist das Letzte. Das nächste Mal, wenn ihr die Gesellschaft für drei Monate verarschen wollt, setzt euch wenigstens ne lustige Kappe auf, dann hab auch ich dabei meinen Spass…
edit: Oh sorry, I f*cking forgot, the f*cking journalistic questions after f*cking bilateral press conferences between germany and the ukraine (held by Habeck, because - well, he isnt foreign minister, so of course you use him to pump the f*cking messaging on bilateral talks with Kuleba into the german public), that simply got dropped and not answered, when they dared to ask anything about this matter - two weeks ago… I guess some journalistic outlets did try. Its just that the public at large didnt notice, that that might be important work, so who the fuck cares, right?
SLEEP TIGHT! Don’t let the bedbugs bite!
HOW MUCH DID IT TAKE FOR YOU AS A JOURNALIST TO SWALLOW THIS INDIVIDUALLY? 2000 Euro? 1000 Euro? A dinner with transatlantic friends?
Diese Gesellschaft ist das Letzte.