Prior to an invasion?

22. Februar 2022

MOSCOW (AP) — The White House on Tues­day began refer­ring to Rus­si­an troop deploy­ments in eas­tern Ukrai­ne as an “inva­si­on” after initi­al­ly hesi­ta­ting to use the term — a red line that Pre­si­dent Joe Biden has said would result in the U.S. levy­ing seve­re sanc­tions against Moscow.

Several Euro­pean lea­ders said ear­lier in the day that Rus­si­an tro­ops have moved into rebel-held are­as in eas­tern Ukrai­ne after Rus­si­an Pre­si­dent Vla­di­mir Putin’s reco­gni­zed their inde­pen­dence — but some indi­ca­ted it was not yet the long-feared, full-fledged invasion.

Later, the White House signal­ed a shift in its own position.

We think this is, yes, the begin­ning of an inva­si­on, Russia’s latest inva­si­on into Ukrai­ne,” said Jon Finer, princi­pal depu­ty natio­nal secu­ri­ty advi­ser. “An inva­si­on is an inva­si­on and that is what is underway.”

The White House deci­ded to begin refer­ring to Russia’s actions as an “inva­si­on” becau­se of the situa­ti­on on the ground, accord­ing to a U.S. offi­cial who spo­ke on the con­di­ti­on of anony­mi­ty to dis­cuss inter­nal deliberations.

The admi­nis­tra­ti­on resis­ted initi­al­ly cal­ling the deploy­ment of tro­ops becau­se the White House wan­ted to see what Rus­sia was actual­ly going to do. After asses­sing Rus­si­an troop move­ments, it beca­me clear it was a new inva­si­on, the offi­cial added.

src: click

Nato Press Con­fe­rence star­ting at 17:00 MEZ.

edit: Nato: May­be not an inva­si­on. Com­bat for­ma­ti­ons of rus­si­an for­ces on satel­li­te images. Last night more tro­ops moved into the Don­bas regi­on. “Yet - it is never too late not to attack”. “Rus­sia has alrea­dy inva­ded Ukrai­ne - back in 2014.”.

Also Nato: Alrea­dy an inva­si­on, becau­se addi­tio­nal rus­si­an toops have moved into the Don­bas, whe­re they alrea­dy had been in a covert capa­ci­ty, but now new con­tin­gents were moved the­re. [Tro­ops did not have mili­ta­ry insignias.]


Putin for­dert Neu­tra­li­tät und Demi­li­ta­ri­sie­rung der Ukraine

Kreml-Chef Wla­di­mir Putin gibt gera­de eine Pres­se­kon­fe­renz. Er for­dert dar­in die Neu­tra­li­tät der Ukrai­ne und die Demi­li­ta­ri­sie­rung des Landes.

src: click

edit3: Nina Khrush­che­va on the decisi­onma­king sur­roun­ding the cur­rent situa­ti­on: click


EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursu­la von der Ley­en wird auf CNN dazu befragt, war­um sie expli­zit von kei­ner mili­tä­ri­schen Inva­si­on Russ­lands spricht. Sie bezeich­net Mos­kaus Vor­ge­hen als “ernst­haf­ten Bruch von inter­na­tio­na­lem Recht”. Die Gebie­te wür­den schon seit fast acht Jah­ren besetzt wer­den, Bewe­gung rus­si­scher Trup­pen sehe man der­zeit “nur” dort. Man beob­ach­te Wla­di­mir Putin und sei­ne Hand­lun­gen aber genau, sagt von der Ley­en - ein zwei­tes Sank­ti­ons­pa­ket ste­he schon bereit und wäre “ein enor­mer Schlag gegen Russland”.

src: click

edit5: Biden has rei­tera­ted that an inva­si­on took place, announ­ced fur­ther finan­cial sanc­tions, resta­ted that they would help to uphold ener­gy secu­ri­ty in coor­di­na­ti­on with their part­ners, and that that they would stand and act united with wes­tern allies.

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