Wie kann man die Bevölkerung eigentlich noch verarschen?

06. November 2022

Mit gele­ak­ten Mel­dun­gen die Ukrai­ne zu Ver­hand­lun­gen zu drän­gen, aber nur pro for­ma, sie wis­sen schon - um den Krieg zu verlängern!

Washing­ton Post:

U.S. pri­va­te­ly asks Ukrai­ne to show it’s open to nego­tia­te with Russia

The encou­ra­ge­ment is aimed not at pushing Ukrai­ne to the nego­tia­ting table, but ensu­ring it main­tains a moral high ground in the eyes of its inter­na­tio­nal backers

The Biden admi­nis­tra­ti­on is pri­va­te­ly encou­ra­ging Ukraine’s lea­ders to signal an open­ness to nego­tia­te with Rus­sia and drop their public refu­sal to enga­ge in peace talks unless Pre­si­dent Vla­di­mir Putin is remo­ved from power, accord­ing to peop­le fami­li­ar with the discussions.

The request by Ame­ri­can offi­cials is not aimed at pushing Ukrai­ne to the nego­tia­ting table, the­se peop­le said. Rather, they cal­led it a cal­cu­la­ted attempt to ensu­re the government in Kyiv main­tains the sup­port of other nati­ons facing con­sti­tu­en­ci­es wary of fue­ling a war for many years to come.
The dis­cus­sions illus­tra­te how com­plex the Biden administration’s posi­ti­on on Ukrai­ne has beco­me, as U.S. offi­cials publicly vow to sup­port Kyiv with mas­si­ve sums of aid “for as long as it takes” while hoping for a reso­lu­ti­on to the con­flict that over the past eight mon­ths has taken a punis­hing toll on the world eco­no­my and trig­ge­red fears of nuclear war.


src: click

Geh komm - LECK.




Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das aller­letz­te. Sterbt ihr ver­fick­ten Schweine.

Wir sind schon für Waf­fen­still­stands­ab­kom­men, aber mehr so aus PR Grün­den, weil unse­re Posi­ti­on so kom­plex gewor­den ist…

Wer­te­wes­ten, oder?

edit: Oh, klei­nes Detail am Ran­de noch - kann man schon mal im 20sten Unter­pa­ra­gra­phen ver­ste­cken, wenn man die WP ist…

Brazil’s Lula says Zelens­kiy ‘as respon­si­ble as Putin’ for Ukrai­ne war


BRASILIA, May 4 (Reu­ters) - For­mer Bra­zi­li­an Pre­si­dent Luiz Inacio Lula da Sil­va said Rus­sia never should have inva­ded Ukrai­ne, but he belie­ves Ukrai­ni­an Pre­si­dent Volo­dym­yr Zelens­kiy is as much to bla­me for the war as Rus­si­an lea­der Vla­di­mir Putin.

In an inter­view with Time maga­zi­ne publis­hed on Wed­nes­day, the lef­tist lea­der also said U.S. Pre­si­dent Joe Biden could have done more to pre­vent the con­flict ins­tead of inci­ting it.

Lula, who is on Time’s cover this week, is front-runner for the Octo­ber elec­tions when he hopes to deny far-right Pre­si­dent Jair Bol­so­na­ro re-election and return to office after the annulment last year of cor­rup­ti­on con­vic­tions that had put him in jail.
Lula said it is irre­spon­si­ble for Wes­tern lea­ders to cele­bra­te Zelens­kiy becau­se they are encou­ra­ging war ins­tead of focu­sing on closed-door nego­tia­ti­ons to stop the fighting.

I see the Pre­si­dent of Ukrai­ne, spea­king on tele­vi­si­on, being applau­ded, get­ting a stan­ding ova­ti­on by all the Euro­pean par­lia­men­ta­ri­ans,” he told Time.

This guy is as respon­si­ble as Putin for the war. Becau­se in the war, there’s not just one per­son guil­ty,” he added.

Lula said Biden and Euro­pean Uni­on lea­ders fai­led to do enough to nego­tia­te with Rus­sia in the run-up to its inva­si­on of Ukrai­ne in February.
“The United Sta­tes has a lot of poli­ti­cal clout. And Biden could have avoided war, not inci­ted it,” he said. “Biden could have taken a pla­ne to Moscow to talk to Putin. This is the kind of atti­tu­de you expect from a leader.”

The United Sta­tes and Euro­pean Uni­on could have avoided the inva­si­on by sta­ting that Ukrai­ne would not join NATO, he said.

Putin should­n’t have inva­ded Ukrai­ne. But it’s not just Putin who is guil­ty. The U.S. and the EU are also guil­ty,” Lula said.

src: click

Komisch, das deckt sich mit dem State­ment des Papsts im Juni. Wie kommts? 

Lie­ber nicht wei­ter dar­über berich­ten. Wer­te­wes­ten, verpflichtet.

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