Zeihan is on a Ukraine explainer tour

28. März 2022

src: click
Gems: Rus­si­an troop buil­dup star­ted, when the US con­ti­nued sup­ply­ing hig­her levels of mili­ta­ry assi­s­tance in novem­ber, and for the first time allo­wed Ukrai­ni­ans to use some of tho­se wea­pons (Jave­lins) in the rus­si­an occu­p­ied ter­ri­to­ries in the east. Rus­sia, then rea­li­zed, that if they want to act, they “had to act now”, and star­ted the troop build up, …

Stuff like that, you know… Unimo­portant stuff.

This is the first con­ver­sa­ti­on with him on topic - I’m cur­r­ent­ly still in the pro­cess of watching, which is Zei­han sel­ling a cra­zy, drop dead dumb, slow, man­ly and axes in the back­ground you­tuber his ide­as, while the you­tuber is sel­ling their books, and his man­ly­ness.. But you know - its Zei­han, so I’m watching any­how… (Second, Third, edit: Fourth)

edit: Is it me, or is Zei­han more in “pro­jec­ting mode” than usu­al.. 😉 (“If same hap­pens to china…”)

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