Oh no, next level is fractals upon fractals!

18. Januar 2022

Sor­ry. Bad joke… 😉 It’s just that the “New Euro­pean Bau­haus” update on goals, thanks to the Davos PR cir­cuit from three days ago, is so - wor­dy? When peop­le start thro­wing around ‘frac­tal’ and ’next level’ for no rea­son, you know your pro­ject is going well.

Back­ground: click

Bonus: Social Entre­pre­neurs­hip gues­sing game: Do the­se peop­le belie­ve in what they are sel­ling? If you are bored by that, you can also count how often the term ‘holistic’ is thrown around.


11. Januar 2022

The magic of orthodoxy

06. Januar 2022

Cur­te­sy to the bri­tish rag that is the Tele­graph, that almost was acqui­red by Sprin­ger a few years ago. Of cour­se in their “Off Script” seri­es that fea­tures frin­ge opi­ni­ons, to also give them some form of repre­sen­ta­ti­on wit­hin society.

In a 2020 inter­view with Toby Young, Kot­kin descri­bed the 1619 Pro­ject from the New York Times as an “intel­lec­tu­al fraud” based on a slan­ted and incom­ple­te ana­ly­sis of his­to­ri­cal data.[12] His latest book is The Com­ing of Neo-Feudalism: A Warning to the Glo­bal Midd­le Class (Encoun­ter Books, 2020).[13]

src: click

So the­re goes ano­t­her per­so­na non grata…

The magic of journalism

06. Januar 2022

The magic of social science

03. Januar 2022

I’ve seen him!”